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Lyrics of Maher Zain's Song - Ramadan Gana and Its Translation in English

Lyrics of Maher Zain's Song - Ramadan Gana and Its Translation in English Maher Zain's Song - Ramadan Gana (credit: YouTube Official) - The song Ramadan Gana by Maher Zain brings a sense of happiness and warmth in welcoming the holy month. The lyrics are full of meaning, depicting joy and togetherness. It's no wonder this song has become a favorite to enliven the atmosphere of Ramadan around the world.

In this article, Kapanlagi presents the complete lyrics of the song Ramadan Gana along with its translation in English. Through this translation, you can better understand the spiritual message conveyed by Maher Zain in this touching and inspiring song.

If you want to understand the meaning of this song, here are the lyrics of Ramadan Gana by Maher Zain and its translation in English. Let's check it out, KLovers!

1. Lyrics of Maher Zain - Ramadan Gana

Wake up, O you who are asleep
Awaken, O you who are sleeping

Unite the eternal
Unite the everlasting

There is no god but Allah
There is no god but Allah

Noble Ramadan
Noble Ramadan

The lights in the alley shine brightly
The lights in the alley are shining bright

Tell the story of a new guest
Tell the story of a new guest

Filling my heart with joy
Filling my heart with happiness

And making this world like a holiday
And making this world like a celebration

Ramadan has come
Ramadan has arrived

And we rejoice in it
And we are happy because of it

After its long absence
After being away for a long time

Welcome Ramadan
Welcome Ramadan

Sing and say a full month
Sing and say a month full

Sing and say
Sing and say

Welcome Ramadan
Welcome Ramadan

Ramadan has come
Ramadan has arrived

And the call can be heard within us
And the call is heard within us

Calling us with every adhan
Calling us with every call to prayer

It says, come to the Qur'an
It says, come to the Qur'an

And fill our hearts with faith
And fill our hearts with faith

And let the loved ones gather
And let the beloved ones gather

And we hear the knocking of doors
And we hear the knocking at the doors

And the table of love unites us
And the table of love brings us together

Gathering the separated after a long time
Gathering those who were apart after a long separation

Ramadan has come
Ramadan has arrived

And we rejoice in it
And we are happy because of it

After its long absence
After being away for a long time

Welcome Ramadan
Welcome Ramadan

Sing and say a full month
Sing and say a month full

Sing and say
Sing and say

Welcome Ramadan
Welcome Ramadan

Ramadan has come
Ramadan has arrived

Welcome Ramadan
Welcome Ramadan

Say it with us
Say it with us

Welcome Ramadan
Welcome Ramadan

Ramadan has come
Ramadan has arrived

These are the lyrics of the song Ramadan Gana by Maher Zain along with its translation. There are still many other religious song recommendations that KLovers can discover by reading articles on Because, if not now, when else?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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