Kapanlagi.com - The song Qomarun performed by Nissa Sabyan has become one of the popular sholawat songs that are widely loved. Its beautiful lyrics depict the glory of Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Like a full moon that illuminates the world with the light of goodness and love. With a gentle melody and meaningful lyrics, this song touches the hearts of every listener.
Here are the complete lyrics of the song Qomarun along with its translation for easier understanding and appreciation. Let's check it out, KLovers!
1. Lyrics of Nissa Sabyan - Qomarun
Qomarun, Qomarun
Meaning: Full moon, full moon
Qomarun, Qomarun
Meaning: Full moon, full moon
Syamsun, Syamsun
Meaning: Sun, sun
Syamsun, Syamsun
Meaning: Sun, sun
Wa jamil, wa jamil
Meaning: The beautiful, the beautiful
Wa jamil, wa jamil
Meaning: The beautiful, the beautiful
Nabi, ya nabi
Meaning: O Prophet, O Prophet
Nabi, ya nabi
Meaning: O Prophet, O Prophet
Wahabibi, wahabibi
Meaning: O beloved, O beloved
Wa jamil, wa jamil
Meaning: The beautiful, the beautiful
Wa jamil, wa jamil
Meaning: The beautiful, the beautiful
That is the complete lyrics of the song Qomarun along with its translation. There are still many other religious song lyrics that KLovers can discover by reading articles on kapanlagi.com. Because, if not now, when?
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.