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Lyrics of Sabr & Shukr - Zain Bhikha and Its Translation, Messages of Patience and Gratitude in Life

Lyrics of Sabr & Shukr - Zain Bhikha and Its Translation, Messages of Patience and Gratitude in Life Song Sabr & Shukr - Zain Bhikha (credit: - The song Sabr & Shukr by Zain Bhikha carries a profound message about the importance of patience and gratitude in living life. With touching lyrics and a soothing melody, this song invites listeners to always remember Allah's blessings in every situation.

In each stanza, the lyrics of the song Sabr & Shukr depict how humans often forget the blessings they have. Through its translation, we can understand the meaning of patience when facing trials and the importance of gratitude for everything that has been given, no matter how small.

Let's take a look at the complete lyrics of the song Sabr & Shukr by Zain Bhikha along with its translation in Indonesian. Come on, let's check it out KLovers!

1. Lyrics of the Song Sabr & Shukr - Zain Bhikha

There was so much on my mind on my bed I lay
There was so much on my mind as I lay in bed

I turned to my side and I heard a voice say
I turned to my side and heard a voice say

Stop all your whining heart rates declining
Stop complaining, your heart rate is slowing down

You've got so much more than most
You have so much more than most people

Look how you're sleeping
Look at how you are sleeping

How much you've eaten
How much you have eaten

Don't you know that you're supposed to say
Don't you know that you should say

Sabr and Shukr are wonderful things
Patience and gratitude are wonderful things

The praises to Allah we should always sing
Praises to Allah we should always sing

When things go right it's from Him not me
When things go well, it is from Him, not from me

And when they are wrong we get through patiently
And when things go wrong, we face them patiently

I got out of bed, began to walk
I got out of bed, started to walk

Bumped into some folks and we started to talk
Bumped into some people and we started to talk

Did you hear about the killing the bloodshed the stealing
Did you hear about the killings, the bloodshed, the stealing

The grass got burned on the other side
The grass on the other side got burned

Soldiers a coming people a running
Soldiers are coming, people are running

All that's left is the orphan child
All that is left is the orphan child

Sabr and Shukr are wonderful things
Patience and gratitude are wonderful things

The praises to Allah we should always sing
Praises to Allah we should always sing

When things go right it's from Him not me
When things go well, it is from Him, not from me

And when they are wrong we get through patiently
And when things go wrong, we face them patiently

I opened my eyes and began to see
I opened my eyes and began to see

Everything that's happening around me
Everything that is happening around me

What seemed half empty now seems so full
What once seemed half empty now feels so full

There's no use crying over what's been spilled
There is no use crying over what has been spilled

While babies are dying mothers are crying
While babies are dying, mothers are crying

Their containers have never even been filled
Their containers have never even been filled

Inn Allah ha, Ma As Saabireen
Indeed Allah is with the patient

Sabr and Shukr are wonderful things
Patience and gratitude are wonderful things

Sabr and Shukr are wonderful things
Patience and gratitude are wonderful things

Sabr and Shukr are wonderful things
Patience and gratitude are wonderful things

Sabr and Shukr are wonderful things
Patience and gratitude are wonderful things

I opened my eyes began to see
I opened my eyes, began to see

Everything that's happening around me
Everything that is happening around me

Sabr and Shukr are wonderful things
Patience and gratitude are wonderful things

The praises to Allah we should always sing
Praises to Allah we should always sing

Sabr and Shukr are wonderful things
Patience and gratitude are wonderful things

The praises to Allah we should always sing
Praises to Allah we should always sing

Sabr and Shukr are wonderful things
Patience and gratitude are wonderful things

The praises to Allah we should always sing
Praises to Allah we should always sing

When things go right it's from Him not me
When things go well, it is from Him, not from me

And when they are wrong we get through patiently
And when things go wrong, we face them patiently

That is the lyrics of the song Sabr & Shukr by Zain Bhikha that you can understand the meaning of, KLovers. There are still many other religious lyrics that KLovers can learn more about by reading articles on Because, if not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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