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Lyrics and Meaning of the Song 'A Thousand Times' - Sami Yusuf about True Love Feelings

Lyrics and Meaning of the Song 'A Thousand Times' - Sami Yusuf about True Love Feelings Lyrics and Meaning of the Song 'A Thousand Times' - Sami Yusuf (credit: instagram/samiyusuf) -

The song A Thousand Times by Sami Yusuf is a song that successfully evokes feelings. Its lyrics are full of meaning and convey deep emotions about loss and the struggles of a person. Although filled with sadness, this song also carries a message of hope and eternal love.

Through its lyrics, this song illustrates how important the presence of a loved one is. The absence of that person makes the world feel empty and cold. However, in every challenge, there is a spirit to keep striving for true love.

To delve deeper into the meaning contained in the song A Thousand Times by Sami Yusuf, let's take a look at the following review.

1. Lyrics of A Thousand Times - Sami Yusuf 

Here are the complete lyrics of this song:

Without your warmth, without your smile
Without you, by my side
The world was so cold, I felt so lost
Without your light, I felt so blind
A thousand miles I'd run and walk
A thousand times I'd slip and fall
But for you, I'd do it again
A thousand times

Without your warmth, without your smile
Without you, by my side
The world was so cold, I felt so lost
Without your light, I felt so blind
You gave me hope, you let me dream
Made me believe I can still trust
You raised me up, you gave me wings
Just like a kite in the sky

A thousand miles I'd run and walk
A thousand times I'd slip and fall
But for you, I'd do it again
A thousand times

No words are enough to convey
All the things I want to say
I won't even try 'cause I know
Deep down, you feel how much I care
Now I hold my head up high
I see my dreams coming true
Peace be with you, my dearest friend
In my heart, you will remain

A thousand miles I'd run and walk
A thousand times I'd slip and fall
But for you, I'd do it again
A thousand times

2. Translation of the Lyrics of the Song A Thousand Times - Sami Yusuf

To understand the deep meaning of this song, here is the translation of the lyrics into English:

Without your warmth, without your smile

Without you by my side
The world feels so cold, I am so lost
Without your light, I feel blind

I would walk a thousand miles
A thousand times I fall and rise
But for you, I would do it again
A thousand times

Without your warmth, without your smile
Without you by my side
The world feels so cold, I am so lost
Without your light, I feel blind

You give me hope, you let me dream
Make me believe that I can still believe
You lift me up, you give me wings
Like a kite in the sky

I would walk a thousand miles
A thousand times I fall and rise
But for you, I would do it again
A thousand times

No words are enough to convey
Everything I want to say
I wouldn't even try because I know
Deep in your heart, you feel how much I care

Now I hold my head high
I see my dreams come true
At peace with you, my beloved friend
In my heart, you will always stay

I would walk a thousand miles
A thousand times I fall and rise
But for you, I would do it again
A thousand times

3. Meaning of the Song A Thousand Times - Sami Yusuf

The song A Thousand Times depicts feelings of deep loss and longing. The lyrics convey how the world feels empty without the presence of a loved one. The sadness is so profound that it feels like being lost in darkness. However, despite going through many challenges, the singer remains willing to fight for the person who means so much to him.

Furthermore, this song also teaches about hope and the strength of love. The figure portrayed in this song not only brings hope but also inspires one to keep dreaming and believing in oneself. Like a kite flying high, love and support from someone can carry us through various difficulties in life.

In the end, the song delivers a message about sincerity and respect for someone who has given so much meaning to life. No words are enough to express the depth of love and gratitude, but the singer believes that the person in question will always understand his feelings. The song A Thousand Times serves as a reminder of the value of struggle, sincerity, and the meaning of genuine relationships in life.

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Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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