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Lyrics of Qesset Hob - Ramy Ayach and Its Translation in English

Lyrics of Qesset Hob - Ramy Ayach and Its Translation in English Song Qesset Hob - Ramy Ayach (credit: - The song Qesset Hob performed by Ramy Ayach is a beautiful love story packaged in a romantic melody and touching lyrics. This song depicts the deep feelings between two people who love each other, making it a song full of emotion and warmth.

With poetic lyrics and captivating rhythm, Qesset Hob is able to convey an eternal love story. For fans of Arabic music, the lyrics of the song Qesset Hob by Ramy Ayach provide a profound experience that can be felt in every verse.

Here are the complete lyrics of the song Qesset Hob by Ramy Ayach along with its translation in English. Let's check it out, KLovers!

1. Lyrics of the Song Qesset Hob - Ramy Ayach

in the story of love on the edge of the wind
This is a love story on the edge of the wind

the most beautiful story of the heart, where we both are the actors
The most beautiful heart story, where we are both the protagonists

inside it, there is what I dream of
Inside it, there is what I have dreamed

and with you, I feel the most beautiful feeling
And with you, I feel the most beautiful feeling

with our eyes, we say the most beautiful words
With our eyes, we express the most beautiful words

our hearts laugh with longing and we forget ourselves
Our hearts laugh with longing and we forget ourselves

and we forget everyone, just me and you
We forget everyone, it’s just me and you

now we will live together
And now we will live together

this is the most beautiful day in my life
This is the most beautiful day of my life

because I met you, my love
Because I met you, my love

I will always be with you, my beloved
I will always be with you, my sweetheart

by God, I will not leave you

you are the one who makes all my times happy
You are the one who makes all my times joyful

oh, I have lived with you feeling the whole world
Oh, I have lived with you feeling the whole world

the moment of our meeting, my love, is something I have never experienced
The moment of our meeting is something I have never experienced in my life

I found myself running to you
I found myself running to you

my eyes in your eyes
My eyes are in your eyes

and I held your hand
And I held your hand

is there any beauty after this?
Is there any beauty after this?

I have never seen anything like it
I have never seen anything as beautiful as this

the most beautiful thing my eyes have seen
The most beautiful thing my eyes have ever seen

in all my life
In all my life

her eyes are a sleepless night
Her eyes are a sleepless night

I am mesmerized in them
I am enchanted by them

oh my eyes, oh night
Oh, my eyes, oh night

this is the most beautiful day in my life
This is the most beautiful day of my life

because I met you, my love
Because I met you, my love

I will always be with you, my beloved
I will always be with you, my sweetheart

by God, I will not leave you
By God, I will not leave you

you are the one who makes all my times happy
You are the one who makes all my times joyful

That is the lyrics of the song Qesset Hob by Ramy Ayach and its translation that KLovers can know. There are many other religious song lyrics that KLovers can discover by reading articles on Because, if not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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