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Lyrics of the Song Natawassal bil Hubabah Anisa Rahman, Has a Deep Meaning

Lyrics of the Song Natawassal bil Hubabah Anisa Rahman, Has a Deep Meaning Lyrics of the Song Natawassal bil Hubabah Anisa Rahman (credit: instagram/anisarahmaan) - The song Natawassal bil Hubabah - Anisa Rahman has successfully captured the attention of music listeners, especially Muslims. This is because the song contains a meaningful message about honoring noble figures in Islam, particularly Khadijah r.a., the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, and Fatimah r.a., his daughter.

The song Natawassal bil Hubabah features a gentle rhythm and lyrics full of devotion. This song invites you to reflect on the significant roles of noble women in supporting the struggle of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Khadijah r.a., depicted as a perfect role model, gave everything she had for Islam, including her wealth, time, and affection.

The deep meaning of Natawassal bil Hubabah is not just praise but also a reminder for Muslims about the importance of sincerity and sacrifice in living life. This song inspires you to emulate their noble qualities. To clarify further, here is a review of the lyrics, translation, and interpretation of the song Natawassal bil Hubabah:

1. Lyrics of the Song Natawassal bil Hubabah

The song Natawassal bil Hubabah features beautifully flowing lyrics with a deep message about the guidance of parents and teachers that is often overlooked. Here is an excerpt from the lyrics of the song Natawassal bil Hubabah:

Natawassal bil Hubabah, Wal batuulil mustathobah
Wannabiyy tsumma shohaabah, fa'asa da'wah mujaabah
A'dzomu zzaujaati qodro, qod talaqqot minhu amro
Khathobat ahmadu bikra, ghanimat minhu syababah
Ma lahaa qod anfaqothu, wali taha wa habathu
Datsaraathu zammalathu, hawanat 'anhu shi'aabah

Qod habaahallahu busyroo, wa 'alat dzikron wa fakhro'
Sa'idat dunya wa ukhro, aslamat qoblash shohabah
Inna fil jaannati qosron, li khadiijati wa hiya ahro
Wa'thoyallahi tatro, fawaqha mitsla sahaabah
'Asyarot toha nabiina, anjabaat minhul banina
Walkatsiro thoyyibina, wabiha saalat sya'aabah
Natawassal bil Hubabah, Wal batuulil mustathobah
Wannabiyy tsumma shohaabah, fa'asa da'wah mujaabah

2. Translation of the Lyrics of the Song Natawassal bil Hubabah

The lyrics of Natawassal bil Hubabah contain translations filled with moral messages and reminders for the listeners. Here is the translation of the lyrics of the song Natawassal bil Hubabah:

We seek intercession with the beloved (Khadijah r.a),
and she who is very pure and valued (Fatimah r.a).
And the Prophet and his companions, may our prayers be answered (by Allah).
The greatest wife (Khadijah r.a) received a command from him (Prophet Muhammad SAW).
She was engaged to the Prophet when she was young and she was still enjoying her youth.
She spent what she had for the provisions (of the Prophet's mission) SAW.
She comforted the Prophet by wrapping him up, and she (Khadijah r.a) also alleviated his difficulties.

Allah has given her glad tidings (of paradise), and she has also been granted special rights and superiority (over all the women of the world).
She has been given the pleasures of this world and the Hereafter, she will be saved (enter paradise) before the companions.
Indeed, in paradise there is a special place, which is only for her (Khadijah r.a).
The blessings of Allah come to her like clouds (unceasingly).
She lived with him (Prophet Muhammad saw) and was blessed with several children.
And from her, many good hearts emerged, her goodness is passed down to her children.

3. Interpretation of the Meaning of the Song Natawassal bil Hubabah

The song Natawassal bil Hubabah - Anisa Rahman contains a very inspiring message, especially in honoring the role of Khadijah r.a. as the wife and loyal companion of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. This song teaches you about the importance of sacrifice and loyalty in living life, as demonstrated by Khadijah r.a.

In addition, the song Natawassal bil Hubabah also reminds you to emulate the companions and family of the Prophet Muhammad SAW who are known for their noble character. By seeking intercession through them, Muslims are invited to draw closer to Allah and ask for His mercy and forgiveness.

The main message of this song is about true love, sincerity, and devotion without limits. Natawassal bil Hubabah serves as a reminder that a life full of blessings can be achieved by emulating noble role models like Khadijah r.a. and Fatimah r.a. who always prioritize faith and goodness.

That is among the reviews related to the lyrics, translation, and interpretation of the meaning of the song Natawassal bil Hubabah - Anisa Rahman. Find the lyrics and interpretations of other songs at If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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