Lyrics of the Song 'Ending in Repentance' - Anisa Rahman: A Journey Towards Regret and Hope
If you want to know the lyrics, here are the complete lyrics of the song Ending in Repentance by Anisa Rahman. Let's check it out, KLovers! - The song Kullul Qulub by Anisa Rahman touches the heart with its profound lyrics about love and the strength of the heart. Through meaningful lyrics, this song invites listeners to reflect on feelings and relationships that build inner resilience.
The lyrics of the song Kullul Qulub offer a message about sincerity in the heart and the importance of love that strengthens. The poignant melody complements the message conveyed, creating an atmosphere full of meaning and emotional touches in every verse of the song.
If you want to know the lyrics and their meaning, here are the lyrics of the song Kullul Qulub by Anisa Rahman complete with its meaning. Let's check it out, KLovers!
Kullul qulubi ilal habibi tamilu
Every heart that tends to love the beloved
Wa ma'iya bidzalika syahidun Syahidun wa dalilu
In it lies a sign and evidence
Ammad-dalilu idza dzakartu Muhammadan
The sign is when I mention the name of the Prophet Muhammad
Shorot dumu'ul 'asyiqina tasilun
Flow the tears of those who are yearning
Kullul qulubi ilal habibi tamilu
Every heart that tends to love the beloved
Wa ma'iya bidzalika syahidun Syahidun wa dalilu
In it lies a sign and evidence
Ammad-dalilu idza dzakartu Muhammadan
The sign is when I mention the name of the Prophet Muhammad
Shorot dumu'ul 'asyiqina tasilun
Flow the tears of those who are yearning
The love of Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah for us
Throughout life until the Hereafter
His intercession is granted by Allah Ta'ala
For the safety of those who follow his Sunnah
O master of the two worlds, O banner of guidance
This is me who is captivated, in your embrace I rest
If I find an opportunity from you
Kullul qulubi ilal habibi tamilu
Every heart that tends to love the beloved
Wa ma'iya bidzalika syahidun Syahidun wa dalilu
In it lies a sign and evidence
Ammad-dalilu idza dzakartu Muhammadan
The sign is when I mention the name of the Prophet Muhammad
Shorot dumu'ul 'asyiqina tasilun
Flow the tears of those who are yearning
Kullul qulubi ilal habibi tamilu
Every heart that tends to love the beloved
Wa ma'iya bidzalika syahidun Syahidun wa dalilu
In it lies a sign and evidence
Ammad-dalilu idza dzakartu Muhammadan
The sign is when I mention the name of the Prophet Muhammad
Shorot dumu'ul 'asyiqina tasilun
Flow the tears of those who are yearning
These are the lyrics of the song Kullul Qulub by Anisa Rahman along with its meaning. There are still many other lyrics that KLovers can discover by reading articles on KapanLagi. Because, if not now, when else?
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If you want to know the lyrics, here are the complete lyrics of the song Ending in Repentance by Anisa Rahman. Let's check it out, KLovers!
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