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Pouring Confusion Into a Work, Arash Buana Releases the Song 'Lmao I Just Broke Up'

Pouring Confusion Into a Work, Arash Buana Releases the Song 'Lmao I Just Broke Up' Arash Buana (Credit: - Talented young singer Arash Buana has just released his latest single titled Lmao I Just Broke Up. This song was written from Arash Buana's personal experience of feeling sad, angry, and disappointed after a breakup. Indirectly, Arash Buana pours all of his confusion into Lmao I Just Broke Up.

"So, Lmao I Just Broke Up is my way of telling the story that there are moments where a relationship can no longer be maintained due to various reasons, and as sane human beings, we must be able to accept that. I believe that by accepting it, it will have a positive impact on our lives, and without realizing it," said Arash in a virtual press conference on Friday (9/7/2021).

Actually, Arash Buana did not intend to release the song Lmao I Just Broke Up. He wanted to release a different single. However, when it was listened to, this 18-year-old singer became interested in releasing the song.

1. Different Song

"I wrote this song in March, originally I wasn't planning to release this song but another song. Eventually, I listened to the other song and it was good. But suddenly, I wasn't in the mood and I produced a new one. I wrote it in March, finished it in June, actually the process was quick,"

In the production process of the song Lmao I Just Broke Up, Arash Buana was assisted by Ldr Project, namely Recky Risanto, Dewangga Elsandro, and also David Elsandro. They provided a different musical presentation compared to Arash Buana's previous singles.

"I didn't feel like my character was formed here. My character doesn't exist yet. Arash Buana's genre is Arash Buana. That's why this song is different from the previous ones. The most important thing is that the song is good and I like it," he said.

2. Gambling for a While

Arash himself has a special signature in playing bedroom pop music that is simple, playing with room ambience and the power of lyrics. The song Lmao I Just Broke Up is very easy to understand for teenagers who are heartbroken.

"This is one of the singles that I am happy about. Although initially there was a gambling thought," concluded Arash Buana.

The song Lmao I Just Broke Up has received positive responses from the general public, especially Arash Buana's fans. Proof of this is that within one day of its music video release on Arash Buana's YouTube channel, the song has been watched by tens of thousands of viewers.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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