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Release of New Mini Album, Dr. Bram's Project Collaborates with Dion Agung on the Song 'Cinta Tiga Malam'

Release of New Mini Album, Dr. Bram's Project Collaborates with Dion Agung on the Song 'Cinta Tiga Malam' Dr. Bram's Project Collaborates with Dion Agung (Credit: Special) - Do you still remember Dion Agung? The Idol competition graduate who is known for performing the song Sik Asik in a pop jazz version on the Idol stage. In this project, Dr. Bramundito Sp.OG or known as Dr. Bram's Project releases a Mini Album with several musicians, one of whom is Dion Agung.

In a pop jazz style, Dion Agung was chosen to sing the song which is also the title of the mini album and the debut single titled Cinta Tiga Malam.

Cinta Tiga Malam, a song written by Dr. Bram based on the experiences of people around him. Many have experienced falling in love briefly and then disappearing. However, that story leaves memories and longing.

1. Simple Lyrics

This song is packaged with simple lyrics, and arranged by Afif Gifano with a strong pop jazz nuance with the piano that mesmerizes us when listening to it.

Mini Album that contains 5 songs with various stories and themes in each song. The pandemic, which has caused many changes in activities and the ups and downs of each person's condition around them, became the inspiration for writing.

2. Consists of 5 Songs

Mini Album Cinta Tiga Malam, consists of 5 songs. In addition to Dion Agung, Dr. Bram's also collaborated with several talented young singers. There is Dinal in the song Bahagia Atas Kesedihan with a ballad nuance.

In addition, collaboration was also done with Hafiz Pribadi in the song Take it Easy. He wrote this song to give encouragement to the people around him with a pop blues nuance. There is also Amanda Vaharani in the song Takdir Cinta with a romantic ballad nuance.

3. Instrumental Song

Dr. Bram also created an instrumental song titled La Salsa Solitaria in collaboration with drummer Alsa, which he made to accompany moments of solitude.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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