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Introducing a New Concept, Young Singer Izma Fakhira Rafani Releases Mini Album 'The Sound Of Izma'

Introducing a New Concept, Young Singer Izma Fakhira Rafani Releases Mini Album 'The Sound Of Izma' Izma Fakhira Rafani Releases Mini Album (Credit: Special) - Young singer Izma Fakhira Rafani is showing more seriousness in the world of singing. This singer from Denpasar, Bali, has just released a mini album titled The Sound Of Izma. What's special is that she released it on her 7th birthday, which falls on January 22nd.

The Sound Of Izma contains six songs. One of the songwriters is her own mother. The first song is titled Buka Puasa (Breaking the Fast) composed by Adhien Mashar, followed by the songs "Sayang Guru" (Dear Teacher) and "Yuk Sekolah" (Let's Go to School) composed by her own mother. Through this album, Izma brings a new atmosphere to each song in the album.

"I made these songs for children to provide education and religious values for children of their age," said Izma to reporters recently.

1. Can Reach Old Age

Before releasing a mini album, Izma herself was one of the very talented child singers. She has won many talent competitions in the entertainment world. Her hobby as a dancer has motivated her to become a professional singer.

"If you become a singer, you can do it until old age. But if you become a dancer, there is an age limit," she said.

2. Prioritize Education

Although she is already a singer, she still prioritizes education. Izma, who is currently in second grade of Elementary School, continues to attend school as usual. However, she now divides her time between singing career and school.

"Both singing and school activities go hand in hand. Singing activities take place after school. Ummi has arranged Izma's schedule," said Izma.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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