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The Love Story of Raissa Anggiani Revealed in 'Kau Rumahku'

The Love Story of Raissa Anggiani Revealed in 'Kau Rumahku' The Love Story of Raissa Anggiani Revealed in 'Kau Rumahku' (Credit: Special) - Starting off 2022, musician Raissa Anggiani has released her latest single titled Kau Rumahku, which she wrote herself. The daughter of actor Rommy Sulastyo admitted that her latest single is based on a love story she experienced in her life.

"Kau Rumahku is a song based on my observations, things I've heard, and things I've felt from myself and the people around me," she said when met in Jakarta on Tuesday (18/1).

Yes, the single tells the story of two individuals who are finally brought together, weaving and building a love story and making their partner their 'Home', the most comfortable place.

1. Harapan Raissa

"Wherever one of them goes, in the end they will return and go back to their respective 'home'," said Raissa Anggiani.

Like the singles that have been released before such as Satu Tuju, Losing Us, Aku Kamu Yang Lain and if u could see me cryin’ in my room (feat. Arash Buana), Raissa Anggiani hopes that Kau Rumahku will also find a place among music enthusiasts in the country.

2. Detail Manis

"Here I want to describe the details that always go hand in hand in a relationship, but are rarely discussed, so the goal of my song is to remind those (who are starting/already in a relationship) to reminisce about the sweet details that have been passed together," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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