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Weda Mauve Explores in New Single 'Adrenaline Rush'

Weda Mauve Explores in New Single 'Adrenaline Rush' Weda Wauve releases latest single ©special - Weda Mauve's musical journey is becoming more unpredictable. Through Adrenaline Rush, his latest song released by Semesta Records on digital music platforms on December 22, 2023, and packaged together with his previous single Dinner in a maxi-single format titled 162° F, the singer and songwriter from Surabaya showcases his rapid development as a musician at the age of 16.

"The song itself is actually about an addiction to someone or something. It's like we can't live without it," Weda said about Adrenaline Rush, which he created himself with the help of Dawairama as the producer.

"Every time I write a song, I want listeners to speculate and create their own scenarios about the songs I make. The main theme is addiction, but the rest is open for listeners to explore the story behind the song," he continued.

1. Genre Exploration

If Adrenaline Rush with its music influenced by house music and EDM sounds different from what has been presented in Weda's previous songs, which leaned more towards indie pop, it is the result of another 'addiction' she is currently experiencing, namely genre exploration.

"I have been bored with songs that are just the same, and I want to try a new formula," she said.

"I do want to explore modern music with arrangements that are more digital using synth and pad, not guitar and so on," she continued.

2. Searching for Sound Colors

This exploration is also part of Weda's process of establishing her identity as a singer. Moreover, considering she is still in her teens and her vocal character has changed along with her growth.

"I am also searching for my vocal color. Where it fits, what is the most enjoyable to perform on stage, where its character lies. So, I want to try new genres, collaborate with new people," she explained.

3. Accompanied by D'Masiv Guitarist

In exploring these new things, Weda is still accompanied by Nurul Damar Ramadhan, also known as Rama, the guitarist of D'Masiv who has been serving as Weda's producer since the beginning of his career in the music industry.

"I am a very dominant and idealistic person in what I want, so working with new people will require a fairly long adaptation time. For this project, because I am still unsure, I am still working with Om Rama because he understands what I am doing, and he understands what he is doing. So we learn from each other," he said.

4. Learn Music Release Methods

Another thing that Weda is currently studying is a different method of releasing works compared to before. After releasing the debut album Denial in 2022, Weda has decided to release his songs without being bound by the context of an album, allowing him to explore various musical territories more freely.

"I like the term droplet era, where a musician explores various genres. Dinner is my first song in this new era, followed by Adrenaline Rush. So as time goes on, one of the things I do is explore genres and find the most suitable home for my sound and character. Hopefully, this will help people understand the direction I'm heading in," he explained.

In short, Adrenaline Rush is the work of a young artist named Weda Mauve who is addicted to finding his way through music. Hopefully, listeners will also become addicted to following his journey.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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