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10 Types of Pleci Birds in Indonesia, Recognize Their Physical Characteristics

10 Types of Pleci Birds in Indonesia, Recognize Their Physical Characteristics (credit: flicker) - Do you like birds? Or even a bird lover? Indonesia is known for its diversity of fauna, so Indonesia has many different types of fauna that cannot be counted. One of them is Indonesia's bird diversity. Let's mention the most popular Kakak Tua bird. But besides the Kakak Tua bird, there is one type of bird that is equally popular, especially among bird chirping enthusiasts, namely the pleci bird. In the wild, pleci birds usually live and nest on jengkol, laban, trembesi, or sengon jawa trees.

Pleci birds, also known as glasses birds, are currently becoming a new idol for bird chirping enthusiasts. Although it has a small body size, this bird has the ability to sing with a melodious voice. Pleci can sing even with chirping sounds that are not too loud when heard by human ears. Besides having beautiful chirping sounds, Pleci can also imitate various other bird sounds. Pleci birds really like the sound of splashing water, and will chirp melodiously when it rains or drizzles.

Pleci birds have a distinctive characteristic, which is a white circle around the eyes. This is what makes some people more familiar with pleci as glasses birds. Pleci belongs to the Zosteropidae family and has a large number or species. In Indonesia, there are many types of pleci birds that are widely distributed throughout the archipelago, such as:


1. Pleci Dakun Maput Bird

The first type of pleci bird is known as Dakun Maput. Pleci dakun maput birds are well-known for their special characteristics because they have clear and crystal-like voices. The characteristics of these birds, which inhabit Mount Muria Kudus, include a yellow chest and a greenish-yellow color on the back.


2. Bird Pleci Dakun Macok

Pleci dakun macok birds have clear and loud voices, and they are commonly kept as pets due to their affordable price. This type of pleci bird inhabits the Java island region.


3. Bird Pleci Dakun Marmer

Pleci dakun marmer is a type of pleci bird that has a strong mentality and a loud volume of voice. Its habitat is around Mount Merapi. Its characteristics include having red-colored iris, indicating its fierce and tough nature.


4. Yellow-breasted Bali Pleci

Yellow-breasted Bali pleci has a larger body size compared to Javanese pleci. The most noticeable difference is the wider white circle around the eyes and its sound is similar to a jungle fowl when chirping.


5. Yellow-breasted Garut Pleci

Yellow-breasted Garut pleci is usually the dominant type of pleci in competitions because it has varied and loud sounds. The characteristics of Garut pleci are having a long and wide beak, clear yellow color on the chest feathers, and a slightly darker yellow color around the eyes. Garut pleci is also highly sought after because of its relatively affordable price.


6. Yellow-breasted East Java Pleci

As the name suggests, the yellow-breasted pleci bird from East Java is native to East Java. This yellow-breasted pleci from East Java, with the Latin name Zosterops Flavus, has physical characteristics such as a brighter color on the back and chest and no black eye line.


7. Lombok Pleci Bird

The Lombok pleci bird has the Latin name Zosterops Chloris Maxi. Its habitat is on two neighboring islands, namely Nusa Penida Bali and Lombok Island in West Nusa Tenggara. Its characteristics are similar to the pleci dakun maput and it has a sound like a baby chick.


8. Buxtoni Pleci Bird

The buxtoni pleci bird has an average small body size, with a gray chest and a yellow back. Despite its small body size, this bird has a crystal-clear sound. Its habitat is on the island of Sumatra and in the West Java region.


9. Auriventer Pleci Bird

This type of pleci bird is spread in ASEAN regions such as Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Myanmar, and Indonesia. Auriventer is often found in mangrove forests and coastal areas such as the east coast of Sumatra, Bangka Island, Riau Islands, Kalimantan, and South Natuna Islands. Its characteristics include thick-rimmed glasses and brown-colored iris. Auriventer has a special chirping sound that is deep and melodious.


10. Montanus Pleci Bird

The last type of pleci bird in Indonesia is the Montanus pleci. This pleci has a body size of about 11 cm. Its characteristics include a grayish-white colored belly feathers and brownish-colored body sides. The habitat of the Montanus pleci species is spread across Sumatra, Bali, Java, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, and Maluku.

Although the differences between these types of pleci birds are not very noticeable, for those of you who are bird enthusiasts, especially in the field of chirping birds, you must be familiar with all of these types, especially when participating in competitions.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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