Kapanlagi.com - Although sometimes it is difficult to perform the dawn prayer, there are special privileges that Muslims can obtain. For example, the temptation of drowsiness when performing the dawn prayer. In fact, there are various privileges of the dawn prayer for Muslims that are extraordinary and amazing.
The dawn prayer is one of the obligatory fardhu prayers that Muslims must perform. This prayer consists of two raka'ahs, which is the fewest number of raka'ahs compared to other fardhu prayers. Although it only consists of two raka'ahs, it often seems difficult and burdensome to perform the dawn prayer.
Because the time for performing the dawn prayer is during dawn, the temptation of drowsiness and laziness often arises. This is why there is an additional call during the adhan for the dawn prayer, which is,
"Ash-shalaatu khairum minan-nauum."
Meaning: "Prayer is better than sleep."
Several privileges of the dawn prayer for Muslims can be obtained by those who perform it. The privileges of the dawn prayer can be found in the following discussion, which has been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. Witnessed by the Angels

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The first special thing about the Fajr prayer is that it is witnessed by the angels. Especially if the Fajr prayer is performed in congregation, it is better for the Muslim community. This has been explained in a hadith of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, which says,
The Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said:
"The angels take turns watching over you during the day and night. The angels gather during the Fajr prayer and the Asr prayer. Then those who spend the night with you ascend (to the heavens) and are asked by their Lord, and He knows better about His servants, 'What is the condition of My servants when you leave them?' The angels reply, 'We leave them while they are in prayer, and we also approach them while they are in prayer.'" (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
2. Kept Away from the Hellfire
The speciality of the Fajr prayer is that it can keep one away from the torment of the Hellfire. Especially for Muslims who perform it sincerely and with sincerity, they can receive the grace of Allah by being kept away from the Hellfire. The hadith that explains the speciality of the Fajr prayer is as follows:
Umarah Radhiallahu 'anhu narrated, "I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) say, 'No one who prays before sunrise (Fajr) and before sunset (Asr) will enter Hellfire.'" (Narrated by Muslim)
3. Freed from the Characteristics of Hypocrites

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One of the extraordinary aspects of the Fajr prayer is that it can free one from the characteristics of hypocrites. As it is known, hypocrites are those who appear to be good on the outside but have evil hearts.
In several verses of the Quran and hadiths, it has been explained that hypocrites are among the most hated characteristics by Allah SWT. However, it turns out that the speciality of the Fajr prayer can prevent Muslims from having the characteristics of hypocrites. This is in accordance with the hadith that states,
"There is no prayer heavier (for the hypocrites) than the Fajr prayer and the Isha prayer. If they only knew the virtues found in them, they would perform them even if they had to crawl. I have been thinking of ordering the call to prayer to be given, then I would take a firebrand and burn down the houses of those who did not come out for the prayer (in the mosque)." (Narrated by Bukhari-Muslim, from Abu Hurairah)
4. The Value of Reward for Night Prayer All the Time

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Another virtue of Fajr prayer is that it is worth the reward of night prayer throughout the night. This means that for Muslims who perform Fajr prayer, they can obtain the same reward as performing night prayer. Moreover, if Fajr prayer is performed in congregation, the reward will be even better.
"Whoever performs the Isha prayer in congregation, it is as if he has prayed the whole night. And whoever performs the Fajr prayer in congregation, it is as if he has prayed the whole night." (HR. Muslim no. 656)
5. Attaining Light on the Day of Judgment
As we know, life does not only end in this world, but there is also an afterlife waiting for human beings. Therefore, preparing various good deeds as provisions for the hereafter is necessary for Muslims to ease their lives in the hereafter.
According to brilio.net, one of the virtues of Fajr prayer is to attain light on the Day of Judgment, which will serve as guidance. Therefore, practicing Fajr prayer consistently can be done by Muslims to obtain enlightenment and guidance on the Day of Judgment.
6. Better than the World and Everything in it

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There is a sunnah practice that can be performed before the Fajr prayer, which is the pre-dawn prayer. In this case, when you wake up at Fajr time, you have the opportunity to perform this voluntary prayer, which has such amazing virtues that it is better than the world and everything in it.
As for the explanation of this virtue, it is mentioned in a hadith which means:
"Two units (voluntary prayer) before Fajr prayer are better than the world and all that is in it." (Narrated by Muslim from Ummul mukmininaisyah Radhiallahu 'anha)
7. Opportunity to Earn the Rewards of Hajj and Umrah
In a hadith, the virtues of the Fajr prayer are also mentioned, which are amazing when performed in congregation and followed by remembrance of Allah SWT until sunrise. The virtue of this is equivalent to the rewards of Hajj and Umrah. The explanation of this virtue is as follows:
"Whoever performs the Fajr prayer in congregation, then sits in remembrance of Allah until sunrise, then prays two units (voluntary prayer), it is as if he has earned the rewards of Hajj and Umrah, complete, complete, complete." (Narrated by Tirmidhi)
8. Protection Guarantee from Allah SWT

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A hadith explains the special privilege of Fajr prayer for Muslims, which is the guarantee of protection from Allah SWT. The explanation of the hadith is as follows:
The Messenger of Allah, may peace be upon him, said:
"Whoever performs the Fajr prayer is under the protection of Allah. So, do not let Allah demand anything from you under His protection. Because whoever He demands under His protection, He will definitely get it. Then they will be thrown on their faces into Hell." (Narrated by Muslim, from Jundub ibn Abdillah al-Bajali, may Allah be pleased with him)
9. Opportunity to Enter Allah's Paradise
Another extraordinary privilege of Fajr prayer is the opportunity to enter Allah's Paradise. Here is the explanation of the hadith regarding the privilege of Fajr prayer:
"Whoever performs the two cool prayers (i.e. Fajr and Asr), will enter Paradise." (Narrated by Bukhari, no. 574, and Muslim, no. 635)
10. Obtaining Abundance of Blessings from Allah SWT

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As explained in the previous review, the Fajr prayer is one of the recommended obligatory prayers to be performed. In this case, by performing the Fajr prayer, it can be a form of obedience to the command of Allah SWT.
Meanwhile, the speciality of the Fajr prayer for Muslims is that they can obtain an abundance of blessings from Allah SWT. Therefore, it is important to always be consistent in performing the Fajr prayer to attain blessings from Allah SWT.
11. Opening of Sustenance

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In a Hadith, it is explained about the speciality of the Fajr prayer as a means to open sustenance. The explanation of the Hadith is as follows:
Once upon a time, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) performed the Fajr prayer. After finishing, he returned home and found his daughter Fatimah (may Allah be pleased with her) sleeping. Then he turned Fatimah's body with his foot, and said to her, 'O Fatimah, wake up and witness the sustenance of your Lord, because Allah distributes sustenance to His servants between the Fajr prayer and the rising of the sun.' (Narrated by Baihaqi)
So those are the 11 specialities of the Fajr prayer for Muslims, one of which is an obligatory worship witnessed by the angels. Some of the reviews above can be a reference for you to always be consistent in performing the Fajr prayer.
Source: dream.co.id, brilio.net
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