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100 Annoyed and Frustrated Words, Can Represent Feelings and Express Emotions

100 Annoyed and Frustrated Words, Can Represent Feelings and Express Emotions Bored words (credit: - The term 'bete' is quite popularly used as a slang word. Yes, 'bete' is an abbreviation of 'boring time', 'total boredom', or even 'boring today', and so on. Often, when feeling 'bete', emotions become uncontrollable, leading to quick anger and frustration. Several 'bete' and frustrating words can be a way to express emotions that represent your feelings.

Feeling bored or 'bete' can happen due to various triggering factors. For example, it can be related to work, relationships, situations, specific activities, and many more. Yes, almost everyone has experienced being 'bete' with different triggers. However, generally, this feeling of 'bete' can arise when you do the same thing for a long time. In short, nothing has changed with the situation at hand.

Furthermore, when the feeling of annoyance starts to arise, it often triggers an increase in emotions. Eventually, feelings of frustration, irritation, and even anger envelop your heart when you feel annoyed. However, there are triggering factors that make you truly reach the peak of boredom or annoyance, to the point of becoming angry.

Several annoying and irritated words can represent your feelings that may be appropriate to the current situation. The following annoying and irritated words below can be a simple reference. The following has been summarized by from various sources related to annoying words.










1. Annoying Words that Make You Irritated

There are a number of frustrated and annoyed words that can represent your feelings. These frustrated and annoyed words can help you stay motivated and control your emotions when faced with such situations. The following frustrated words can be a reference for you, K-lovers.

1. We may be bored with the same face, but the young ones should also provide clear and real evidence. - Najwa Shihab

2. Boredom is normal. But what makes boredom valuable is when you look back, it's still sweet, isn't it? - Baro Indra

3. In the journey of life, for some people, waiting is also a step.

4. I believe, when I reach the worst point of a problem, in the end I will succeed through it all.

5. Humans are fragile creatures made of broken hearts and unfulfilled promises.

6. When you give up, you may not know how close you are to success.

7. Don't start the day with regret from yesterday, because it will greatly disturb today's greatness and ruin tomorrow's beauty.

8. Many people don't understand their life's purpose. That's where the boredom of life begins.

9. The longer you live, the more you feel bored, you want to go back to the times when there were no thoughts that ended in naivety.

10. One of the causes of boredom is when you are not honest with yourself and unwilling to make changes, that's it.

11. I once thought about life and found the word 'boredom', maybe that's the point of saturation that is meant.

12. After working hard, it's even more tiring when you're idle.

13. The most important thing is how you face these obstacles, whether you will try or use them as an excuse to stop and give up because you're bored.

14. Life can sometimes be boring, but sleeping never gets boring.

15. You will tire yourself out if you always follow what others say, no matter what they say is not always true.









2. Wise Annoying Words

Even though you're feeling bored, some wise words of boredom can actually help you stay motivated and motivated. So you can still think positively and fight against boredom, laziness, and annoyance. This feeling of boredom can be related to work, certain activities, or situations that make you bored. Here are some wise words of boredom that can represent your feelings.

16. Don't waste time complaining or getting bored. If you really want something, prove it with action! - Dedy Dahlan

17. Sometimes feeling unfamiliar with the surroundings, is this the peak of boredom or just mere hallucination.

18. One of the causes of boredom and fatigue is when you are not honest with yourself and unwilling to make changes.

19. When you start feeling tired of hoping, try to stop and be grateful for what you already have. Life will feel sufficient and happier.

20. It is not good to nurture boredom for too long. Boredom is a normal thing for every human being, but if boredom persists, it is no longer normal and can be dangerous for life.

21. Remember that doubt will result in defeat, but belief will lead to victory.

22. I never get bored with the boredom of life, I am more bored with living in ignorance.

23. Behind this boredom, there is a prayer that I always present in every worship.

24. Today is not a day to give up, but today is a day to stay motivated and achieve all goals and dreams.

25. There is no need to be afraid of boredom, it is the path to renewal.

26. Doing what others do is boring, do something different in your own way.

27. Don't stop when you are tired, stop when you reach the peak.

28. If you feel desperate and want to give up, don't force yourself to keep moving. But force your heart and mind to find a new purpose.










3. Annoying Words About Love and Feelings

Not only related to certain lives or jobs, some people also feel bored with their romantic relationships. Various frustrated words about love and your feelings below can represent a bored heart. The frustrated words about love and feelings are as follows.

29. If you leave someone for someone else, don't be surprised if that person leaves you for someone else.

30. I have been a victim of my own optimism several times in matters of love. - Elizabeth Gilbert

31. Don't worry about me. Go and have fun. I will stay here and be sad. - Winnie the Pooh

32. I don't want to wake up. I feel much better when I sleep. And that's very sad. - Ned Vizzini

33. If you feel like you're in the wrong story, leave.

34. Every time I cry, he always makes me feel like he will change the world so it won't hurt me anymore. But now I cry and he's not by my side.

35. Never get bored, and you will never be boring. - Eleanor Roosevelt

36. I'm tired of pretending to smile when disappointed. I'm bored of pretending to be patient when my feelings are never valued.

37. Waiting in uncertainty is the most boring moment in life.

38. Let the feeling of boredom and weariness torture you, so that you know how precious this life is for yourself and others.

39. You will realize how tough you are when you are heartbroken. The sooner it happens, the better.

40. There are some painful feelings that cannot be healed, they can only be tried to be forgotten.

41. My life is a perfect grave for buried hopes. - LM Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

42. Humans are fragile creatures made of heartache and broken promises.

43. It feels sad to know that you have tried your best, but everything is still not enough.

44. If I treat you the way you treat me, you will hate me.










4. Funny Annoying Words

Various funny annoyed words can actually be entertaining. So that your annoyance is slightly overcome by reading the funny annoyed words below. Here are funny annoyed words that can be a reference.

45. Are you stressed because of piled up tasks? Don't worry, there's a solution! Spread out the tasks so they don't pile up.

46. Don't worry, good days will come. Those days are called Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

47. Why love without being loved, it's better to love your intestines and drink syrup every day.

48. Want to take a shower, but bored with the movements.

49. Time cannot be turned back, licked, or dipped.

50. Where there is excess, there is a return.

51. Sleep first, tired of pretending to be happy since morning.

52. Getting paid is like an ex, right? Usually it only passes briefly.

53. COVID-19 is more cruel than the neighbor's mouth.

54. Respect and honor your parents because they can graduate from school without the help of Google.

55. When I stay at home for too long: Sometimes I laugh by myself, sometimes I talk to myself.

56. Life is simple. Fry, lift, then drain.

57. Marriage is complicated. If it's simple, it's called a restaurant.

58. In life, think and pray more so that life is calm and peaceful, have a good lunch, don't forget to pay.

59. If someone throws a stone at you, respond with a flower along with its pot.

60. If you're tired of living below, try taking the elevator to the top. Finally, your life is already above.










5. Motivating Annoying Words

Even though you're frustrated, you should try to stay motivated to achieve your desired goals. Because by controlling frustration and emotions at the same time, it can lead you forward. Here are some words of frustration that can motivate you.

61. If you haven't been lucky today, maybe your success will come tomorrow.

62. When you're bored and give up, you may not know how close you are to success.

63. Life is sad if you focus on sadness. And life is very exciting if you focus on the flow of life's spirit.

64. Stay strong as long as you're still breathing, don't give up on the struggle, please don't give up, you're not alone, we're together.

65. About life and death. Many lessons about life. The plot is slow, but not boring because it's helped by different stories in each episode.

66. Being afraid of change often results in no progress.

67. If you make a mistake, "fix" it, if you fail, "try again", but if you're bored and give up, everything is over.

68. Some people eventually decide to give up because they're bored. However, we need to know that giving up is as difficult as continuing to fight.

69. Giving up is like free falling from a high cliff and hoping for hands or someone willing to catch you.

70. Sometimes we have to experience everything, the bitterness, the pain, until it eventually feels bland and flat.









6. Emotionally Frustrating Words

Feeling frustrated should be expressed immediately. Because if it is allowed to continue, frustration over trivial matters can affect emotions. As a result, enthusiasm will decrease and activities can be disrupted. Here are some frustrated words full of emotions.

71. "Sometimes we forget that high expectations are equal to the pain of disappointment."

72. "It's not usual for me to lose my patience. But when I start getting angry, I can become terrifying."

73. "I am angry at people who abandon what God has given them, while I can't have anything."

74. "Anger is a natural defense against pain. So when I say I hate you, it means you hurt me."

75. "Why are you busy meddling in my life when I am the one running my own life?"

76. "Because when disappointment sets in, anything good will still appear bad."

77. "Inside a cynical person, there lies underlying disappointment."

78. "Tears are the way the eyes speak when the mouth is silenced, unable to explain how broken this heart is."

79. "Trust is like a glass. When it is broken, you can fix it, but you can still see the cracks."

80. "It's hard to say who your friends are." Because sometimes their old goals become your friends just to stab you in the back."

81. "However, it is not easy for me to rebuild the trust that was once buried because there has been disappointment."

82. "Thank you for all your actions that make me stronger, tougher, and more willing to accept all the current realities."

83. "If you leave someone for someone else, don't be surprised if that person leaves you for someone else."

84. "People only care when it's too late."

85. "One lie is enough to question all the truths."








7. Meaningful Frustrating Words

Anger begins from the depths of the heart. Therefore, words of anger are often written with deep meaning. Thus, we can learn many things from these words, especially about managing emotions. Here are meaningful angry words.

86. "I don't hold grudges. I remember facts."

87. "I will be your mirror. What you do, I will do the same. Likewise, if you disappoint me, I will do the same."

88. "Because my wounds are hard to heal there. I need to go far away, start everything from scratch while slowly healing my wounds."

89. "Forgiving an enemy is much easier than forgiving a friend."

90. "Some old wounds never fully heal. They can bleed again just because of light words."

91. "Everyone can endure patience because of a broken heart, but patience has its limits and reaches saturation point when no longer appreciated."

92. "It is much easier to be angry at someone than to tell them that you are hurt." - Tom Gates

93. "When I am silent, I have hidden thunder." - Rumi

94. "Injuring the body by stabbing will heal quickly. But injuring the heart, the wound will last a lifetime."

95. "Usually the person you trust the most is the one most likely to disappoint you."

96. "You should not fight desperately for what you do not deserve. Always remember your self-worth."

97. "Never hesitate to get rid of bad things, remember that if you want to fly high, you must leave behind what weighs you down."

98. "The most dangerous are those who come to us in the form of angels. And we realize too late that they are actually disguised demons."

99. "People ask why I find it so hard to trust them. And I ask back why they find it so hard to keep their promises."

100. "Sometimes it is better to be silent than to explain how we feel, because it hurts when they can hear but cannot understand."

That's 100 words of annoyance and frustration that can represent and vent your emotions. These various words of annoyance can be a reference for you when facing situations that make you bored.










Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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