Kapanlagi.com - The liver is one of the vital organs in humans. In our body, the liver plays a role in processing toxins. However, just like other organs, the liver can also be affected by disease. Therefore, it is important to know the characteristics of liver disease in order to seek treatment as early as possible before it's too late.
Actually, the liver is an organ in the body that can regenerate cells. However, if the number of cells that need to be regenerated is too many, the liver can be overwhelmed. As a result, liver damage and dysfunction are inevitable. It is during these moments that a person can experience liver disease.
So, what are the characteristics of liver disease? According to liputan6.com, here is the explanation.
1. Bloating

Bloating can occur in anyone. Bloating usually occurs after excessive drinking. However, if bloating occurs suddenly without consuming anything, it should be a cause for concern. This could be a sign of early-stage liver disease. This is influenced by the condition of liver cirrhosis, which causes an accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. As a result, the abdomen appears swollen and feels bloated.
2. Easily Bruised

Bruising commonly occurs when we experience impact or a blow. However, bruising can also occur suddenly without any apparent cause. Bruising of this nature should be a cause for concern as it could be a sign of early-stage liver disease. Reduced liver function slows down the production of proteins involved in blood clotting. Therefore, if you frequently notice sudden bruising on the skin, it is advisable to consult a doctor immediately.
3. Hemorrhoids
In addition to sitting too much and lack of water intake, hemorrhoids can also be caused by liver disease. When liver function is disrupted, blood pressure continues to increase. This then affects damage to the veins in the anus, resulting in hemorrhoids.
4. Visible Blood Vessels
The blood vessels of liver patients are relatively more visible compared to the general population. In liver patients, prominent blood vessels will appear like spider webs with a greenish color. This symptom is more commonly found in women than men.
5. Easily Fatigued
The next characteristic of liver disease in the early stages is feeling easily fatigued. Even with minimal activity, the body will easily feel tired and weak. This is caused by the liver working too hard, but not producing enough glycogen. As a result, energy cannot be fulfilled.
6. Itching

Itching on the surface of the skin is usually caused by insect bites. Itching caused by insect bites can be easily treated. But not with itching that seems to have no cause. This kind of itching can be a sign of liver disease. Sudden itching is caused by blocked bile fluid in the liver.
7. Yellowing Eyes
Early signs of liver disease can also be seen from the condition of the skin and eyes. In liver patients, the eyes and skin will appear yellow. This is triggered by the liver's inability to excrete bilirubin bile from dead red blood cells.
8. Dark Urine

The color of urine can be one indicator of a person's health, including checking whether someone has liver disease or not. The urine of a healthy person will be clear. Meanwhile, in liver patients, urine will be darker, ranging from dark orange, reddish, to brown.
9. Loss of Appetite
Similar to other diseases, liver disease can also disrupt a person's appetite. In fact, the loss of appetite can occur drastically accompanied by nausea and the desire to vomit. This condition is due to the liver's inability to digest food properly. Therefore, rejected food can cause nausea and vomiting.
10. Weight Gain
Interestingly, despite the loss of appetite, the weight of liver patients can actually increase drastically. This is because the liver can no longer filter toxins and store them in fat cells. As a result, fat in the body will accumulate more easily.
11. Hormonal Disorders
The next characteristic of liver disease is hormonal disorders. These hormonal disorders can vary. For example, hormonal disorders that cause irregular or even delayed menstruation. In men, these hormonal disorders can even trigger impotence.
12. Pain in the Upper Abdomen

Pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen should not be underestimated. This could be one of the symptoms of liver disease. You can do a check. To do this, gently press the upper abdomen. If it feels painful, it could be a sign of a liver problem. However, to confirm it, you need to consult a doctor immediately.
Those are among the 12 characteristics of liver disease. Do not underestimate them, if you experience them, immediately have yourself checked by a doctor for treatment!
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.