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150 Birthday Words for Yourself, as a Form of Self-Appreciation

150 Birthday Words for Yourself, as a Form of Self-Appreciation Illustration (credit: freepik) - Birthday is certainly one of the most precious moments in a person's life. On that special day, the number of years after someone's birth increases. Usually, those who have a birthday will also receive a flood of prayers and congratulations. However, we often overlook our own birthday moments. Even though, there is nothing wrong with giving birthday words to ourselves as a form of self-appreciation.

It doesn't have to be with a party or festive celebration, just with birthday words for ourselves, it can awaken our feelings to be more grateful. Because, no matter what, the increase in age is something that should be grateful for. Birthday moments are also often interpreted as an increase in maturity. That's why, birthdays cannot be simply overlooked.

READ ALSO: Romantic Islamic Birthday Greetings Full of Good Prayers and Wishes

For those of you who want to give self-appreciation on your birthday, here are some birthday words for yourself.







1. Birthday Words for Yourself Full of Gratitude

As mentioned earlier, birthdays are precious moments that only happen once a year. In the past year, many events have surely occurred. Being able to overcome things that are not always easy is also something to be grateful for. That is why it feels right to give yourself birthday wishes full of gratitude as a form of self-appreciation.

1. If in the previous age I am nothing, in this new age I must be something. Stay motivated to become a better person. Keep learning and creating tirelessly because the results never betray hard work.

2. Mistakes in the past should be a valuable lesson for me. May You always remind me of my faults and weaknesses. Happy birthday to this weak person.

3. Thank You, God, for giving me another year of life. Grant my dreams and aspirations that I have fought for with sweat and hard work.

4. The past is a memory, the present is reality, and the future is hope. On this birthday, I must turn all my hopes into something real. Keep going and improving!

5. Time keeps changing, and I am no longer young. I must become better than before, so there will be no regrets at the end. Happy birthday to myself.

6. Today, I will be selfish and focus all my attention on myself. Today, I make myself a priority. Happy birthday to me.

7. Perhaps only Facebook understands and understands me. He was the first to greet me with a sacred greeting. Not like anyone else! Happy birthday to myself!

8. I will do something fun and cool today because it's my birthday. Thank you, God, for blessing me with another year of life.

9. Today, I just want to thank God for adding another year to my life. Happy birthday to me.

10. I will smile and not let the problems of life make me sad because it's my birthday. A very happy birthday for me.

11. I may not be a perfect person. But on this special day, I will start a new page. I will strive to be a better person.

12. My journey in life so far has been extraordinary, and I want to thank God for it. Happy birthday to me.

13. May I be the happiest on my birthday. On this special day, I just want to thank God for the priceless gift of life that He has given me and for the extraordinary people that He has placed in my life.

14. Wishing myself a happy birthday filled with God's amazing blessings.

15. On this special day of mine, I just want to express gratitude to Almighty God for the gift of life and happiness. I pray that He continues to bless me throughout the year.








2. Birthday Words for Yourself with Prayer

People who have birthdays usually receive a flood of well wishes and good prayers. When you have a birthday, you don't have to wait for well wishes and good prayers from others. It's not wrong to pray for good things for yourself on your birthday. Here are some birthday words for yourself with prayers below.

16. "If I was nobody before, on this day of my age increase, I will become a better person."

17. "Time flies so fast. Now I have grown into a strong man. May God make every step of mine easier, so that all my goals can be achieved."

18. "On the day I was born, I hope I can become a better person in the future."

19. "Oh God, thank you for still giving me life in this new age of mine. Grant my dreams and aspirations that I have fought for with sweat and hard work."

20. "There is no word more beautiful than birthday wishes that contain good prayers. I always pray that on my birthday, I become a more advanced person than in previous years. Amin."

21. "Today is my birthday. I hope I can improve myself to become a much better person."

22. "One resolution on my new age. To love you completely with simple love. Happy birthday to the principled single."

23. "Everyone wishes the best for me. But, I have never done the best for them. Hopefully, this new age brings me blessings and goodness, so I can make those who love me proud."

24. "I cannot change my past, but I can change my future. At the beginning of my age, I will strive to become a better person."

25. "On my special day, I only want to pray for pure and everlasting happiness. Happy birthday to me."

26. "God, please guide me in everything I do today and in the many days and years to come as I celebrate my birthday."








3. Islamic Birthday Words for Yourself

Giving Islamic birthday wishes has always been a choice for some people. If you are one of them, here are some options for Islamic birthday wishes for yourself that can be conveyed in a more Islamic way.

27. "Oh Allah, bless my new age and make me a grateful person to You."

28. "Oh Allah, guide me to become a better person as my age increases."

29. "Oh Allah, on my birthday, I pray to You for blessings in my life, abundance in my sustenance, and ease in my affairs. Grant my sincere prayer, hoping that You will listen."

30. "Oh Allah, thank you for the life You have given me until now. May I become a person who always remembers You in this new age."

31. "When my time is up, these eyes will no longer shed tears. Thank you, Allah, for giving me another chance. A chance to become a better individual. May You ease my path. Amen."

32. "As I celebrate my birthday, I hope for Allah's blessings in my life. May I be blessed with happiness, good health, and prosperity. Happy birthday to myself."








4. Touching Birthday Wishes for Yourself

Birthdays are the most memorable and special moments. It's no wonder that many people celebrate their birthdays in a lively and special way. There are many gifts, best wishes, and love from loved ones when we turn a year older. However, don't forget to make a wish and say happy birthday to yourself. Like the following references, about touching birthday wishes for yourself.

33. "Dear Myself. Thank you for fighting this far. Happy birthday to the soul that never gives up. May all my wishes and hopes come true."

34. "With the increase in age, realize, O self, that the lifespan is decreasing, so do not neglect Allah's commands. And keep fighting until the breath stops breathing."

35. "I can't believe today is the day I add another year to my age. Hopefully, I can improve myself to be a much better human being."

36. "Everyone prays for the best for me. But I have never done the best for them. Hopefully, this new age of mine brings me blessings and goodness, so I can make them proud who have loved me."

37. "Today, I just want to thank God for adding another year to my life. Happy birthday to me."

38. "When I wake up, I realize it's definitely a special day for several reasons. Oh yes, it's the day I was born! I am very grateful for the gift of life! Happy birthday to me!"

39. "I will strive to be a better person."

40. "This special day makes me a year older and more beautiful/handsome than before! Happy birthday to me!"

41. "When my time has run out, these eyes crying will no longer matter. Thank you, Allah, for giving me another chance. A chance to become a better person. May You ease my path. Amen."

42. "A beautiful and enjoyable day. The best people are born on this day! Including me. Happy birthday to me."

43. "Mark Zuckerberg may be my truest friend. As years pass and change, he always remembers my birthday. Thank you, Mark."

44. "Oh Allah. I can only be grateful to you for what you have given me today!"

45. "Time keeps changing, and I am no longer young. I must become better than before, so there will never be regrets at the end of my time. Happy birthday to myself."

46. "Today, I just want to thank God for adding another year to my life. Happy birthday to me."

47. "I'll enjoy the best of today and laugh like never before because it's my day. Happy birthday to me!"

(I will enjoy the best today and laugh unlike before because this is my day. Happy birthday to me!)

48. "My prayer today. God, I will not let a day pass without thanking you. Thank you God for everything you have given."








5. Best Wishes for Yourself on Your Birthday

The feeling of gratitude when celebrating another year of age certainly needs to be expressed as a reminder of the blessings that God has given. In addition to gratitude, you can offer prayers and hopes in the most special moments on your birthday. Here is a review of birthday wishes for yourself full of the best hopes.

49. "Oh God, lengthen the life of the people I love, bestow them with halal sustenance, and always show them the path that You are pleased with."

50. "Happy Birthday To me, Wish me all the best. May on my birthday, I become a better person."

51. "Oh God, keep laziness away from me, so that I can finish my studies and make my parents happy as soon as possible."

52. "With my increasing age today, I hope and pray to you, O Allah, to always make my affairs easy."

53. "Oh God, grant me forgiveness for the mistakes I have made to my parents. Allow me to make them happy as soon as possible."

54. "Happy birthday to myself, may I become a much better person in all aspects. Become more handsome, more diligent, and hopefully find a partner soon. Amin.

55. "This has been a good year. I have achieved many goals that I have set for myself. It has been done well! I will treat myself with a special celebration. Happy birthday to me!

56. "Oh Allah, show us Your straight path, grant us Your blessings. Truly, You are the Most Great and Most Wise.

57. "Oh Lord, bless our days, bless every second that we will pass today, do not leave us even for a second.

58. "Oh Lord. Slowly but surely. Help us realize our dreams. Oh Lord, Your way is the Best. We believe the outcome is good!!

59. "Oh Lord. Turn anyone's sadness into happiness. Turn every flowing tear into Your gift in our lives.

60. "Oh Lord. Every time I pray, I always ask to make me someone strong, resilient, and brave. AMIN.

61. "There is nothing more beautiful than prayers and birthday wishes. Even if the birthday wishes are for myself. May I become a strong and better person. Amen."

62. "This morning I woke up with gratitude. Grateful to still be given a long life. May I become a better person and achieve all hopes, in this year that has added one more year."

63. "Oh God, cleanse this heart from all selfishness, lies, and hypocrisy. So that I can become a better person."

64. "My wishes for myself today are more grace, more prosperity, more happiness, and more years ahead. Happy birthday to me!"

(My wishes for myself today are more grace, more prosperity, more happiness, and more years ahead. Happy birthday to me!)

65. "Oh God. Thank you for all the tests I have received today. May tomorrow I become a better person."

66. "Oh God, lighten the burden in my heart and strengthen me in facing every trial of Yours."








6. Motivating Birthday Wishes for Yourself

Birthday wishes for yourself can make you feel motivated again. Especially when you feel sad or disappointed on this special occasion, the following birthday wishes for yourself can be used as encouragement to stay strong and resilient. Let's take a look at the reviews about birthday wishes for yourself that can boost your spirits.

67. "I am officially a year older today and much cooler than before. Happy birthday to me."

68. "In my current age, I will only cherish my beautiful past, which can teach me to become a better person in the future."

69. "I am an extraordinary person, making it difficult for anyone not to recognize me - even myself! Happy birthday to me."

70. "A gem cannot be polished without friction, just as a person cannot succeed without challenges." - Chinese Proverb

71. "I pray that today I can feel my own happiness that brings back my cheerfulness in life. Amen."

72. "Never give up when you still have the ability to try again. There is no such thing as an ending until you stop trying." - Brian Dyson

73. "This is a new phase in my life, filled with love and all the joy I have always imagined. Happy birthday to me."

74. "Don't grieve. Whatever is lost from you will come back to you in a different form." - Jalaludin Rumi

75. "Be proud of who you are, and don't be ashamed of how others see you."

76. "You were born to be yourself, not to be perfect."

77. "At my age, I must stay motivated to achieve my dreams so that my future is bright. I will move forward and I will not dwell on my dark past, because there, the future awaits me. So I will not waste time anymore."

78. "You must not be afraid of your uniqueness and you must care less about what others think of you." - Robert Greene

79. "Love comes from both parents and also from a lover. Even without a lover, the most important thing is that I feel happy on my birthday. Happy birthday to myself, even without a companion."

80. "A brave person is not someone who is fearless. But someone who is able to walk on their fears."

81. "Oh God, I am very grateful because thanks to You, I have become someone wiser in living my life."

82. "Loving yourself means understanding that you don't need to be perfect to be good."

83. "Great life begins with great dreams."

84. "Show love by giving it unconditionally to yourself. And when you do, you will attract others into your life who will love you unconditionally."

85. "The harder you work for something, the greater you'll feel when you achieve it."

86. "I think there is something more important than just believing. The actions of this world are full of dreamers. There are not many people who dare to step forward and start taking definite steps to realize their vision."

87. "Be firm with yourself, discard negative thoughts, and do your best. Anxiety belongs only to those who are desperate."

88. "Naturally, we are wise, kind, strong, fearless, and truly unlimited." - Byron Katie

89. "Miracles are real for those who believe, surrender, and work hard."

90. "You cannot change the past and do not worry too much about tomorrow. Today is the day that can change your future."

91. "If no one cares, never be discouraged. Let yourself say happy birthday to yourself. Stay motivated. Life is cruel and knows no feelings!"

92. "At my current age, I hope to become a better person than yesterday. Must stay strong and resilient. Never get tired of fighting. Now that my age has increased, my spirit must also increase."

93. "Start from where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." - Arthur Ashe

94. "Today is the first day of your life. Make today the best day of your life and may tomorrow the sun shine brightly."

95. "There is no point in punishing your future because of your past mistakes. Forgive yourself, grow from it, and let it go."






7. Short Birthday Words for Yourself

Then there are also birthday messages for oneself with short sentences. Although short, these words are full of deep meaning. Here are short birthday messages for oneself:

96. "The whole world celebrates me today, so happy birthday to me."

97. "May the future bring personal growth. Happy birthday to me."

98. "I am not just a year older, but also a year better and happier. Happy birthday to me."

99. "On this day, the sweetest creature in the world was born. Happy birthday to me."

100. "Happy birthday to me. I pray that God gives me health, knowledge, and the path to success."

101. "Today is my birthday. Therefore I will be treated like a queen."

102. "Birthdays are meaningful to me. The more I have, the more I live."

103. "Happy birthday to me! May I live to be old and toothless."

104. "Happy birthday to someone amazing, talented, beautiful, and funny! Yes, that's right, it's my birthday."

105. "Today, my heart is filled with gratitude. Happy birthday to myself."

106. "Another year, but there is still so much more to come! Happy birthday to me."

107. "Life itself is a beautiful gift, and I am grateful to still be alive, happy, and healthy! Happy birthday to me."

108. "My life is far more interesting than I could ask for at this age."

109. "Happy birthday to the smart, handsome, funny person who reminds me so much of myself."

110. "On my birthday, I only wish for pure and never-ending happiness."

111. "Happy birthday to the most amazing person I know, myself."

112. "Another beautiful year has passed in the journey of self-discovery."

113. "Happy birthday to me! This universe has nurtured me and showered me with beauty and love until now."

114. "May God bless me with a long life! Happy birthday to me."

115. "May today bring countless happiness and endless joy and a peaceful and tranquil life for me."

116. "Wishing myself a happy birthday filled with God's amazing blessings."

117. "Today is the birthday of one of the greatest men in the world. Happy birthday to me."

118. "I am alive, independent, and beautiful. I am very proud of who I am. Happy birthday to me."

119. "On my birthday, I hope to always be the best that I can be, from now and forever."

120. "Today, I want to thank God for giving me another year."






8. Funny Birthday Words for Yourself

It doesn't mean that self-talk always has to be serious, KLovers. You can use funny birthday words for yourself. Here are some funny birthday words for myself:

121. "Maybe only Facebook understands and understands me. He was the first to greet me with a sacred saying. Not with anyone else! Happy birthday to myself!"

122. "Mark Zuckerberg may be my truest friend. As years passed and changed, he always remembers my birthday. Thank you, Mark."

123. "If no one cares, never be discouraged. Let yourself say happy birthday to yourself. Stay spirited. Life is indeed cruel and doesn't know feelings!"

124. "One resolution in the new age. As it is and not extravagant. Having you completely with simple love. Happy birthday to principled singles."

125. "The handsomeness radiating from this dim face is a blessing that never fades with time. Thank you God for granting me this blessing, even though my age keeps increasing and changing."

126. "Happy birthday to myself, may tomorrow be another birthday."

127. "Today I was scolded by my boss, complained by clients, stuck in traffic, my car broke down, but none of it makes me forget that it's my birthday. I must stay happy."

128. "Don't be too happy with the prayers and gifts you receive today because birthdays are steps towards old age. Happy birthday to myself."

129. "With the breaking of this rotten egg, I hope all the badness and wickedness in my heart can break and disappear too. Hahaha. Happy birthday to myself."

130. "Happy birthday, may it always be a year... or Happy happy, may it always be a birthday."






9. Birthday Words for Yourself in English

And finally, there are birthday wishes for oneself in English, which are cool and awesome. Here are some of the birthday wishes for oneself in English:

131. "May this day bring unexpected blessings and endless joy to me, now and forevermore. Happy Birthday to me".

132. "More than anything, I wish myself more grace, more prosperity, more happiness, and more years ahead. Happy birthday to me!"

133. "Heaven has been good to me by adding another year to my age. Happy birthday to me!" Happy birthday to me!)

134. "I wish i could scream my voice across the universe to show how happy i am today, happy birthday to me!"

135. "On this day, the sweetest being on earth was born. Happy birthday to me."

136. "I am officially one year older, which indicates a plus to my success. Happy birthday to me!"

137. "The cake is here and I'm ready to blow all the candles as I make some wishes. Wishing myself a wonderful year ahead. Happy birthday to me!" May the coming year be beautiful. Happy birthday to me!

138. "I should be given an award for Mr./Miss awesome because I'm a rare gem. Happy birthday to me!"

139. "I am not just a year older but also a year better and happier. Happy birthday to me!"

140. "Happy birthday to a beautiful and strong soul, yeah you guessed right. It's my birthday. Happy birthday to me!" (Happy birthday to my beautiful and strong soul, yes you guessed it right. It's my birthday. Happy birthday to me!)

141. "Today, one of the greatest men to walk this earth was born. Happy birthday to me and best wishes to all my endeavors". (Today, one of the humans who walked on this earth was born. Happy birthday to me and best wishes for all my efforts)

142. "I am not just a year older but also a year wiser. Happy birthday to me!" (I am not just one year older, but also one year wiser. Happy birthday to me!)

143. "It's a new phase in my life, filled with love and all the joy I have always imagined. Happy birthday to me". (This is a new phase in my life, filled with love and all the joy I have always imagined. Happy birthday to me)

144. "Happy birthday to someone awesome, humble, beautiful, and funny! Yes, that's right, it's my birthday". (Happy birthday to someone amazing, humble, beautiful, and funny! Yes, that's right, today is my birthday)

145. "Becoming who I am today has taken tremendous growth through good and tough times. Happy birthday". (Becoming who I am today has gone through tremendous growth, through good and tough times. Happy birthday)

146. "What a wonderful and exciting day this is. The best people were born on this day! Including me.Happy birthday to me". (A beautiful and enjoyable day. The best people are born on this day! Including me. Happy birthday to me)

147. "Happy birthday to me! This year, I am a little stronger and a little wiser. God has granted me another year, and I promise myself that I will make the best out of it!" (Happy birthday to me! This year, I am a little stronger and a little wiser. God has granted me another year, and I promise myself that I will make the best out of it!)

148. "This has been a good year. I have accomplished many of the goals that I set for myself. Well done! I am going to treat myself to a special celebration. Happy birthday to me!" (This has been a good year. I have accomplished many of the goals that I set for myself. Well done! I am going to treat myself to a special celebration. Happy birthday to me!)

149. "When I woke up, I realized it must be a special day for some reason. Oh yes, it is the day that I was born! I am so grateful for the gift of life! Happy birthday to me!" (When I woke up, I realized it must be a special day for some reason. Oh yes, it is the day that I was born! I am very grateful for the gift of life! Happy birthday to me!)

150. "Mom and dad, thank you for bringing such a wonderful gift to the world: which is me. Happy birthday to me." (Ibu dan ayah, terima kasih telah membawa hadiah yang begitu indah ke dunia: yaitu aku. Selamat ulang tahun untukku)

Those are among the 150 birthday words for yourself, which you can use as a form of self-appreciation, as well as gratitude and prayer. Hopefully useful and inspiring!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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