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It's time to seize the opportunity to advertise on Instagram! - The pandemic does limit daily movement. However, it doesn't mean you can't move at all, especially to do many positive things to help each other. Moving together to help disabled friends can also be done as a form of giving encouragement and care for them. Like the inspiring campaign carried out by Rexona Indonesia.
Coinciding with International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3, 2020, Rexona, together with Rexona users in Indonesia, has donated their steps as a form of donation for mobility aids for disabled friends through Together We #UnlimitedMoves.
Even though this year we are only at home, you can still move actively with the Gerak by Rexona application. Gerak by Rexona is an application that serves as a facility to contribute to disabled friends. There are several main features, starting from Gerak Explore, Gerak Counts, Gerak Action, and Community Info.
After one year of Gerak by Rexona's journey, Indonesia has collected 165 million steps that are very meaningful for disabled friends. The analogy of these 165 million steps is like walking around GBK 120 thousand times, traveling from Jakarta to Bandung 700 times, going on a road trip from Sabang to Merauke 20 times, or circling the Earth 3 times. This joint movement is also what can help you overcome many things that you couldn't do alone. It's really cool, right!
It is an achievement in itself when Indonesia successfully collects 165 million steps. But it doesn't stop there. Rexona collaborates with Thisable Enterprise, a special institution that works in the field of empowering people with disabilities, for the distribution of donations to those in need. Your steps will become donations of hundreds of wheelchairs for friends with disabilities.
Even though you do many activities at home, it doesn't mean limiting your activity. There are still many movements that can be done at home, such as exercising, cleaning the house, walking around the house while adhering to health protocols, and many more. What's your own version of #UnlimitedMovement, KLovers?
Rexona still invites you to stay active and move together with the Gerak by Rexona application, which is now available on iOS. Together we can still move further. Keep moving and create #UnlimitedMovement! Download the Gerak by Rexona application on Google Play and Apple App Store now!
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