Here Are the Reasons Why Indie Music is Popular, Very Relatable to Young People
Interested in getting into it too? Let's find out the reasons why indie music is popular! - Take a look again, whether the balanced nutritional needs of the body during fasting have been fulfilled? Iftar and suhoor menus should not only be about feeling full, but also paying attention to energy intake as a provision for activities throughout the day. So, make sure the body's carbohydrate, protein, and fat needs are balanced.
However, it's not just that because balanced nutrition also means paying attention to other necessary substances needed by the body. For example, minerals which actually play an important role in keeping the body active. It's time to be cautious because these 4 signs of mineral deficiency are often experienced during fasting. What are they?
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Suddenly having a headache in the middle of daily activities is clearly not pleasant. This should not be taken lightly, as it can affect performance in completing work. If you often experience headaches while fasting, it could be a sign that your body is lacking minerals.
Headaches can occur because insufficient intake of minerals can cause a decrease in hemoglobin levels in the body. The effect is that the supply of oxygen to the entire body is hindered, and one of the effects is often experiencing headaches.
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Another common sign that often occurs when lacking minerals is easily feeling fatigued, even when performing light activities. The fatigue experienced is quite extreme and hampers daily work.
This condition can occur because minerals play an important role in producing hemoglobin. If production decreases, there will be less oxygen reaching the muscle tissues. This is what then causes you to lose energy.
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Maintaining digestive health is important while fasting, as this is where the food that enters the body is processed and absorbed for various activities. If you experience digestive problems, the cause is not only due to a lack of fiber. Digestive disorders can also occur when the body lacks mineral intake.
Mineral requirements are essential for the process of converting carbohydrates into energy used in daily activities. If mineral intake is reduced, the digestion process carried out by the body is also disrupted. This can cause stomach pain, bloating, nausea, and even vomiting.
Minerals play an important role in maintaining muscle mass as well as immune system function. If the needs are not met during fasting, you may be at risk of a weakened immune system and susceptible to various diseases.
Considering the importance of essential mineral intake during fasting, it's time to pay attention to this body's need. In addition to food, fulfill your mineral needs by consuming Le Minerale during suhoor and iftar.
Not only healthier, the refreshing taste of Le Minerale also makes you enjoy consuming it even more. Le Minerale also contains a balanced essential mineral content to influence the adequacy of essential nutrients during fasting.
Its refreshing taste is also suitable for suhoor and iftar during the month of Ramadan to restore the body's fitness. Find other interesting information by following Instagram @le_mineraleid, let's go!
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