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45 Disappointed Javanese Words about Life - Love, Disappointment that Can Make the Heart Feel Better

45 Disappointed Javanese Words about Life - Love, Disappointment that Can Make the Heart Feel Better Illustration (credit: freepik) - Living life in this world is not always as beautiful as planned. Often, what we expect is difficult to obtain. Even, sometimes sad things that we want to avoid actually happen. Therefore, it can be ensured that almost everyone has experienced disappointment in their life. Javanese disappointment words can be one way to release disappointment in the heart.

Disappointment is indeed a bad feeling to keep. Disappointment should be expressed so that it does not become a burden. Expressing disappointment through Javanese disappointment words not only makes the heart feel a little relieved. More than that, these words also contain wise messages that can make us rise again.

Collected from various sources, here are Javanese disappointment words that are meaningful and contain wise messages.


1. Disappointed Words in Javanese about Self

There are many things that can cause someone to feel disappointed. Not only because of other people's actions, but disappointment can also arise from oneself. Because, in living life, we often make mistakes that make us regret and disappointed later on. Here are the disappointed words in Javanese about oneself.

1. "Aku dadi korban saka kabeh rasa optimisku." (I become a victim of all my optimism)

2. "Aku bakal tetep neng kene kanggo nangisi salah-salahku." (I will stay here to cry over my mistakes)

3. "Sak umur-umurku, wong ngomong yen aku ora ana apa-apane." (All my life, people say that I am nothing)

4. "Urip ini ora sedhih nganti aku sadar opo wae sing ora isa tak duweni amarga kesalahanku dhewe." (This life is not too sad until I realize how many things I cannot have because of my mistakes)

5. "Aku nyesel sak wis e sadar yen aku mbuang akeh wektu kanggo ora seneng." (I regret after realizing that I wasted a lot of time being unhappy)

6. "Aku kuwi wong sing digawe saka lara ati lan janji sing dilalekna." (I am someone made of heartache and broken promises)

7. "Mungsuhku sing paling gedhe kuwi awakku dhewe." (My biggest enemy is myself)

8. "Kenyataan sing paling nggawe sedhih iku yen sadar wis nyia-nyiakke kesempatan sing ora bakal teka ping loro." (The most heartbreaking reality is realizing that I have wasted opportunities that will not come again)

9. "Krasane sedhih yen aku wis nyoba paling apik, tapi kabeh ora cukup." (It feels sad when I have tried my best, but it is still not enough)

10. "Kanggo kepungkur, mandheg nyentek mburi. Aku ora pengin ndeleng sampeyan maneh." (For the past, stop patting my back. I don't want to see you again)

2. Disappointed Words in Javanese about Life

Life, which is often difficult, also often invites disappointment. This disappointment often comes when we live not in line with expectations. Here are some Javanese words of disappointment about life.

11. "Pangarepan iku sumbere lara ati." (Desire is the root of all heartache)

12. "Rasane wis kesel nyoba, yen kabeh sing dicoba mung muspra." (It feels exhausting to try when everything attempted is in vain)

13. "Sing bisa mbatesi aku saka rasa seneng ikut kasunyatan." (What can limit me from happiness is reality)

14. "Pangarepan iku sumbere lara ati." (Desire is the root of all heartache)

15. "Aku pengin ndhelik ing endi wae.Donya iki kebak goroh." (I want to hide somewhere. This world is full of lies)

16. "Aku rumangsa wedi ngrasakne seneng amarga saben aku seneng, ana sing ala mesthi kedadeyan." (I always feel afraid to be happy because every time I feel it, something bad always happens after that happiness)

17. "Wong sing ora tau kecewa iku wong sing ora tau ngarep-arep." (The person who never feels disappointed is the one who never hopes)

18. "Mungkin, kabeh sing tak karepke iku mung mandheg sedhela kanggo ngartekke kabeh kegagalan kuwi." (Maybe, all I need is a pause to interpret all these failures)

19. "Aku nangis dudu mergo aku lemah, tapi aku nangis mergo wis kesel nyoba kuat kanggo wektu sing suwe." (I cry not because I am weak, but I cry because I am tired of trying to be strong for a long time)

20. "Aku mbangun pangarep-arep, nanging mung gagal ding tak oleh." (I build hopes, but only failure I get)

21. "Nek enek uwong sing nglarani kowe, ojo pernah mikir dinggo mbales.Ngguwak-ngguwak tenogo, sinau ikhlas ya." (If there is someone who hurts you, never think of retaliating. Just spend your energy, learn to be sincere)

3. Disappointed Words in Javanese about Love

Love is often referred to as the most beautiful gift. Love can also make someone's life more colorful and happy. But it cannot be denied that love often disappoints and hurts. Here are some disappointed words in Javanese about love.

22. "Kudune aku ngerti kapan wektune mungkasi ngarep-arep sapaya akhire ora kecewa." (I should know when to stop hoping so that I won't be disappointed)

23. "Yen sayang karo kowe iku salah, aku ikhlas dadi wong sing salah sak teruse." (If loving you is wrong, I'm willing to be the wrong person forever)

24. "Kowe lungo nggowo kenangan, tapi kowe teko nggowo undangan." (You leave with memories, but you come back with an invitation)

25. "Sak durunge aku ngerti kowe, aku durung tau ngrasakake lara sing kaya ngene." (Before I knew you, I never felt this heartache)

26. "Nelongso rasane, sing tak tresno ono sing nduwe." (It feels sad, the one I love already belongs to someone else)

27. "Jarene janji trenamu gede, nyatane saiki mbok tinggalne." (You promised big things, but now you're leaving)

28. "Kowe pancen pinter nggawe uwong sayang, tapi kenapa malah mbok tinggal pas aku lagi sayang-sayange?" (You're really good at making people fall in love, but why did you leave when I was loving you?)

29. "Dudu cinta nek ora cemburu.Tapi, dudu cinta barang nek terus nglarani." (It's not love if there's no jealousy. But it's also not love if it continues to hurt)

30. "Aku serius marang kowe, nek kowe gur arep dolanan, aja ning kene, iki ati dudu lapangan." (I'm serious about you, if you just want to play around, don't be here, this heart is not a playground)

31. "Aku mikir kowe terus, yo mergo aku sayang kowe." (I keep thinking about you, because I love you)

32. "Aku sing loro ati, ngopo wong liyo sing mbok obati?" (I'm the one with a broken heart, why do you heal someone else?)

33. "Kenopo kowe isih bertahan karo wong sing wis nglarani kowe?" (Why do you still hold on to someone who has hurt you?) What is it called love?" (Why do you still hold on to someone who has hurt you? Is that what love is?)

34. "I accept stepping back instead of a broken heart, the one I chased has already forgotten)

35. "There is only one thing you can do well, which is to crush the heart)

36. "Your promise was big, but now you leave)

4. Disappointed Words in Javanese about Friendship

Just like love, friendship is also something precious and often brings happiness. However, sometimes problems arise in friendship. So it's not uncommon for friendship to also cause disappointment. Here are some Javanese words of disappointment about friendship.

37. "Ora ana sing luwih nggawe lara ketimbang ndelok kancamu alon-alon ngganti kowe karo kanca liyane." (There is nothing more painful than seeing your friend slowly replacing you with another friend)

38. "Pangarapku marang sampeyan bubar nyritakake sapa sejatine sampeyan." (My imagination of you is shattered by the reality of who you really are)

39. "Aku dudu ngadoh, mung njaga dhewe supaya ora digunakake sak penake." (I'm not distancing myself, I'm just protecting myself from being used)

40. "Dudu sengit sing nggawe aku adoh saka sampeyan, nanging kecewa." (It's not hatred that makes me stay away from you, but disappointment)

41. "Aku ora nyalahake kowe amarga kowe marakke kecewa, aku nyalahake awakku dhewe amarga wis percaya marang kowe." (I'm not blaming you for disappointing me, I blame myself for trusting you)

42. "Kepercayaan mbutuhake pirang-pirang taun kanggo mbangun, nanging mung sedhela kanggo dirusak." (Trust takes years to build, but only a moment to destroy)

43. "Jebule aku dudu kelangan kanca, aku lagi ngerti yen aku pancen ora tau duwe kanca." (Turns out, I didn't lose a friend, I just realized that I never really had one)

44. "Luwih gampang ngapura mungsuh tinimbang kanca." (It's easier to forgive an enemy than a friend)

45. "Luwih mending duwe mungsuh tapi tenanan, katimbang duwe kanca sing apus-apus." (It's better to have a real enemy than to have one friend who is fake)

Those are 45 meaningful Javanese words of disappointment about life, love, and friendship. How about you? Is there anything that represents your current feelings?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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