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46 Funny Goodnight Quotes, Entertaining Bedtime Introduction

46 Funny Goodnight Quotes, Entertaining Bedtime Introduction Illustration (credit: - Good night greetings can be a form of attention for someone, whether it's family, partner, or friends. However, with a number of funny good night greetings, it can be the most interesting reference as an entertaining bedtime message for your loved ones.

As we know, night is the time for everyone to rest their body and mind. That's why the night is the right time to gather energy for the next day. It's not surprising that doing things you enjoy can be a choice to relax and calm your mind.

It's not uncommon for good night greetings from your loved ones to make you feel special attention that makes your heart happy. Although simple, who would have thought that good night greetings can leave a deep impression on someone as a bedtime message.

If you want to say good night to someone, funny good night greetings can be a unique and interesting reference. Because besides being a form of attention from you, this greeting can entertain them amidst their busy daily activities.

Funny good night greetings are a very entertaining way to end the day and gather good mood. Here are some funny good night greetings compiled by from various sources.


1. Funny Good Night Greetings that Make You Laugh

Saying goodnight is certainly something that is commonly done by someone to their loved ones. Including for you, goodnight wishes can be given to family, partners, or friends. But with a number of funny goodnight wishes below, it becomes a unique and interesting expression for your loved ones.

1. 'The sun will not turn red. The sea will not turn blue. I will never stop bothering you. Goodnight!'

2. 'Goodnight, friend, sleep well. How nice it is for a single person to receive wishes.'

3. 'Don't stay up late, buddy. Not waiting for a text or a phone call from a lover, right? Oh, forgot, you don't have a lover.'

4. 'I'm tired, going to sleep now. If you need anything, just come to my dreams.'

5. 'Goodnight, friend in the same boat. Since we're both single, let's relax until morning with pillows and blankets, shall we?'

6. 'Before sleeping, make sure the pillow next to you is really a pillow. It's troublesome if it turns out that the pillow you're using is actually a ghost. Scary.'

7. 'Goodnight, weak person who can't open their heart to someone. Let alone the heart, you need scissors to open a packet of instant noodles.'

8. 'It's already night, guys, go to sleep quickly. Who knows, when you wake up tomorrow, you might have a partner.'

9. 'Single, right? Oiya lupa, pacar kan nggak punya.'

4. 'I'm tired, going to sleep now. If you need anything, just come to my dreams.'

5. 'Goodnight, friend in the same boat. Since we're both single, let's relax until morning with pillows and blankets, shall we?'

6. 'Before sleeping, make sure the pillow next to you is really a pillow. It's troublesome if it turns out that the pillow you're using is actually a ghost. Scary.'

7. 'Goodnight, weak person who can't open their heart to someone. Let alone the heart, you need scissors to open a packet of instant noodles.'

8. 'It's already night, guys, go to sleep quickly. Who knows, when you wake up tomorrow, you might have a partner.'

9. 'Single, right? Don't stay up late, if you catch a cold, there's no one to take care of you."

10. "Sleep, bro, why stay up late when you're single? Poor lamp that accompanies you until morning."

11. "Time can't be rewound, licked, or even dipped.Good night, friend."

12. "It's late, sis, better go to sleep. Be aware, no one is contacting you now. It's better to sleep and dream about celebrities."


2. Funny Good Night Greetings that Entertain

Funny good night messages can be used as a reference to entertain loved ones.Because, the following funny good night messages contain funny words that will make you laugh.Here are some entertaining funny good night messages.

13. "Good night. Don't forget to sleep with a pillow. Who knows, you might dream that you're already married."

14. "The night gets later, it's time to pull the blanket. Don't forget to wash your feet first so you won't get bitten by ants. Have a good sleep from a cute person."

15. "Watermelon, grape, already available on the table. Because my eyes are already sleepy, good night and see you later."

16. "Going to the night market, don't forget to bring your motorcycle. Oh, it's already night, it's time for us to be late."

17. "Try looking outside. There's no sun, but there's the moon, right? Do you know what it means? Yes, because it's already night, how about it. Go to sleep!"

18. "It's time to join the bed club, with DJ pillow and MC blanket. Good night, sweet dreams to you who are cute."

19. "Go to the market to buy a rice cooker, don't forget to buy 'gethuk'. Hey you who like to stay up late, be careful tomorrow you'll be sleepy."

20. "Tiny ants coughing. At this hour, I'm already sleepy. Young coconut stepped on by an elephant. Well, just go to sleep."

21. "I move a lot in my sleep. This makes me feel like I'm wasting my time at the gym in the morning. Night."

22. "Don't forget to sleep, it's already night or else the thief will put you to sleep. Oh, but the thief is a clever one."

23. "If time doesn't wait for you, don't worry. Just remove the watch battery and enjoy your life. Good night."

24. "Hey, go to sleep! It's already late. Until when are you going to stare at your phone with no notifications?"

25. "Don't stay up late, Mblo. If you get sick, no one will remind you to take your medicine. Go to sleep quickly!"


3. Funny Good Night Greetings with Meaning

The funny good night messages below not only contain entertaining messages but also include prayers and wishes for you. Here are meaningful funny good night messages.

26. "Sleep is my candle. The mattress is my distributor. And the alarm is my police. I hope you feel the same, friend!"

27. "You're not a fish that can't blink. But humans need rest. Good night."

28. "Warning! Stalking your ex's account can cause heart attacks, dizziness, heartache, high blood pressure, endless crying, and mental disorders. Stop stalking and go to sleep!"

29. "Forgive me for intentionally sending you a good night message. Because goodbye will never exist in my dictionary."

30. "You're not God who doesn't sleep. Rest."

31. "No matter how dark the night is, there will always be a star that shines within it. Good night."

32. "A beautiful night is when you hug your teddy bear and sleep. But a scary night is when the teddy bear you hug hugs you back. Sweet dreams!"

33. "Go to Pekalongan to buy chalk, don't forget to buy two." If you have trouble sleeping, don't forget to pray."

34. "In the darkness of the night, I utter good night wishes from the deepest corner of my heart so that our friendship remains eternal amidst the silence of the night."

35. "The evening is passing by, the coldness of the night pierces the bones, it's time to pull the blanket, and I say good night, my friend."

36. "Appreciate everything you have, but don't let something insignificant make you lose something meaningful. Good night to you."


4. Funny Good Night Greetings that Impress Him/Her

Giving funny good night wishes is certainly one of the different and unique ways you can do for your loved ones. It's no wonder that this method can make them even more impressed and touched. Here are some funny good night wishes to make them impressed.

37. "I just want to give you a good night wish. Oh! Don't forget to check under your mattress, okay!"

38. "Good night! I'm going to sleep first. Because there is longing that needs rest."

39. "If jengkol beans could cure irritation and pete beans could get rid of annoyance, this world would be peaceful even with a little smell. Good evening my beloved who is feeling bored."

40. "Good evening! Can I ask, when you smile, how many spoons of sugar do you have? It's so sweet."

41. "If you sleep soundly, who knows we might meet in a dream."

42. "You have entered a time where there is a spoon in your right hand, a cellphone in your left hand, and your soulmate is still in God's hands. Good night!"

43. "Your face looks like someone who is difficult to forget. Difficult to forget, that's what it means. Hehe. Have a good rest!"

44. "Only handsome guys and beautiful girls are sleeping at this hour. Good night, everyone!"

45. "Batik clothes from Pasar Rebo. Hi, Beautiful, sweet dreams."

46. "Missing you is like the Sumber Kencono bus. The later it gets at night, the more reckless it becomes."

Those are 46 funny good night greetings, as entertaining bedtime greetings. The above good night greetings can be a reference for you to give sweet greetings to your loved ones.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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