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5 Things Often Associated with Indie Kids, Definitely You!

5 Things Often Associated with Indie Kids, Definitely You! (c) Shutterstock - The term indie kids is definitely not unfamiliar. It has been booming in recent years. Indie actually comes from the abbreviation of the word independent, which refers to the characteristics of independent, free, or liberated people. Now indie kids are synonymous with sunset lovers with their unique playlists.

It can be said that indie kids have their own social class. Interestingly, it's not just about music, these indie kids are often associated with the following things.


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Initially, sneakers became popular among school kids because they are comfortable and durable. But now, these casual-designed shoes are more closely associated with the appearance of indie kids who prioritize freedom.

The colors don't have to be plain black or white, there are more and more designs and colors of sneakers that not only complete the look but also serve as a platform to show off their mood for the day. It doesn't matter what brand they use, as long as their confidence level increases, especially when combined with calf-length socks that make their appearance stand out.


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Indie kids are not the type of people who follow trends, especially when it comes to drinks. Forget about offering a glass of Thai tea or a glass of boba with brown sugar and enjoying it with a wide straw. They prefer to drink coffee in a shop that makes it themselves from fragrant beans.

According to them, the type of coffee cannot be arbitrary. Most of them choose to sip espresso coffee with a super bitter taste, which is considered to be able to inspire more than sachet coffee.

Flannel Shirt

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Indie kids are relaxed and also considered economical. Because they don't need too many fashion items to follow the annual trend. Besides idolizing denim jackets or Dilan-style jackets, indie kids like to collect flannel shirts with checkered motifs that are comfortable and easy to mix and match.

If they want to look a little neat, they can combine the flannel shirt tucked into dark denim. If they want to look casual but still stylish, they can try the Korean-style clothing that tucks the front of the shirt and lets the back cover the back pockets of long pants. They can also combine plain t-shirts with open flannel shirts and roll up the sleeves to the elbows.


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Reminiscent of Rangga's character in the film AADC, indie kids are often associated with their ability to string poetic words together. When unpacking their usual tote bag, they might find a book of poetry or a notebook filled with pen sketches when suddenly inspired. Some also like to post their favorite philosophies or self-composed poems on social media to express their feelings or mood. Or if connected with fashion, there are indie kids who like to wear wording tee containing flowery language, whether it's expressions of love or confusion.


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When it comes to weather, indie kids may not be morning people. Sunset is actually their favorite time to reflect on what has happened and what they want to do in the future, enjoying a cup of coffee, and discovering philosophy.

They have their own way of enjoying the sunset. Starting from listening to their favorite songs while sipping coffee in a hidden cafe, sitting on the rooftop of a building, or going to a hilltop to enjoy the fresh air and calming atmosphere. Indie kids always have their own way of enjoying the sunset.

Learning from indie kids who love the sunset so much, you can also make the afternoon more meaningful by having your own fun. For example, by hunting for interesting giveaways, like participating in the activity Sore Hore: Tebak Sensor held on Instagram, which is definitely exciting!

Å Instagram/

The way to do it is also easy, you just need to guess the censored image in the Sore Hore post on the Instagram account Make sure you have followed Instagram, liked the post, and answered the question in the comment section. Don't forget to mention 2 of your friends to join as well. Later, there will be a DANA Balance prize with a total value of Rp 1 million that can be transferred directly to your DANA account! Just check the post here.

For those who don't know, Sore Hore is an activity held regularly on the Instagram account There are various fun quizzes that test your brain sharpness to find the right answers. It's even more exciting because the prizes are always worth not to be missed.  So, keep waiting for the latest updates from Instagram so you don't miss this activity!




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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