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50 Words for the Deceased, Full of Sadness and Touching

50 Words for the Deceased, Full of Sadness and Touching Illustration (credit: - The departure of someone you know forever certainly brings up feelings of sadness. This can happen to anyone, because no one is eternal in this world. If you experience such a situation, condolences can be expressed to the bereaved family. Some words for the deceased also contain deep meaningful prayers.

As is known, death cannot be avoided by every living creature, including humans. Yes, that's why preparing oneself for the afterlife needs to be done as early as possible. Because you will never know when that moment will come.

ALSO READ: Prayers to Eliminate Excessive Fear and Its Meaning

When you are still given the opportunity to breathe the freshness of the world's air, you often have to face the reality of the departure of your loved ones to face God. Feelings of sadness certainly cannot be avoided when you know that someone you know has passed away.

When you are faced with this situation, a series of prayers and condolences can only be shown to the deceased. In addition, words for the deceased can be a source of reflection and reminder for everyone. Taking valuable lessons from every event can help you become a better person.

As for words for the deceased that are full of sadness and touch the heart, you can read them through the reviews below. Here are the words for the deceased that have been summarized by from various sources.



1. Words for the Deceased Full of Meaning

Like the previous reviews, words for the deceased sometimes also contain deep meanings. Where everyone can take valuable lessons from a death. Here are the words for the deceased.

1. "Do not be sad, everyone will gather again at the end of time. We must believe that Allah SWT will reunite us with other relatives when the time comes."

2. "May we all take inspiration from the goodness that the deceased has done during their lifetime. Let's just keep all the bad things the deceased did in their lifetime and no need to bring them up again."

3. "Allah SWT will not give trials beyond our human capabilities. So, remain strong in the face of their departure because everything will be beautiful in its time."

4. "Everything that happens is the will of Allah, we must accept it with an open heart."

5. "Let the past be the past, what we can do now is to pray for them who have left us forever."

6. "All of this is God's good plan, and we must accept their departure with resilience and an open heart."

7. "Tears from the heart will never be able to bring back someone who has gone forever. Stay strong, my friend, consider their departure as a reminder that we are just ordinary humans who will also face death. So live life with courage and remember that we will also experience death.."

8. "Behind the cheerful face, there is simple sorrow, there is laughter that cannot laugh, there are tears that do not shed, there is ambition without achievement, there is a smile without charm. There is even a story without a word."

9. "One day, many people will come to look and say 'my condolences'. One day, it will feel how their presence eases the grief. How their departure leaves a wound for relatives out there. How their departure leaves benefits for others."

10. "Make death only on the body because your dwelling place is the grave and the inhabitants of the grave always await your arrival every time." - Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali

11. "Death is a bridge that connects those who love with those they love." - Jalaluddin Rumi

12. "Although the body has been separated by death, true love will still be stored eternally in the depths of the heart." - Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie

13. "Death is the fastest event that makes everything history." - Asma Nadia

14. "Indeed, my prayer, my worship, my life, and my death are only for Allah, the Lord of all the worlds." - Q.S Al-a'raf: 162

15. "No one knows what they will strive for tomorrow. And no one knows on which land they will die. Indeed, Allah is the All-Knowing and All-Aware." - Q.S Luqman: 34


2. Words for the Deceased Full of Sadness

It cannot be denied that sadness, pain, and even loss envelop you when you find out that a loved one has passed away. Such feelings are normal, but prolonged sadness is not a solution. That is why praying and letting go sincerely is the best way you can do. In addition, the following words for the deceased can represent your feelings when you are left by your loved ones.

16. "Do not be sad, everyone will gather again in the end of time. You must believe that Allah will reunite us with other relatives when the time comes."

17. "Those who are born will die, but those who do not exist do not mean they are forgotten. We are willing to let go of our beloved family to face Allah. May his grave be widened and all his sins be forgiven. Amen."

18. "O Allah, I beg for forgiveness for the deceased, elevate his status along with those who guide. Provide a replacement for those who are left behind. Forgive our sins and his, O our Lord, the owner of forgiveness, call upon all beings, widen his grave and provide enlightenment in his grave. Amen."

19. "May his grave be illuminated, his worship be accepted, his sins be forgiven, and his goodness be emulated. Allah called him first because Allah loves him. Our condolences cannot compare to His love."

20. "Farewell, my true friend, I can only pray for you from here. May all the prayers I offer for you be heard and answered by the Almighty God. And may God place you in the best place."

21. "Always be patient, my brother, I know this is a very difficult thing for you and your whole family. But don't let it drag on, remember what the Prophet always said, that the deceased is tortured because of the cries of his family. Those who cannot accept his departure, then accept him who has gone."

22. "For those who are being tested by Him, do not make a heavy rain of tears. Because God will soon give you happiness there."

23. "His kindness and sincerity will always be remembered in my heart. May he rest in peace with Him. I am deeply saddened and mourn his loss."

24. "All the pain you have experienced has ended, Allah loves you more than all of us here. Farewell, my friend, may you rest in peace in heaven."

25. "My tears flow on the day of your departure. I really miss you, thank you for being my best friend. Goodbye, friend, may your good deeds be a guiding light in your grave."


3. Words for the Deceased for Reflection

Words for the deceased can also be a reflection for all of you. It can make you a better person. Where time and death always go hand in hand, which you do not know when it will come. The words for the deceased are as follows.

26. "In essence, it is Allah's right to take something and give something to His people, everything that exists in His presence is limited by death. Therefore, be patient because of his departure, and seek the maximum pleasure of Allah."

27. "We mourn his departure. May his death make you stronger in life, not extinguishing brotherhood and kinship, and increasing good deeds as provisions for waiting for death."

28. "The one who is born will die, but the one who does not exist does not mean forgotten. We are willing to let go of our beloved family to face Allah SWT. May his grave be spacious and all his sins be forgiven. Amen."

29. "Provision, marriage, and age have been determined by Allah, let us accept and be content with all His decrees. May Allah increase patience and strengthen faith."

30. "If yesterday was a rain, tomorrow the Lord always promises fertility and happiness on the land that He has rained on. So be patient."

31. "Losing someone forever is not an easy thing. It feels really heavy. But, there is no better way than to accept it wholeheartedly."

32. "Indeed, Allah has the right to give and take something from His servants. Because, all of those things are only entrusted. May you be given patience and endurance over the departure of the deceased."

33. "No matter how great you feel about your profession, there is nothing special. We all breathe and bleed the same. Today holds life, tomorrow may hold death." - Fiersa Besari

34. "The farthest thing from us is time, the closest is death, the heaviest is trust." - Dian Nafi

35. "Wherever you are, death will surely come to you, even if you seek refuge in a very high and strong fortress." - Q.S An-Nisa: 78

36. "Wasting time is far more dangerous than death; because wasting time will separate someone from Allah and the afterlife, while death only separates someone from worldly life and its inhabitants." - Ibn al-Qayyim

37. "Death is something that is farthest from our minds, even though it is actually closer than anything close to us." - Ali Mustafa Tanthowi

38. "There is a time when the earth becomes his resting place, worms become his friends, Munkar and Nakir become his guests, the grave becomes his dwelling place, the belly of the earth becomes his abode, heaven or hell becomes his place of return."

39. "Do not wish for death because of a danger that befalls him. If he really wants to do it, then say, O Allah, give me life if living is better for me. And take my life if dying is better for me." - HR.Bukhari


4. Words for the Deceased in Islam

In Islam, when hearing news of someone's death, it is common to say the phrase istirja'. This phrase is often said when someone is affected by a calamity, such as illness, disaster, or death. In addition, there are a number of words for the deceased in Islam that are full of prayers for the deceased and the family left behind. Here are the words for the deceased.

40. "Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. My family and I express our condolences. May Allah give strength to the family left behind. Believe me, Allah will surely reunite you in paradise."

41. "Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. We deeply express our condolences. May the deceased be forgiven for all their mistakes and may all their good deeds be accepted by Allah SWT."

42. "Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. We mourn for what has happened, hope for the best, and may you be strong to face all of this. Our big family extends our deepest condolences."

43. "We believe that Allah SWT will never give a test beyond the limits of His servants' abilities, so you must stay strong."

44. "Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi roji'un. May the deceased be accepted in the sight of Allah SWT, may all their good deeds be accepted, and may all their sins be forgiven. Amen."

45. "Indeed, we belong to Allah and to Him we shall return. We express our condolences, may their acts of worship be accepted in the sight of Allah SWT. And those who are left behind can be given patience and sincerity. Ameen."

46. "Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raaji'un, wa inna ilaa rabbina lamunqalibuun, allahummaktubhu 'indaka fiil muhsinin, waj'al kitaabahu fii 'illiyyiin, wakhlufhu fii ahlihi fil ghaabirin, wa laa tahrimnaa ajrohu walaa taftinnaa ba'dahu."

47. "Sesungguhnya kami adalah milik Allah dan kepada-Nya-lah kami kembali. Turut berduka cita, semoga amal ibadahnya diterima di sisi Allah SWT. Dan mereka yang ditinggalkan dapat diberikan ketabahan dan keikhlasan. Ameen."

48. "Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. Turut berduka cita. Segala sesuatu yang bernyawa sudah Allah tetapkan batas waktunya kapan ia akan kembali menghadap sang pencipta. So, be patient with what befalls you now. Believe that behind all this there will surely be wisdom."

49. "May Allah have mercy on you and increase patience in your heart. Accept it with an open heart, may the deceased be accepted by the Creator."

50. "Just as You cleanse white clothes from all dirt, give a better home than their worldly home. Give their family or spouse in Your Paradise, who is better than their family in the world. Enter them into Your Paradise and keep them away from the fire of Hell."

Those are 50 words for the deceased, full of sadness and touching the heart. Some of the words for the deceased above can represent your feelings and be a valuable lesson for everyone.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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