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54 Hijrah Words, Best Motivation to Stay Steadfast on the Path of Truth

54 Hijrah Words, Best Motivation to Stay Steadfast on the Path of Truth Illustration (credit: - Hijrah is often used to refer to someone who has convinced themselves to return to the path of truth. In this case, hijrah is interpreted as a change in a person's outward and inward self to obey the commands and prohibitions of Allah SWT. If you are determined to make hijrah, a number of hijrah words can be the best motivation to stay istiqomah.

According to the Great Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), hijrah means the migration of Prophet Muhammad SAW along with some of his followers from Mecca to Medina to save themselves and others from the pressure of the Quraysh infidels in Mecca; to move or temporarily move from one place to another for a better reason (safety, goodness).

In this case, hijrah can also be interpreted as a behavior or attitude of a person from being wrong to the path of truth or improving oneself towards the right path. However, hijrah also has several processes or stages that each person goes through to stay istiqomah on the path of Allah SWT.

Because there are various challenges that someone may face when making hijrah, both challenges from oneself and challenges from others. That is why when you are in the process of making hijrah, a number of hijrah words below can be the best motivation to stay istiqomah on the path of truth.

As for the best hijrah words as motivation, you can read them through the following reviews. The following hijrah words have been compiled by from various sources.


1. Motivating Hijrah Words

The motivating migration words below can make you more firm in your stance to be on the straight path. So, with motivating migration words, it can be a reference for you. As for some reviews about motivating migration words as follows.

1. "Keep running, keep walking, keep crawling because every effort we make, Allah always sees it."

2. "Migration is not difficult, difficulty only exists in our minds."

3. "Migration not only requires 'process', but also requires 'progress'."

4. "Time can never be turned back. So what are you waiting for, quickly become good."

5. "There is no word tired, there is only for Allah. Will not give up, because of Allah. Lighten the problem, remember there is Allah. Keep moving, solely for Allah."

6. "Being yourself is good, but changing to be better than we used to be will probably be much better." - Anonymous

7. "Think positive and be grateful for what you already have, slowly but surely your life will change for the better."

8. "Change for a better future, not to please others. Deception will not last long."

9. "Do not despair, Allah will not disappoint His servants who want to improve themselves." - Ust.Hanan Attaki

10. "Do not change just for the sake of change, but also pay attention to the direction. The best direction of change is towards a better path."

11. "If we want to change for the better because of Allah, then Allah will send good people to us."

12. "Change into a good person, who benefits oneself and others, do not inflate your ego."

13. "Verily, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves." - QS.Ar-Ra'd: 11


2. Wise Hijrah Words

A number of wise migration words below contain deep meanings about the meaning of migration. Because migration is a process to return to the path of truth, in this case in accordance with the commands and prohibitions of Allah SWT. The wise migration words are as follows.

14. "Migration is about improving oneself to become patient, not a mocker, to become a greeter, not a critic."

15. "I seek all forms of sustenance but I did not find a better sustenance than patience." - Umar bin Khatab

16. "Migration is not about perfecting oneself, but about improving oneself."

17. "Don't blame others when you are disappointed, but blame yourself for expecting something that is not certain."

18. "Be grateful for being given time by Allah. Not everyone is given enough time to become better."

19. "Because of someone, we can change, so associate with good people."

20. "The path of Allah is long, but we take it like a turtle. And the goal is not for you to reach the end of the road, but the goal is for you to die on that road." - Sheikh al-Albaniy

21. "Let us be seen as evil by others, as long as we do not pretend to be good even though our past is dark. At least we make an effort to change."

22. "Someone may change without you realizing it, it is much better than you asking them to change."

23. "If patience is in hand, then various insults and abuses they throw will only feel like small flying dust."

24. "Good intentions may not always be received well. But it will always find a good ending."


3. Hijrah Words to Stay Istiqomah

As for the words of migration, in order to remain steadfast, make yourselves maintain obedience and self-confidence to do good deeds and avoid religious prohibitions. So, through the migration words below, they can become an inspiration for you to remain steadfast.

25. "Behind the word steadfastness, there is strong struggle, numerous sacrifices, and endless prayers."

26. "Migration is not easy because its reward is paradise. Keep moving forward, never give up, let alone turn back."

27. "Steadfastness is heavy, what is light is called rest."

28. "Death does not wait for you to be steadfast. However, be steadfast while waiting for death to come."

29. "Allah's pleasure will never come in a relationship that violates Allah's prohibitions."

30. "You will never find true love until you learn to love Allah first." - Boona Mohammed

31. "Because what is lawful will become worship, it is certainly more beautiful, that's why migration comes after steadfastness."

32. "It's not that Allah doesn't know how lonely your heart is, Allah also knows that you are capable of enduring obedience until a person takes you flying to the dream island."

33. "Migration for the sake of Allah will gradually cultivate steadfastness."

34. "Steadfastness is not easy to maintain, often you have to shed tears."

35. "Stay steadfast, it will surely be beautiful in its time."

36. "Migration for the sake of Allah will gradually cultivate steadfastness."

37. "Changing is difficult, but what is even more difficult is being steadfast in self-change, only those who are firmly committed to continue."

38. "Righteous women, include prayers for me and strong Muslimah fighters, so that we remain steadfast together in reaching His paradise."

39. "Steadfastness is difficult. Sincerity is heavy. Why? Because the reward is paradise, that's why it is the best faith."

40. "Migration is difficult, but we will get used to it. Do not give up just because of other people's criticism. Do not listen! It is better to listen to Allah's call."

41. "Migration sometimes makes us left by many people. It should not matter, because migration only needs Allah, not applause and appreciation for change."

42. "Migration will not stop until the door of repentance is closed. And the door of repentance will not stop until the sun rises from the west." - HR.Abu Dawud

43. "Migration does not mean you are no longer yourself. Because you still remain yourself with a better condition than before."


4. Inspiring Hijrah Words

Various inspiring migration words can be a way for you to take valuable and meaningful lessons about migration. In addition, through the following migration words, it can also inspire people around you.

44. "I don't want to be better than others, but I just want to be better than my past self."

45. "Being a person who wants to know a lot by asking a lot is actually luckier than a person who is reluctant to ask because they feel they know a lot."

46. "Love for Allah is the highest form of love. The valley is love for others." - Prophet Muhammad

47. "Loving Allah is the highest form of love. Perfect your love for Allah before you anchor your love for His creatures."

48. "Thank you for giving me wounds. I make these wounds as my migration door."

49. "Admiration for the power that Allah SWT gives is a sign of love that you have just realized."

50. "I believe, Allah's destiny is surely the best for me, and for you too."

51. "Chase the world because of religion. But do not chase the world to the point of forgetting to choose between heaven and hell."

52. "Sometimes, God takes away something very meaningful from your grasp, so that you realize your mistakes and become better." - Anonymous

53. "Making mistakes is normal, because those who never make mistakes are those who never try something new."

54. "Think positive and be grateful for what you already have, slowly but surely your life will change for the better."

Those are 54 migration words, the best motivation to remain steadfast on the path of truth. Some of the above migration words can be motivation and inspiration for you to remain steadfast on the path of truth.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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