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50 Inspirational English Words and Their Meanings, a Source of Life Inspiration

50 Inspirational English Words and Their Meanings, a Source of Life Inspiration Illustration (credit: freepik) - Enthusiasm is an important aspect that we need to have throughout our lives in this world. Because, enthusiasm is something that we will greatly need in various conditions. Unfortunately, everyone often experiences fluctuating levels of enthusiasm. However, there are many ways to regain enthusiasm. One of them is by reading and interpreting inspirational English words.

By understanding inspirational English words, we will be more enthusiastic in facing our daily lives. It is not wrong if many people make these inspirational words as their life motto. Because, as long as there is enthusiasm within us, no matter how difficult the problems and obstacles that arise, they can surely be overcome. In addition, when we are enthusiastic, we will also be able to enjoy life more.

Compiled from various sources, here are inspirational English words and their meanings that can uplift our life motivation.


1. Words of Encouragement in English to Live Life

As mentioned earlier, spirit is an important aspect of life.Spirit will determine someone's enthusiasm in living life.Without spirit, someone will easily give up.Here are some words of encouragement in English that can uplift the spirit of life.

1. "Don't live life with regrets and make every minute count because everything happens for a reason."

2. "Never regret being a good person to the wrong people. Your behavior says everything about you, and their behavior says enough about them."

3. "True love doesn't have a happy ending. It doesn't have an ending at all." And has no end in everything).

4. "Sometimes life doesn't give you what you want, not because you don't deserve it, but because you deserve so much more." (Terkadang hidup tidak memberi apa yang kita mau, bukan karena kita tidak pantas untuk menerimanya, tetapi karena kita pantas untuk menerima yang lebih dari itu).

5. "Don't be afraid of being different, be afraid of being the same as everyone else." (Jangan takut untuk menjadi berbeda, takutlah untuk menjadi sama seperti yang lainnya).

6. "Today I will do what others don't.So tomorrow I can do what others can't." (Hari ini kita akan melakukan apa yang orang lain tak lakukan.Dengan begitu aku bisa melakukan apa yang tidak bisa dilakukan orang lain esok hari).

7. "If you live for people's acceptance you will die from their rejection." (Jika kita hidup hanya untuk diterima orang lain maka kita akan mati atas penolakan dari mereka).

8. "When you know why you like someone, it's a crush.When you have no reason or explanation, it's love." (Ketika kita tahu kenapa kita menyukai seseorang, itu adalah sebuah kekaguman.Ketika kamu tidak mempunyai alasan ataupun penjelasan, ini dinamakan cinta).

9. "So many people who love you.Don't focus on the people who don't." (Ada banyak sekali manusia yang mencintaimu.Jangan fokus kepada mereka yang tidak).

10. "Getting up in the morning is a sign that you can achieve the life's goal better than yesterday." (Bangun di pagi hari adalah tanda bahwa kamu bisa mencapai tujuan hidup lebih baik dari kemarin).


2. Motivational Words of Encouragement in English

Spirit and motivation are two inseparable things. Words about spirit will not only make someone more enthusiastic. More than that, these words will also motivate someone to live better. Here are motivational words in English.

11. "You do not need to be great to start something. Do it now and do not ever put off because the chance may not come twice." (Kamu tidak perlu menjadi hebat untuk memulai sesuatu. Lakukan sekarang dan jangan pernah menunda karena kesempatan mungkin tidak datang dua kali).

12. "Success and failure are both part of life. Both are not permanent." (Kesuksesan dan kegagalan, keduanya adalah bagian dari hidup. Dan keduanya tidaklah tetap).

13. "If plan A didn't work, the alphabet still has 25 more letters." (Jika rencana A tidak berhasil, abjad masih memiliki 25 huruf lainnya).

14. "When you want to give up, look at back and then see how far you have climbed to reach your goal." (Ketika kamu ingin menyerah, lihatlah ke belakang dan kemudian ketahui seberapa jauh kamu telah berusaha untuk meraih tujuanmu).

15. "Never lose hope, because it is the key to achieve all your dreams."(Jangan pernah kehilangan harapan, karena itu adalah kunci untuk meraih semua mimpimu).

16. "Struggle that you do today is the single way to build a better future." (Perjuangan yang kamu lakukan hari ini merupakan cara untuk membangun kualitas yang lebih baik di hari esok).

17. "It's an impossibility to be perfect but it's possible to do the best." (Sebuah ketidakmungkinan untuk menjadi yang sempurna tetapi sangat memungkinkan untuk melakukan yang terbaik).

18. "If you are born in a poverty, it's not your fault. But if you die in a poverty, it's being an absolute mistake you have made." (If you were born into poverty, it's not your fault. But if you die in poverty, then it is an absolute mistake that you have made).

19. "Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction end up being the biggest step of your life for your success." (Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step in your life for your success).

20. "Your biggest weakness is when you give up and your greatest power is when you try one more time." (Your biggest weakness is when you give up and your greatest power is when you try one more time).

21. "Don't be shy to admit that we are not perfect humans. Because it is this imperfection that makes fragile thread embroidery together and binds between us." (Don't be ashamed to admit that we are not perfect humans. Because it is this imperfection that makes fragile thread embroidery come together and binds us together).


3. Short Words of Encouragement in English

To make someone more enthusiastic, it doesn't require long strings of words. Instead, just with short inspiring words. Like some short English words of encouragement below. Even though, just one sentence can still boost the spirit within.

22. "Do your best at every opportunity that you have."

23. "There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs."

24. "You're yours yourself not theirs or anyone else."

25. "Better late than never."

26. "Slow progress is better than no progress."

27. "If we never try, we will never know."

28. "If opportunity does not come to you, then create it."

29. "Love is when imperfection becomes perfection."

30. "Don't look back with regret, look forward with hope."

31. "Success isn't given, it's earned."

32. "Life would be tragic if it weren't funny."

33. "Forgive and forget, not revenge and regret."

34. "Never lose hope, because it is the key to achieve all your dreams."

35. "If the plan doesn't work, change the plan but never the goal."

36. "Love is not what you say. Love is what you do."

37. "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong." (Weak people cannot forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong).


4. Words of Encouragement in English from Famous Figures

So far, famous inspirational quotes are often used as quotations. In fact, some people use famous quotes as motivating and inspiring life mottos. Here are some English motivational words from famous figures.

38. "Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." (Optimism is the belief that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and self-confidence) - Hellen Keller

39. "In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can." (In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can do it) - Nikos Kazantzakis

40. "It always seems impossible until it's done." (Something will seem impossible until you can do it) - Nelson Mandela

41. "The secret of getting ahead is getting started." (The secret to progress is to start) - Mark Twain

42. "If you can dream it, you can do it." (If you can dream it, then you can do it) - Walt Disney

43. "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." (It doesn't matter how slow you go in life as long as you don't stop trying) - Confucius

44. "We should not give up and we should not allow the problem to defeat us." (We should not give up and we should not let the problem defeat us) - A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

45. "Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible." (Setting goals is the first step in making the invisible visible) - Tony Robbins

46. "Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines." - (Problems are not signs to stop, they are guidelines) - Robert H. Schuller

47. Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." (Banyak dari kegagalan hidup adalah mereka yang tidak sadar seberapa dekat mereka dengan kesuksesan saat menyerah) - Thomas Edison

48. "With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts." (Bersamaan dengan hari baru, muncul kekuatan dan pemikiran baru.) - Eleanor Roosevelt

49. "Only I can change my life.No one can do it for me." (Hanya aku yang bisa mengubah hidupku.Tak satu orang pun mampu melakukannya untukku.) - Carol Burnett

50.To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe." (Untuk mencapai hal-hal hebat, kita tidak hanya harus bertindak, tetapi juga bermimpi, bukan hanya rencana, tetapi juga percaya). - Anatole France

Itulah di antaranya 50 kata-kata semangat bahasa Inggris yang penuh makna dan inspirasi.Semoga bermanfaat dan bisa menginspirasi.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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