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55 Wise and Poetic Words About Love and Life Full of Meaning

55 Wise and Poetic Words About Love and Life Full of Meaning Poetic words about love (Credit: Freepik) - Without courage and feelings, life would go on as usual. Maybe you already feel satisfied with an ordinary life, but there must be one or two moments in life that suddenly feel very boring. When boredom strikes, perhaps you need to ponder by reading wise poetic words about life.

The monotonous activities that you do every day need to be given a break to synchronize your thoughts and feelings. This break can be obtained by reading wise poetic words while contemplating.

Wise poetic words can be found in literary works, songs, or movies. It depends on which activity you prefer. However, if you are not accustomed to doing it, just read the wise poetic words quoted from below.




1. Poetic Wise Words About Love

Love is something that cannot be separated from life. Most poetic wise words are the result of someone's reflection on love. To do a similar reflection, let's directly look at the following poetic wise words about love.

1. "Loving the world is normal, as long as that love does not make us disobey God." - Quraish Shihab

2. "Love is not about how long it lasts. But how clear and towards which direction." - Emha Ainun Nadjib

3. "Love is not only a feeling of happiness when being with someone. Love is also a commitment to stay with them, when the feeling of happiness fades away." - Merry Riana

4. "Love may be blind, but sometimes, to see it more clearly, we just need the right glasses." - Raditya Dika

5. "Saturday night. My heart is anxious. I don't know if democracy can lead me to your embrace in a careful and as soon as possible manner." - Joko Pinurbo, Malam Rindu

6. "That things other than flowers must bloom without waiting for a fresh summer season." - D. Zawawi Imron, Refrain Den Haag Evening

7. "What has bound us together other than words. Like blood when a wound reveals it." - Iswadi Pratama

8. "This rain is like words of love, spoken intimately by God, and we bow our heads attentively to listen." - Arifin C.Noer

9. "The origin is words. The universe is composed of words. Behind it lies only empty space and the morning breeze." - Subagio Sastriwardoyo

10. "Love is about liking each other, not hurting each other." - Sujiwo Tejo

11. "When I am no longer by your side, I will wait for you in eternity." - Bunga Citra Lestari, True Love

12. "Forever, until old age, until becoming dust, I am in the same grave, next to you." - Banda Neira, Until It Turns to Dust

13. "Do you remember the humble morning dew, which accompanied you before the light? Do you remember the tender breeze that will caress your love?" - Letto, Before the Light

14. "I will give love to your peaceful heart. My love is a passionate flame as beautiful as the twilight." There is nothing that can surpass the beauty of love." - Chrisye, My Love

15. "Because only with my deep longing, I endure life. So only with the traces of your heart, there is meaning in this life." - Sheila On 7, Secret Worshipper

16. "But tomorrow you will realize. You will find someone better. And I will be gone, I will become rain. But not for long, I will become a cloud." Frau, Rain Weaver Machine

17. "I am the dazzling light of your warmth and the warm shadow of your radiance, the earth surrenders to your sky." - Gus Mus, Love Poem

18. "Oh, fading moon. Visit my beloved! He sleeps alone, only accompanied by his longing heart." - W.S. Rendra, Request

19. "I want to love you simply. With words that wood never had a chance to speak to the fire that turned it into ashes." - Sapardi Djoko Damono, I Want

20. "Why are tissues useful? Because love never experiences drought." - Sujiwo Tejo




2. Poetic Wise Words About Life

We are born into the world with a package of life that contains anxiety, happiness, and confusion. These various feelings blend together and sometimes just make us dizzy.

But it's not always like that, in the hands of someone who is skilled at stringing words together, that dizziness can be conveyed as wise poetic words. Now, here are some wise poetic words that you can use as a reference.

21. "Whatever you do, do it as best as you can." - Walt Disney

22. "It takes courage to start something, and it takes a strong soul to finish it." - Jessica N.S.Yourko

23. "Doubt kills more hope than failure." - Suzy Kassem

24. "Turn your wounds into wisdom." - Oprah Winfrey

25. "When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do." - Walt Disney

26. "If you can dream it, you can do it." - Walt Disney

27. "Our minds are like parachutes, they only function when open." - Walt Disney

28. "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney

29. "Without inspiration, we will perish." - Walt Disney

30. "A happy soul is the best protector for a cruel world." - Atticus

31. "Success is the embodiment of a perfect life." - Dee Lestari

32. "If you want to be happy, be happy." - Leo Tolstoy

33. "You will never run out of creativity. The more you use it, the more you have." - Maya Angelou

34. "Sometimes the sky can look like a blank sheet. But it's not actually. Your stars are still there. Earth is just spinning." - Dee Lestari

35."Even if you feel sad, never give up.And even if you fall, never break." - Tablo

36."Because the heart doesn't need to choose, it always knows where to anchor." - Dee Lestari

37."I don't want to hold you back, it's up to you!Go wherever you want!As long as I come along." - Pidi Baiq

38."Growing older doesn't mean we understand everything." - Dee Lestari

39."You will never be a loser until you stop trying." - Mike Ditka

40."You won't realize it until it actually happens, but a slap might be the best thing in the world for you." - Walt Disney




3. Poetic Wise Words When Sad

You must desire the quality of being patient when facing consecutive problems.To learn patience, you don't always have to stay silent and tolerate mistakes.

By writing wise poetic words as status or captions, you are practicing patience.Writing wise poetic words surely goes through reflection, contemplation of all sadness.Or if you're not used to writing, just read the following wise poetic words.

41. "The wind rises when dusk reminds that autumn is coming.I worry about losing you, I worry about my worries."

42. "The more my back is soaked in rain, the more your image lingers, and the more silently you tear this heart apart."

43. "The deepest wound is when you can't see with your eyes, and the hidden sorrow is when you can't express with words."

44. "I can't regret our acquaintance, but what I regret is why it's too early to know the word goodbye."

45. "There is a time to hope, and a time to stop.There is a period to fight for, but also to let go."

46. "Even though the rain hasn't touched the earth yet, its drops have already wet my cheeks, piercing deep into the recesses of my heart."

47. "Like the moon that never leaves the earth, the stars never leave the sky, just like me who will never leave your memories."

48. "Loving you for a long time, I can surely do, but losing you even for a moment feels so heavy."

49. "The sharper the prayer waters the soul, the heavier the tears fall."

50. "Don't make me hope too much if you don't want me."

51. "Unconsciously darkness falls.At the end of the night towards a cold morning. There are only a few stars tonight. Maybe because you are so beautiful." - Payung Teduh, Untuk Perempuan yang Sedang Dalam Pelukan

52. "Believe me, I understand the restlessness of your soul, love, and the meaning of your disappointment. Love, trust that only I understand the most. The significance of self-honesty is beautiful, one heart, love." - Titi DJ, Bahasa Kalbu

53. "Without words, without sound. The drizzle interprets peace. Only feelings, only assumptions are heard in the rain's dialogue." - Senar Senja, Dialog Hujan

54. "The sun is already at the end of the evening, I release the day and a story. About the melancholic dreams that once surrounded me, since then the twilight sky is no longer the same." - Monita Tahalea, Memulai Kembali

55. "There is a feeling of weariness in staying, but there is pain in leaving."

Those are poetic and wise words about love and all the ups and downs of life that you can reflect on.





Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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