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56 Touching Words of Being Tired of Fighting Alone, Can Represent the Deepest Feelings

56 Touching Words of Being Tired of Fighting Alone, Can Represent the Deepest Feelings Illustration (credit: - Struggling alone is certainly not easy, because you are required to be strong and independent. But sometimes, struggling alone makes you tired and even want to give up. Several words of tiredness when struggling alone can represent your feelings when you are in a similar situation.

Feelings of tiredness, fatigue, sadness, and heaviness certainly envelop your feelings when you are struggling alone. Sometimes, you may have experienced feelings of despair or wanting to give up. However, remembering all the efforts that have been made, sometimes makes you stay motivated and strong in facing obstacles and challenges.

These feelings are normal when you are struggling alone to achieve certain goals. But believe that there will be a bright spot waiting for you when you sincerely fight for something good.

To vent all the feelings and emotions stored in your heart, several words of tiredness when struggling alone can be a reference for you to stay motivated and not give up.

The touching words of tiredness when struggling alone can be found in the following reviews. Here are the words of tiredness when struggling alone that have been summarized by from various sources.

1. Words of Tiredness in Struggling Alone

Like the previous reviews, words of tiredness in struggling alone can represent your feelings when in a similar situation. Because it is not easy to struggle alone, whether in a relationship or to achieve certain goals. Here are some words of tiredness in struggling alone that can be used as a reference.

1. Those who leave will come back again, until when will this situation continue to repeat. I am tired and confused about all of this.

2. Believe me, the person who always yearns for peace at the top is the one who is the most tired of their surroundings.

3. Disappointment is one of God's ways of saying, "I have something better for you."

4. You cannot build a future without helping others build their future.

5. When you are tired and disappointed, that's when you are learning about perseverance.

6. Today you do what others don't. Tomorrow you will be able to do what others can't.

7. It is better to die fighting for freedom than to be a prisoner every day in life.

8. Like it or not, it is pain that matures us.

9. Even though there are many others who are better, I will not give up on being the best in your life.

10. Fight enough, love appropriately. There's no need to create unnecessary pain.

11. If your efforts are always ignored, try offering money so that they can notice you.

12. Success doesn't always come from what we strive for, but don't let fatigue be an excuse because that's where you learn.

13. Right now, I feel very tired when all my energy has been spent on work.

14. What do you do when you are tired of the situation but are required to endure?

15. Sometimes we feel tired of ourselves without any clear reason. It's just because we are tired of the situation.

16.Sometimes we are tired not because of the complexity of the situation, but because we hold onto it too tightly. Learn to let go and rely on God. - mommy_elzar

2. Meaningful Words of Tiredness in Struggling Alone

Some words about being tired of fighting alone also contain deep meaning about a problem. Through these words, you can learn valuable lessons to face certain problems. Here are meaningful words about being tired of fighting alone.

17.Not wanting to blame the situation, just hoping that there is still support. Honestly, it's tiring, but not to give up.

18.When a beautiful view is obstructed by obstacles, change your perspective until you can see its beauty again. Just like in life's problems.

19. Those of us who struggle should never expect high ranks, positions, or salaries.

20.Hopefully, everything we go through now, no matter how hard we try to protect our hearts, will not just be meaningless tiredness. - Boy Candra

21.When you are tired and disappointed, that's when you are learning about perseverance. - Dahlan Iskan

22.Smiling when disappointed and being patient when not appreciated are two things that make me feel tired because I have to pretend.

23.Tiredness will surely exist, but it will slowly disappear. However, the effort from that tiredness will never disappear for those whom we provide benefits to.

24.Sometimes the body feels tired and I wonder how long I have to work overtime like a horse like this.

25. No need to wait for motivation to start working, but work first and motivation will come naturally.

26. Laziness, failure, boredom, confusion, and fatigue have also been felt by successful people, but they are able to rise, move forward, and try.

27. Optimal effort will bring the best results and eliminate fatigue that has reached its peak.

28. Surrendering to circumstances? It is not an option, but whether we realize it or not, we are tired at the same time.

29. If tired, rest. If weary, take a break. Indeed, the meaning is the same, but not in the sense of each individual. One can be tired of the situation, or tired of waiting for something uncertain. Only one word wants to be conveyed. Rest and take a break for a moment.

3. Touching Words of Tiredness in Struggling Alone

Various words of tiredness in fighting alone can also be a simple way for you to vent all your feelings. So that you can lighten the burden a little during the times of fighting alone. Here are some words of tiredness in fighting alone that touch the heart.

30. If you feel that your burden is heavier than others, it is because God sees you as stronger than others.

31. What keeps me fighting is the goal.

32. Happiness comes when you believe in what you do, know what you do, love what you do.

33. Because we are still breathing, may we not forget to be grateful before complaining, give before asking, pray before fighting.

34. When it's too heavy to hold on, try to let go slowly.

35. Appreciate someone who is still willing to hold on, because holding on is harder than letting go.

36. A person who is faithful to goodness will not betray.

37. Love will never be easy, we have to fight and be patient to be with the person we desire.

38. The right person doesn't always come at the right time. Sometimes they come after you are tired of being hurt by someone who doesn't know how to appreciate you. - Fiersa Besari

39. At the point of exhaustion, faithfully embracing the worries in its flow, it seems that I have to cancel beautiful dreams tonight. And surrender to its fate. - Moammar Emka

40. Waiting for you without certainty may make me fragile and tired.

41. It often feels tired of the situation but never wants to give up, calm down.

42. Tiredness is just a word for weak people, who start to surrender and give up on a situation that doesn't provide any way or direction at all.

4. Inspiring Words of Tiredness in Struggling Alone

As for the words of tiredness from fighting alone that inspire, they can keep you motivated to achieve specific goals. Here are words of tiredness from fighting alone that can inspire.

43. Life may not be easy, but if you keep fighting tirelessly, a beautiful ending will always be waiting for you to greet.

44. Stay kind to yourself even if you fail, no matter how small your happiness is now, it is your best time.

45. Don't be afraid to be yourself, no matter what others think of you.

46. A strong person doesn't always mean they are always strong. Not at all. Instead, they know exactly when to fight wholeheartedly and when to be ready to let go.

47. Complaining will only make our lives more stressed. Gratitude will always lead us to the path of ease.

48. Don't say that life is unfair if we ourselves never strive to obtain justice.

49. Life doesn't need to be lamented because challenges are inevitable. Just try. Fight to overcome various obstacles that create distance between your dreams and yourself.

50. Learn to appreciate yourself, which means fighting for your happiness.

51. Do not let yesterday's failures burden you today. God is not punishing you. He is just directing you to a better path.

52. Be happy, not because everything is good. But because you are able to see the good in everything.

53. Work hard to be good and work harder to be the best.

54. Keep running forward as much as you can, but if you ever feel tired, look back and you will always see me waiting for you.

55. Your tiredness in work will be proportional to the results you achieve.

56. If you want to achieve success, do not let tiredness limit you.

Those are 56 words of tiredness in fighting alone that touch the heart, they can represent the deepest feelings. The above words of tiredness in fighting alone can be a reference for you to ease the tightness in your chest.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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