Kapanlagi.com - Waiting patiently becomes the most difficult process, even sometimes it is difficult to do. Especially if the waiting is done without certainty, it certainly requires stronger patience. Therefore, there are several waiting quotes that can help you become wiser and more patient in waiting for certainty.
Waiting can be experienced by anyone with various causes. For example, waiting for a job or waiting for a soulmate. Although it is difficult, the waiting process often teaches us to remain patient and resilient in waiting for happiness to come.
It is not only the waiting time that is difficult, but also the temptations and trials that may arise in the waiting process. That is why someone who is waiting for something often needs encouragement to keep them strong and resilient.
Getting encouragement through the waiting period can be obtained through quotes full of inspiration. One of them is waiting quotes, which can be the simplest reference for you to strengthen your heart in the midst of waiting. You can also make waiting quotes as social media captions that also inspire other users.
As for waiting quotes, you can find out through the reviews below. These waiting quotes contain meaningful messages that can be used as lessons and inspiration about the meaning of waiting. The following waiting words have been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. Wise Waiting Quotes

Waiting Quotes (credit: freepik.com)
The following waiting quotes contain meaningful and meaningful messages. That is why with these waiting quotes, you can make them valuable lessons and inspiration. This waiting pearl also contains wise advice that makes you stay strong and think positively through the waiting period.
1. "Sometimes being silent and waiting is more valuable than moving without direction." - Bong Chandra
2. "Strong people are not those who always win. But those who remain strong when they fall."
3. "When we talk about waiting, it's not about how many hours, days, and months. We are talking about the point where we finally decide to believe." - Laksmi Pamuntjak
4. "The tree of problems always hides sweet fruit. Sometimes we have to wait for the fruit to ripen and fall in order to taste how sweet it is." - Firman Nofeki
5. "Everything comes at the right time for those who can wait." - Francois Rabelais
6. "For a heart being tested for patience, it is indeed bitter at first. But believe me, it will be sweet in the end."
7. "Sometimes time is too slow for those who wait, too fast for those who are afraid, too long for those who are sad, and too short for those who are happy." - Henry van Dyke
8. "Love is indeed natural, but if it is not in the right place and time, it must be willing to wait until that time comes." - Desi Puspitasari
9. "Allah does not like humans who just wait without effort." - Garina Adelia
10. "If Allah makes you wait, then be prepared to receive more than what you ask for."
11. "The opposite of talking is not listening. The opposite of speaking is waiting. " - Fran Lebowitz
2. Most Touching Waiting Quotes

Waiting Quotes (credit: freepik.com)
A number of waiting quotes below may represent your feelings about certain issues. The string of waiting words also contains your overflowing feelings of longing, patience, resilience, or sincerity. Let's check out the references on the most touching waiting quotes.
12. "There is a heart waiting for you to come home, there is a heart waiting for you to return, there is an empty heart since you left."
13. "I am here not waiting for what has passed, but waiting for what I believe in."
14. "I am waiting for you until time does not allow us to be together."
15. "Let this feeling reside in the heart. And if you come back and ask me again, this feeling is still the same and still waiting for you to return."
16. "When someone is waiting for you, it doesn't mean they have nothing else to do, it just means nothing is more important than you."
17. "You are the reason why I keep waiting."
18. "When someone is waiting for you, it doesn't mean they have nothing else to do, it just means nothing is more important than you."
19. "Waiting is painful, exhausting, and boring, but why when I want to stop waiting for you, my heart forces me to keep fighting for you."
20. "Waiting cannot be measured in numbers, but until the person feels calmer and until they return." - Manhalawa
21. "Realize that there is someone waiting for you patiently because of their immense love."
22. "I never mind waiting for anyone no matter how long as long as I love them." - Seno Gumira Ajidarma
23. "If someone keeps waiting when we leave without any news, then they deserve to be waited for, even if the return is uncertain." - Tere Liye
24. "Believe me, God created us as pairs. We don't need to worry too much. In my opinion, we just need to wait for the right moment for love to come." - Alvi Syahrin
3. Patience-filled Waiting Quotes

Waiting Quotes (credit: freepik.com)
Patience is the main capital needed in the waiting process. Because with this patience, it is able to make you stay strong and resilient in facing every temptation during the waiting period. Therefore, the following waiting quotes become motivation for you to remain patient while going through the waiting period.
25. "There are people who are willing to patiently wait for news."
26. "I wait for you with patience while reciting a prayer. May our dreams come true."
27. "It is better to wait a little longer to find the best soulmate, rather than quickly getting someone who will hurt your heart in the future."
28. "Patience does not mean being still when faced with adversity. But patience is actively seeking goodness when adversity comes."
29. "Patience is not about how long you can wait, but how well you behave while waiting."
30. "But, truly, whoever is patient and diligent will bloom like a flower, be beautiful like a full moon, and be amazing like a butterfly."
31. "The best opportunity always comes when patience waits."
32. "I seek all forms of sustenance, but I find no better sustenance than patience."
33. "Since we desire the beauty and happiness of life, make patience a friend, and sincerity a strength."
34. "Stay strong even when others fall. Keep smiling even though this struggle feels bitter and winding."
35. "The path to perfect happiness is through patience and sincerity."
36. "How noble is the soul that is patient and sincere, believing in the coming of God's blessings."
37. "Because patience calms the soul, sincerity reconciles the heart. Patience and sincerity teach us the meaning of 'understanding'."
38. "A person who is impatient will wait twice." - Mack McGinnis
39. "Every love story has its own greatness. And the story of waiting becomes even more powerful because of patience."
40. "I sought all forms of sustenance, but found no sustenance better than patience." - Umar bin Khattab
41. "Be patient with what befalls you." - QS Luqman: 17
42. "And be patient, for surely Allah does not waste the reward of those who do good." - QS Huud: 115
43. "Patience comes in two forms: patience with something you do not desire and patience in restraining yourself from something you desire." - Ali Bin Abi Thalib
44. "There is no great achievement that is not the result of patience in working and waiting." - J.G.Holland
4. Waiting Quotes as Inspiration

Waiting Quotes as Inspiration (credit: freepik.com)
As for the following waiting quotes, they can be the simplest inspiration to help you stay strong and wise in facing certain problems in the waiting process. Let's directly see the review about waiting quotes full of positive inspiration.
45. "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but about learning to dance in the rain." - Moammar Emka
46. "If we do not easily give up, then we are very close to success. Because in this world, there are two people who are very difficult to defeat. The patient person and the person who does not easily give up." - Tere Liye
47. "When things are too difficult to handle, step back and count the blessings you have received."
48. "Success comes to those who move quickly when they are waiting." - Thomas Alva Edison
49. "Good fighters will position themselves outside the possibility of defeat, and wait for the opportunity to defeat the enemy." - Sun Tzu
50. "Sometimes in many limitations, we must patiently wait for the best plan to come, while continuing to do what can be done." - Tere Liye
51. "Do not rush in love, because it will never end. Let love knock on the door of your heart, so that when you start to feel it, you know it's real."
52. "Every life consists of mistakes and learning, waiting and growing, practicing patience and perseverance." - Billy Graham
53. "Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing what to do is the worst kind of suffering." - Paulo Coelho
54. "You are not just waiting in vain. There is a purpose behind every delay." - Mandy Hale
55. "You usually have to wait for what is worth waiting for." - Craig Bruce
56. "You can't stay in the corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. Sometimes you have to go there." - AA Milne
57. "We have to let go of the life that has been planned in order to accept the life that is waiting for us." - Joseph Campbell
58. "There is no such thing as failure, only waiting for success." - John Osborne
59. "Nothing will come to you just by sitting and waiting." - Zoe Kazan
Those are 59 wise waiting quotes, full of patience and strengthening the heart. The waiting words above can be an inspiration for you to remain strong in facing trials in waiting.
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