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6 Facts about the Hakekok Sect in Pandeglang, Performing Rituals of Naked Bathing Together Promised Wealth

6 Facts about the Hakekok Sect in Pandeglang, Performing Rituals of Naked Bathing Together Promised Wealth Hakekok Sect via - Hakekok Stream in Pandeglang, Banten is now in the spotlight after going viral on social media. After being reported by local residents, the police found 16 people consisting of 13 adults and 3 children bathing naked together in the swamp.

The leader of this stream is named Arya (52) from Bogor, he conducts this communal bathing ritual based on the teachings of Balasuta which is adopted from the teachings of Hakekok brought by the late E alias S as quoted from Tribunnews.

1. Promised Wealth and Success

It is known that this teaching has been practiced for years in Karangbolong Village, Cigeulis District, Pandeglang Regency, Banten. This communal bathing ritual is considered to purify oneself and is promised wealth and success in the afterlife.

"The leader influences them whether they want to be saved in this world and the hereafter and want to have a more decent life, then they must follow that belief," said Pandeglang Police Chief AKBP Hamam Wahyudi as quoted from Liputan6 (12/3).

2. Remote Location

To reach the scene, it is not easy for the police to come. This is because the Hakekok stream bath location is remote and requires the use of motorcycles.

Cigeulis Police Chief Iptu Paulus Bayu Triatmaja said that the swamp used as a bathing location is a water reservoir owned by PT GAL.

"It is for clean water, the area is approximately 50x50 meters," said Paulus.

3. Previously Built by MUI

Previously, this stream was built by MUI Pandeglang but eventually caused trouble again. They performed this ritual a few years ago.

"It has been built, it was conducive, and now it reappears without our knowledge," said Chairman of MUI Pandeglang, Hamdi Ma'ani, quoted from on Friday (12/3/2021).

4. Considered a Deviant Stream

MUI considers this stream to deviate from Islamic teachings. The perpetrators claim that this ritual was only performed once.

According to the Vice Chairman of MUI, Anwar Abbas, based on the information he obtained, this Hakekok stream ritual is not the first time. It is known that similar incidents occurred in the same place in 2004 and 2005.

5. Secured by Police

Now Arya and his followers have been secured by the police. They claim to repent and will be given guidance from religious counselors to prevent this incident from happening again.

6. Evidence

Meanwhile, from the police investigation, several pieces of evidence were found. One of them is talismans and keris (traditional weapon) used to assert authority and make the followers obey orders.

"From the crime scene investigation at the suspect's residence, we collected several pieces of evidence, such as books, heirlooms, talismans, and contraceptives," said the Pandeglang Police Chief, AKBP Hamam Wahyudi, as quoted from Liputan6.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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