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6 Recommendations for Self Healing Anime, Not Only Entertaining But Also Able to Make the Heart Feel Calm

6 Recommendations for Self Healing Anime, Not Only Entertaining But Also Able to Make the Heart Feel Calm Self Healing Anime Recommendations (credit: imdb) - Since the past until now, anime is still one of the favorite shows. Many people enjoy watching anime because of its interesting stories and considered quite entertaining. But not only for entertainment, some people also look for self healing iyashikei anime recommendations that not only entertain but also can make the heart feel peaceful.

Yes, it turns out there are quite a lot of anime that have interesting stories and can also provide a self healing effect for the audience. Most of these anime are of the slice of life or iyashikei genre that lift light everyday stories. Therefore, this self healing anime recommendation can be suitable for anyone and anytime, because of its easily relatable story.

How interested are you in watching anime recommendations for self healing? If yes, just take a look at the following list and reviews.





SUPER CUB is the opening recommendation on this self-healing anime list. This anime may not be very popular. Nevertheless, SUPER CUB is guaranteed to have an exciting story that can make your heart feel warm while watching it.

Anime SUPER CUB tells the story of a girl named Koguma who is known to be silent. Koguma has to continue her life alone, as both of her parents have passed away. Koguma lives her ordinary days as a student, feeling tired every day because she has to travel a long distance to get to school.

Finally, Koguma decides to buy a motorcycle using her savings. However, Koguma's savings are only enough to buy a used Honda Super Cub 100. Unexpectedly, her decision to buy the motorcycle brings many changes to her life. Her gloomy life slowly becomes more colorful.





YURU CAMP can also be an alternative for those of you who are looking for self-healing anime. As the title suggests, this anime story is set in a camping activity. Rin Shima is a girl who enjoys camping. She even enjoys going camping alone in the winter.

However, Rin's perception of Yuru Camp suddenly changes when she meets Nadeshiko. It turns out, the new friend she met is a naive and cheerful girl. But unexpectedly, Rin, who has always enjoyed being alone, actually enjoys her encounters with Nadeshiko. They both truly enjoy camping together.

The excitement of Rin and Nadeshiko eventually brings other friends to join them. The more people join, the more enjoyable and colorful the camping atmosphere becomes.





Anime NATSUME'S BOOK OF FRIENDS became one of the anime that portrays the themes of loneliness and friendship. The main character in this anime is a boy named Takashi Natsume. He is an orphan who lives with a different family every year. Every relative rejects Natsume, claiming that he is strange.

Not many people know that Natsume actually has the ability to see yokai or spirits. This ability was inherited from his grandmother, Reiko. This secret ability is what makes Natsume often seen as strange by others.

One day, Natsume finds Reiko's Book of Friends. The notebook contains the names of yokai. Since then, Natsume becomes connected to all the spirits whose names are in the book. Natsume then realizes that he and the spirits have something in common, which is experiencing loneliness. From this anime, the audience will interpret the meaning of loneliness and presence.





Next on the list of self-healing anime recommendations is an anime titled BARAKAMON. This anime tells the story of a character named Seishuu Handa. He is a neurotic calligrapher. An event forces him to escape to Goto Island. In this new place, he hopes to find his true self and inspiration.

Intending to retreat from his old life, there he experiences many unexpected things. Seishuu discovers that living a rural life and meeting children and people eventually give him unexpected sparks that become his inspiration for his work.

Seishuu's days on Goto Island are filled with enjoyable things like bright colors and the blue sea, insect hunting, jokes, and small quarrels with children that make him more enthusiastic.





BUNNY DROP or also known by the title USAGI DROP tells the story of Daikichi Kawachi whose life suddenly changes. At that time, Daikichi returned home to attend his grandfather's funeral. How surprised he was, when he arrived home and found a secret that had been undisclosed about the existence of a 6-year-old girl named Rin.

Rin turned out to be his grandfather's unrecognized daughter. Daikichi's family clearly rejected Rin's existence. In the midst of family conflict, Daikichi bravely takes on the role of being responsible for Rin. Since then, Daikichi has become a loving father figure who protects Rin.

Audiences can find peace and learn the meaning of life from the daily lives of the father-daughter duo Daikichi and Rin. How they spend their days at home, at school, create chaos in the kitchen, and share stories when night comes.





The sixth and final recommendation for self-healing anime on this list is AMAAMA TO INAZUMA. This self-healing anime has a quite sad and touching story. It tells the story of a father named Kohei Inuzuka and his daughter named Tsumugi, who still have to try to recover from the sadness after experiencing a great loss. Tsumugi's mother passed away, leaving Kohei and Tsumugi to continue their lives together.

After the death of Tsumugi's mother, the story unfolds naturally. The two main characters in this anime go through a process of acceptance and healing. As the story progresses, a close bond is formed between Kohei and Tsumugi as father and daughter, through simple things like learning to cook together. Along the healing journey of Kohei and Tsumugi, the audience can also feel the same relief.

Those are some recommendations for enjoyable self-healing anime that can warm the heart. Enjoy watching!





Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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