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6 Sports Suitable for Children to Do During the Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic

6 Sports Suitable for Children to Do During the Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Illustration (credit: pixabay) - Regular exercise is one way to maintain the body's immune system. However, it will certainly be a challenge for parents to find suitable sports for their children during the pandemic. Because exercising in public spaces can be very risky. So, are there any types of sports for children that can be done during self-quarantine?

Exercise is indeed very important for children, not only to maintain their immune system but also for their growth. However, exercise for children cannot be equated with adults. Because in terms of physical strength, children may not be strong enough to do adult exercises.

If you are a parent who is currently confused about finding suitable sports for children to do during the corona covid-19 pandemic, you can invite your child to do one of the following sports.




1. Yoga

Yoga is one type of exercise that can be done indoors or outdoors. Yoga, which is often done by adults, can also be done by children. To do this exercise, parents must find movements that are suitable for each child's physical abilities.

In fact, yoga provides many benefits for children. According to, yoga exercise provides various benefits, including improving physical and mental health, as well as training concentration and focus in children.

2. Jump Rope

Jump rope is a suitable exercise for children to do during the next self-quarantine. Jump rope is not something new for children. Besides being a form of exercise, jump rope is also known as a familiar game for children. Therefore, it would be very suitable and easy to involve children in this exercise.

Jump rope exercise becomes more fun when done together with parents and siblings. So, in addition to getting a healthier body, doing this exercise together with the family will also bring joy and togetherness during the self-quarantine.

In addition, this exercise is relatively easy to do because it does not require special equipment. Jump rope can also be done indoors, although you should consider the condition of the room. Do not force yourself to do this exercise in a cramped room or a room full of furniture. It is better to do this exercise in the yard of the house in the morning or afternoon.

3. Chess

Chess is not a physically demanding sport. However, this sport is very suitable to be taught to children during the current self-quarantine period. Just like yoga, this sport will provide many benefits for children, especially in terms of thinking ability, memory, and focus training.

In addition, just like skipping rope, this sport can also be presented as a fun game. So, it will not only promote health but also entertain children so that they don't feel bored.

4. Leisure Walk

The next light exercise suitable for children is a leisure walk. This exercise is preferably done outside the house, with a slightly long route. However, even so, you don't need to worry as long as it is done carefully, this exercise will remain safe and healthy.

There are several tips for doing leisure walks during the current COVID-19 pandemic. For example, always wear a mask, maintain distance and avoid physical contact with others, bring drinking water from home, avoid crowded streets, and so on.

5. Jogging

The suitable exercise for children to do during the next self-quarantine is jogging. Jogging is done by running slowly or at a slow pace. Although it's just a small run, jogging is still one of the favorite types of exercise for many people because it is proven to be healthy.

Just like leisurely walking, this exercise must be done outdoors by applying various tips to stay safe. The tips for jogging safely during a pandemic are no different from the tips for leisurely walking mentioned above.

6. Cycling

Cycling has become a popular sport lately, even before the outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus. Despite the pandemic, cycling can still be chosen as one of the exercise options for children. Of course, by applying certain tips to ensure that cycling remains safe and healthy.

One of the tips is to choose a cycling route far from crowds. In addition, it is also advisable not to choose routes that are too far. So, just cycle around the house, as it will be relatively safer if cycling in an area where people are also practicing self-quarantine.

Cycling is also relatively safe because each person will only use their own bike. Besides, riding a bike will also minimize children's activities in touching certain objects that may have been exposed to the COVID-19 coronavirus.

Those are 6 suitable exercises for children to do during self-quarantine. Parents can invite their children to do one of these exercises to maintain their health and provide a means of refreshment for them. Equally important, always accompany and pay attention to children's activities when exercising during self-quarantine.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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