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65 Cool and Proud Volly Ball Words, Becoming a Game Spirit Booster

65 Cool and Proud Volly Ball Words, Becoming a Game Spirit Booster Collection of volly ball words (Credit: Freepik) - Volly Ball or Volleyball is one of the sports that has a lot of enthusiasts. In fact, there are children who seriously pursue this field to become professional athletes. Initially, it may just be a hobby, but over time they become accustomed to expressing volly ball words as a form of seriousness.

Hobby is a wonderful thing for each individual. So, it's no wonder that many athletes express their admiration for a game using volly ball words. Even sometimes, this hobby is the most suitable analogy to express feelings.

Now, for those of you who are serious in the field of volleyball or just like playing it, let's immediately check out the volly ball words compiled from various sources below. By reading them, you can get the spirit when going to a match.


1. Cool Volly Ball Words

If you feel cool with the hobby you are pursuing, it's okay. Everyone has their own pride in things they like, including if you like volleyball. Well, here are some volly ball words that can inspire you to increase self-confidence.

1. "Play with heart and strong mental like steel."

2. "Our struggle is heavier than crossing the ocean in the sea. Although simple, our hobby is more valuable than gold and diamonds."

3. "This is our game, controlling the ball using hands and only special people can play this.

4. "Just a hobby and not a profession, but unlimited loyalty."

5. "It's beautiful to have a partner with the same hobby, between hobby and love become one heart."

6. "There is no beautiful evening, other than playing volleyball with friends."

7. "As a setter player, you must be extra patient, not selfish, and serve the requests of teammates in your team."

8. "We volleyball players also want to be watched by the Indonesian community, not just football."

9. "The ideal son-in-law sought by parents-in-law is a volleyball athlete."

10. "The ideal girl is a volleyball player. Not only protect the ball from falling but also protect the love relationship."

11. "If you make a mistake, fix it. If you fail, try again. But if you give up, everything will end."

12. "No matter how small the effort is, if it can ignite the spirit of the game, then that effort is the greatest thing to be proud of."

13. "Learn from a tosser, they can build an attack. When he makes a mistake, he takes responsibility for it."

14. "An effective block is undoubtedly the key to successful defense."

15. "Prayer, work, volleyball, and love."


2. Proud Volly Ball Words

If you feel you have found something new in a hobby, it is normal. For example, when playing volleyball, you may find something more than just a sport. At times like this, you can be proud and express it with the following volleyball quotes.

16. "Volleyball is not just a sport, it is a way to express your anger without hurting anyone."

17. "A good team can win a volleyball match when they are ahead, but only a great team can win when they are behind."

18. "Volleyball is 20 percent athletic and 80 percent mental."

19. "There is no word for boredom in volleyball because by playing it, you can release all your worries and troubles."

20. "We can only try and pray, leave the matter of winning or losing to Allah."

21. "Our struggle is heavier than crossing the ocean in the sea. Although simple, our hobby is more valuable than gold and diamonds."

22. "This is our game, controlling the ball using hands and only special people can play this."

23. "As a setter player, you must be extra patient, not selfish, and serve the requests of your teammates in the team."

24. "We volleyball players also want to be watched by the Indonesian community, not just football."

25. "Learn from a tosser, he can build an attack. When he makes a mistake, he takes responsibility for it."

26. "Volleyball is not just a sport, it is a way to express your anger without hurting anyone."

27. "A good team can win a volleyball match when they are ahead, but only a great team can win when they are behind."

28. "Volleyball is 20 percent athletic and 80 percent mental."

29. "Sports are not done to shape someone's character, it is actually sports that reveal someone's character."

30. "Sports not only change your body, but also your mind, attitude, and mood."

31. "In sports, we find many things. In sports, there is pleasure. In sports, there is health."

32. "Winning or losing is part of the game, so practice harder than those who win to avoid defeat." -Danny Kosasih

33. "Giving up before trying is a crushing defeat that you may regret later."

34. "In our school, we are indeed underestimated and seen as nerdy. But, don't be surprised if we look fierce on the volleyball court like a lion coming out of its cage."

35. "After you practice, the agenda for tomorrow is to practice again."


3. Encouraging Volly Ball Words

A match is synonymous with a group of supporters who provide encouragement, including volleyball matches. Here are some volleyball words that you can use to encourage athletes or yourself.

36. "Play with heart and strong mental like steel."

37. "Just a hobby and not a profession, but loyalty knows no bounds."

38. "If you make a mistake, fix it. If you fail, try again. But if you give up, everything will end."

39. "An effective block is undoubtedly the key to successful defense."

40. "Competition is like Sports. Very tiring, but actually healthy."

41. "Fight until the end, let fate determine the final result."

42. "Sports not only keep us healthy, but also clear the mind, strengthen the heart, and reduce stress in the body."

43. "The key is not the will to win, but the willingness to prepare for victory."

44. "The difference between what is impossible and what is possible lies in a person's determination."

45. "Motivation starts it. Habit keeps you going."

46. "If defeat is necessary to make us stronger, then accepting defeat is a wise thing."

47. "Surrendering is the most disgraceful way to get defeated, and fighting is the noblest way to achieve victory."

48. "The best loser is the one who learns to win in the next opportunity." -Carl Sandburg

49. "Never claim to be beautiful if your boyfriend is not a volleyball player."

50. "There is no word for boredom in volleyball because by playing it, you can release worries and all kinds of confusion."


4. Encouraging Volly Ball Match Words

Winning a match is indeed important, but it is not the main thing. The atmosphere of the match is also a special thing that is always missed. So that you don't forget the atmosphere when competing, here are some volleyball words to boost the game that you can read.

51. "Just one point is very valuable, especially you who are more valuable than everything on this volleyball court."

52. "It's beautiful to have a partner with the same hobby, between hobby and love become one heart."

53. "The ideal son-in-law sought by parents is a volleyball athlete."

54. "The dream girl is a volleyball player. Just keep the ball from falling, let alone maintain a love relationship."

55. "Just one point is valuable, especially you, dear, who are more valuable than anything on earth."

56. "There is no beautiful evening, other than playing volleyball with friends."

57. "Energy and perseverance conquer all." - Benjamin Franklin

58. "Don't practice until you do it right. Practice until you can't do it wrong."

59. "Make health the goal of sports, not just showing off."

60. "Laughing is like exercise for the soul."

61. "Sports is the king and nutrition is the queen. Combine them and you will have a kingdom." - Jack Lalanne

62. "True strength comes from within. Spirit comes first, no one can achieve it except yourself."

63. "Every challenge is destiny, every victory is a choice, in every defeat there is always a victory waiting."

64. "Human spirit does not end with defeat, but spirit ends when we give up."

65. "Defeat does not mean you are weak, and victory does not mean you are strong."

KLovers, those are the volleyball words that you can read when you want to become a supporter or you can quote them as expressions of self-encouragement.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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