Kapanlagi.com - Funny sarcastic words contain meaningful messages that represent your feelings towards someone. Moreover, the series of funny messages contained in these sarcastic words can be a subtle way to make them realize.
Feeling annoyed, frustrated, disappointed because of someone's attitude or words may have been felt by you. This can be triggered by various factors ranging from being disappointed, lied to, or even betrayed. However, it is sometimes not easy to express your frustration directly to someone.
That's why sarcastic words are often chosen to express your frustration towards them. Various references of sarcastic words can be easily found on various media platforms, one of which is included in the review below.
But unlike the others, the following sarcastic words are arranged with funny and entertaining sentences. So, with funny sarcastic words, it can be an option to sarcastically criticize someone subtly. Here's the review of funny but hurtful sarcastic words that have been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. Funny But Hurtful Satirical Words

(credit: unsplash.com)
Although crafted with funny and silly sentences, these funny sarcastic words below can touch someone's feelings whom we sarcastically address. That's why, these funny but hurtful words can be used as a reference to awaken someone. Let's take a look at the review of these funny but hurtful words.
1. "You must be tired because you have to wear makeup on two faces at once."
2. "Indonesia doesn't have a winter season, but why are you so cold? Maybe you're a foreigner?"
3. "If you write down every thought you've ever had, you'll get an award for the shortest story ever."
4. "Hey, remember the one who said they wouldn't leave? Please just lock their mouth."
5. "They say promises are taken to the grave, so your death won't be peaceful because you've made too many promises to me."
6. "Don't insult single people, because if your boyfriend meets someone slightly cooler, he'll immediately admit he's single."
7. "I'll return your knife. I took it from my back. I'm sure you'll need it again soon."
8. "If I had a dollar for every smart thing you say, I'd be poor."
9. "Sorry for hurting your feelings when I called you stupid. I really thought you already knew."
10. "People say that laughter is the best medicine, your face will surely heal the world."
11. "Keep rolling your eyes. Maybe you'll find a brain back there."
12. "All coins have two sides, like most people who have two faces."
13. "Thank you for the spare time you gave to look at my life."
14. "I'm curious about how you comb your hair so that your horns are not visible."
15. "Do you see that bright object in the sky? It's the sun. The earth revolves around it, not you!"
16. "If ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest person on this planet."
17. "Work like a ghost, invisible, not needing praise, not crazy for positions, and not seeking attention. But, the results are clear."
2. Short Funny But Hurtful Satirical Words

(credit: unsplash.com)
A number of funny but hurtful sarcastic words are arranged with short or straightforward sentences. This is suitable for you to choose if you want to directly express annoyance and irritation towards someone with a string of funny but hurtful sarcastic words.
18. "They say they love coffee, but they always ask for it to be sweetened."
19. "Don't forget to use deodorant to stay faithful all the time."
20. "Regret indeed comes at the end, if at the beginning it's called registration."
21. "Always be grateful, even if you're ugly."
22. "You think your boyfriend is an IT expert who you can keep coding."
23. "Forget about having a boyfriend, you can't even keep a pen, it always gets lost."
24. "You're beautiful, but are you willing to share?"
25. "Keep talking, I yawn when I'm interested."
26. "Mirrors can't speak, luckily they can't laugh either."
27. "Zombies eat brains. You're safe."
28. "After getting to know you, hell feels enjoyable."
29. "The world is not narrow. It's just that you don't play far enough."
30. "Jealousy is a disease. I hope you recover quickly!"
31. "I miss you, the old you, the new ugly you."
32. "Maybe you should also eat cosmetics so that your heart becomes beautiful."
33. "Dress according to your wallet, young man."
34. "Unless your name is Google, stop acting like you know everything."
35. "It's stupid to be taken care of, it's raising cows that make them fat."
36. "Take a shower so that your ugliness fades."
37. "If there were no WA group chats, my phone would already be in a museum."
38. "Flaws can be fixed, stupidity is eternal."
39. "Silence is golden. Duct tape is silver."
40. "Take care of your face, not edit it with applications."
3. Funny But Hurtful Satirical Words for Boyfriend

(credit: unsplash.com)
The following funny but hurtful satirical words can be shown to your boyfriend or partner. Because, there may be feelings of hurt that you feel towards your boyfriend because of his actions and words. For example, being lied to, betrayed, or even disappointed. Let's take a look at the review of funny but hurtful satirical words for a boyfriend.
41. "Dating is like an AC that can keep you cool."
42. "Even wood that has been in the river for decades will not turn into a crocodile."
43. "A relationship will sink if there are too many passengers in it."
44. "Your words are like refillable perfume, they smell good, but unfortunately they are fake."
45. "If you want to feel comfortable, just date a sofa that can make you comfortable anytime."
46. "People say love is blind, but in reality, love can see who is handsome and who is ugly."
47. "If you keep ignoring your partner, it's not called a boyfriend, but a display."
48. "I never forget faces, but in your case, I will be happy to make an exception."
49. "I didn't send you a message to train my fingers, I expect a reply from you."
50. "Exes need to be given flowers to be a little more sweet, meaning corpse flowers."
51. "Not all men are jerks. Believe me, there are good men in every corner of this earth. But, the earth is round."
52. "If lying is a job, I know some people who would become millionaires."
4. Funny But Hurtful Words for Friends

(credit: unsplash.com)
The following funny but hurtful sarcastic words below describe how disappointed and annoyed your heart is towards your friends. Although it is sometimes not easy to express emotions to friends, this way can be done to make them reflect on their mistakes. Here is a review of funny but hurtful sarcastic words for friends.
53. "If you want to eat a friend, don't forget to add rice to make it more satisfying."
54. "If someone says you're ugly, don't take it to heart, maybe that person is not lying."
55. "Do you know? Why do zombies like to come and attack in groups? Because if they're alone, they're called 'zomblo'."
56. "I'd rather be stupid than forget my best friend."
57. "Apparently, the turns of friends are sharper than the turns on a race track."
58. "Some friends are like small change, two-faced and not worth much."
59. "Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you abuse that privilege."
60. "Insincere friends are scarier than wild animals."
61. "Take a parking attendant as an example, even though they have many cars, they're not arrogant. Because they know it's all just entrusted to them."
62. "Maybe you haven't changed, it's just your mask that finally came off."
63. "Fake friends are like fallen leaves in autumn scattered everywhere."
64. "Friends come along with the increasing needs."
65. "It's funny how you act nice in front of me, talk nonsense behind my back, and what's even funnier is that you think I don't realize it."
66. "I like sarcasm. It's like punching someone in the face, but with words."
Those are 66 funny but hurtful sarcastic words, a subtle way to make them realize it. If you can relate, the funny sarcastic words above can be used as a reference to represent your feelings.
Source: brilio.net, bola.com
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.