50 Meaningful and Soothing Self-Reflection Words, Material for Self-Reflection Contemplation
To further enhance motivation in self-reflection, here are self-reflection words that soothe the heart.
Kapanlagi.com - Life experiences often provide valuable lessons for everyone. Because, from these life experiences, each person can take the best wisdom as learning for the future. Some words of experience can be a means for you to express your deepest feelings.
Whatever has been experienced, lived, and seen in life, always provides a valuable experience. Whether the experience feels sweet, bitter, difficult, or easy, anyone can take the best wisdom. Yes, each person can experience different experiences from the most enjoyable to the most sad.
But once again, whatever the type of experience, it should be a life lesson that will bring you to a better life for the future. Sometimes, these experiences feel very memorable and leave a lasting impression in your heart. Occasionally, you may remember the struggle of going through a process that ultimately brings you to this point.
Some memorable life experiences can represent your feelings when recalling those precious moments. As for the words of life experience, you can read them in the reviews below. Here are the words of life experience that have been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
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As for the previous reviews, the impressive words of life experience below can represent your feelings when you remember the moments that have passed. Here are the impressive words of life experience.
1. Every experience makes you grow.
2. Experience is the best friend in life. It dares to speak bitter words for your own good.
3. The best lessons I have learned in life come from the worst experiences in my life.
4. The best moments in life cannot be obtained without an experience.
5. Life experience will introduce you to the lowest point to bring you to the highest point.
6. It surpasses all doubts that all our knowledge begins with experience. - Immanuel Kant
7. Life is short, opportunities do not come every moment, experience is the best teacher, and being fair is very difficult. - Hippocrates
8. Character cannot be easily and calmly developed. Only through the experience of trials and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. - Helen Keller
9. If life makes you cry, remember there are thousands of beautiful memories that make us smile.
10. Memories teach us to learn. Doubt teaches us to be cautious.
11.Yesterday is a memory, tomorrow is what will be achieved, today is the reality that must be lived to the fullest.
12.Experience is just the name we give to our mistakes. - Oscar Wilde
13.From the wisdom accumulated over time, I find that every experience is a form of exploration. - Ansel Adams
14.Each new experience brings its own maturity and greater clarity of vision. - Indira Gandhi
15.A mind stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions. - Oliver Wendell Holmes
16.Every experience in life is designed to teach you something you need to know to move forward. - Brian Tracy
17. Experience is the universal mother of knowledge. - Miguel de Cervantes
18.The pleasure of rare experiences will give us the greatest happiness. - Epictetus
19.Overcoming problems is an extremely enjoyable experience. - Arthur Schopenhauer
20.What lesson can I learn from my first working experience? Nothing else, the power to move forward. - Merry Riana
21.Although all our knowledge begins with experience, it does not mean that it arises from experience. - Immanuel Kant
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Unconsciously, every experience you go through has given you a life experience. From these life experiences, you can learn valuable lessons to become a better person in the future. Now, some words of life experiences full of valuable lessons below can help you express all the hidden feelings.
22. Do it. No matter how it ends, it is an experience.
23. Lack of intelligence can be improved by learning, lack of skill can be eliminated by experience. But dishonesty is difficult to fix. - Mohammad Hatta
24. Experience is always more important than education level and academic grades. - Tere Liye
25. Winning is not the main priority in a competition, but it can also be an experience and self-motivation. - Chairul Tanjung
26. Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can replace experience. - Paulo Coelho
27. One key to happiness is to use your money for experiences, not to use your money for desires. - Bacharuddin Jusuf Habbie
28. Don't just learn from experience, learn something good from experience. - Albert Einstein
29. Life is a journey with problems to be solved, lessons to be learned, but most importantly, experiences to be enjoyed.
30.Learn from every mistake because every experience, especially your mistakes, is there to teach and force you to become more like yourself. - Oprah Winfrey
31.The value of experience is not in seeing a lot, but in seeing wisely. - William Osler
32.View life as a continuous learning experience. - Denis Waitley
33.Experience is the past lesson to reduce the burden of the future. - Michael Sage
34.Experience is the best teacher. - Proverb
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It cannot be denied that life experiences, whether difficult, sad, sweet, or bitter, occasionally remind you of the process. The following meaningful words about life experiences contain deep meanings about life. The meanings of life experiences are as follows.
35.Fill your life with experiences. Not things. Have stories to tell, not things to show.
36.Experience is what causes someone to make new mistakes, not old mistakes.
37. Good times today are sad experiences tomorrow. - Bob Marley
38. The main source of knowledge is experience. - Albert Einstein
39. Wisdom comes from experience, while experience is often the result of lack of wisdom. - Terry Pratchett
40. Experience and knowledge are only boats that take us across. After crossing, they are left behind. - Gede Prama
41. Because the joy of being an adult is sharing stories and experiences with the younger generation. - Fiersa Besari
42. You cannot create experience. You have to undergo it. - Albert Camus
43. Every experience, good or bad, is an invaluable collector's item. - Isaac Marion
44. Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions. - Rita Mae Brown
45. Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want. - Randy Pausch
46. I don't want the experiences and knowledge I have to be buried with my body when I die. - Bob Sadino
47. Experience is a cruel teacher. That gives a test before presenting the lesson.
48. Experience is a good school. But the cost is high. - Heinrich Heine
49. Start by writing down the things you know. Write about your own experiences and feelings. - J.K. Rowling
50. The best teacher is experience and not through someone's distorted view. - Jack Kerouac
51. The only real security that someone will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and skills. - Henry Ford
52. Life is like playing the violin in public and learning the instrument through the experiences that happen. - Samuel Butler
53. The experiences claimed by the elderly today are claimed exclusively by the young. - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
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Life experiences about love and partners may be unforgettable for you. Such love experiences, for example, you can learn to build better relationships or control your emotions properly. The following are words about life experiences regarding love and partners.
54. Breaking up for women is destruction. But for men, it is an experience. - Cak Lontong
55. Love doesn't mean loving someone perfect but how to love someone imperfect perfectly.
56. Love actually doesn't see material and differences. But the struggle to defend.
57. Never cry for someone who hurts you. Smile and say 'thank you' because they have given you the opportunity to find someone better.
58. When you have found true love, don't intend to find it again. Embrace and hold on to it as long as you still have it.
59. There's no need to be busy looking for someone you think is perfect, if there is already someone near you who can make you happy.
60. Loving is not about giving the best in abundance, but giving the best in shortcomings.
61. That's love. That's God. Experience is not an explanation. Journey is not the destination. Questions that truly don't match all answers. - Dewi Lestari
62. Being dumped is one of life's painful experiences. - Frank Sinatra
63. Two things that control human nature: instinct and experience. - Blaise Pascal
64. Happy decisions come from experience and often experience comes from failure. - Rita Mae Brown
65. Experience is an inseparable part of a relationship bound by mutual feelings. - Dewi Lestari
66. Let our past experiences be a milestone of guidance, and not a milestone that shackles us. - Mohammad Hatta
Those are 66 memorable, wise, and inspiring life experiences. Some of the above experiences can represent your feelings when recalling experiences or moments that have passed.
Source: jagokata.com, brilio.net, bola.com
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