Kapanlagi.com - Celery leaves are a type of vegetable that is often used as a seasoning, to enhance the taste of food. Celery leaves are very easy to find in several processed foods such as soup or fried food complements. Celery leaves are also very low in calories. In addition, celery leaves also contain phenolic acid, flavonol, dihydrostilbenoids, furanocoumarin, and pitosterol as antioxidants. That is why the benefits of celery leaves for health need not be doubted.
In addition, celery is also rich in vitamin K, A, C, Potassium, and Folate. With many contents in it, celery leaves also hold many benefits for health. Therefore, as reported from various sources, here are 7 benefits of celery leaves for your health that you must know.
1. Maintaining Digestive Health

credit: Pixabay
The first benefit of celery leaves for health is maintaining digestive health. Compounds in celery known as apiuman have been proven to reduce pain in cases of gastritis and improve stomach lining. Additionally, the water and fiber content in celery can also maintain digestive health.
You can add celery leaves to every dish you eat, such as fried rice, sautéed squid, and chicken soup. You can even turn celery into chips, as besides being delicious, it is also nutritious.
2. Preventing Cancer

credit: Pixabay
Another benefit of celery leaves is preventing cancer. The flavonoid compound called luteolin can provide anti-cancer benefits and make cancer cells more susceptible to the chemicals used in therapy. Additionally, the phenolic content in celery has antioxidant properties, allowing it to fight free radicals.
If you're bored with the usual celery leaf dishes, you can turn celery leaves into a refreshing drink. Simply put celery leaves and coriander leaves, along with liquid sugar, into a glass. Add lemon juice, soda, and ice cubes. Your refreshing drink with celery leaves is ready to be enjoyed.
3. Lowering Blood Sugar

credit: Pixabay
The benefits of celery leaves for other health are that they can lower blood sugar. This is because celery leaves contain vitamin A, C, and minerals. In addition, celery has a low glycemic index that can slow down the rise in blood sugar.
Celery leaves can be eaten directly or processed into drinks. You can also use celery as an additional ingredient for soup and fried dishes. If you want to eat celery leaves directly, you can split the celery stalk and add peanut butter to it.
4. Preventing Gout

credit: Pixabay
In addition to lowering blood sugar, celery leaves can also lower and prevent gout. Celery leaves have more than 12 types of antioxidants, such as phenolic acid, caffeic acid, ferulic acid, and quercetin flavanol, which can help alleviate gout symptoms.
To get maximum results, you can drink boiled celery water. Because boiled celery water contains apigenin and apigenin that can be trusted to naturally lower uric acid levels without causing side effects.
5. Reducing the Risk of Hypertension

Celery. (Credit: Pixabay/ptanpm)
Another health benefit of celery leaves is reducing the risk of hypertension. The hexane extract content in celery leaves plays a big role in lowering blood pressure. In addition, celery also contains methanol and ethanol extracts that can improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and help lower blood pressure.
To reduce the risk of hypertension, celery leaves can be juiced. Making celery leaf juice is very easy, just prepare some celery stalks and wash them thoroughly. Then blend the celery leaves until smooth. You can also add honey if you want a sweet taste to the juice.
6. Protecting Body Cells from Damage

credit: Pixabay
Furthermore, the vitamin and nutrient content in celery leaves can provide health benefits in protecting body cells from damage. Body cells function to convey messages from the body to the brain and vice versa. If there are damaged cells, the performance of the brain and body will decrease, which can cause problems in the body.
Therefore, it is important for us to maintain the integrity of cells in the body. One way to protect body cells from damage is by regularly consuming celery leaves. Whether processed through food or made into beverages.
7. Reducing Inflammation

credit: Pixabay
The last health benefit of celery leaves is reducing inflammation. Celery leaves and seeds contain about 25 anti-inflammatory compounds, which can protect the body from inflammation.
Inflammation is actually the body's mechanism for protecting itself from viruses, bacteria, and fungi. However, sometimes inflammation occurs when the immune system, which should protect the body from virus, bacteria, and fungi attacks, actually attacks the body itself.
Inflammation can occur due to several causes including viruses and bacteria. However, inflammation can also be caused by sweet and fatty foods. Inflammation can also be caused by improper stress management.
Those are the 7 health benefits of celery leaves. You can use celery leaves as a herbal remedy for your body's health by consuming them regularly and in appropriate amounts.
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