Kapanlagi.com - Dreams are a common phenomenon that occurs during sleep. However, on the other hand, many people consider dreams as an unusual phenomenon. Because some people believe that there are dreams that are believed to have hidden meanings. One dream with a curious meaning is dreaming of broken nails. Many people try to find out the meaning of dreaming of broken nails in Javanese Primbon.
Although it sounds trivial, dreaming of broken nails is still considered strange and odd for some people. In addition, many believe that the meaning of dreaming of broken nails in Javanese Primbon is often considered to have symbolic meanings that can provide guidance about someone's life.
Curious about the explanation of the meaning of dreaming of broken nails according to Javanese Primbon? To find out, just read the review about the 7 meanings of dreaming of broken nails that are believed to bring important signs in life.
1. Signs of Difficulties in Life

Meaning of Dreaming of Broken Nails: Signs of Difficulties in Life (credit: unsplash)
The meaning of dreaming of broken nails according to Javanese primbon can be interpreted in various ways, depending on the situation that someone is facing in real life. One of the most common interpretations is that dreaming of broken nails can be a sign that someone will face challenges or difficulties in their daily life.
According to this interpretation, dreaming of broken nails may indicate the arrival of difficulties in achieving goals, facing financial problems, or resolving conflicts in relationships.
2. Signs of Change and Transformation
Dreaming of broken nails in Javanese primbon is also believed to symbolize significant changes or transformations that will occur in someone's life. In relation to this, dreaming of broken nails may be a sign of transformation or change in work, environment, or even personality.
Although these changes can be difficult at first, they can bring growth and progress in the future. Therefore, instead of worrying, it is advisable to prepare oneself as best as possible to face these changes.
3. Signs of Sadness and Disappointment

Meaning of Dreaming of a Broken Nail Signs of Sadness and Disappointment (credit: unsplash)
The meaning of dreaming of a broken nail can also be associated with the feelings of sadness or disappointment that someone is experiencing. According to Javanese beliefs, the meaning of dreaming of a broken nail can reflect feelings of heartache, failure, or heartbreak that someone is experiencing in their life.
However, on the other hand, this dream also reminds the dreamer that after sadness, there is strength and the possibility of healing oneself.
4. Progress Slowdown
Dreaming of a broken nail can also be a sign of unfavorable conditions. This dream can indicate that someone may experience a slowdown in achieving their goals or dreams.
Furthermore, this can be caused by unexpected obstacles or difficulties that arise along the way. Although it may feel frustrating, it is important to remain steadfast and strive to overcome these obstacles.
5. Symbol of Luck and Progress

Meaning of Dreaming of Broken Nails: Symbol of Luck and Progress (credit: unsplash)
Although there are many negative meanings associated with dreaming of broken nails, in the context of Javanese astrology, broken nails can also be a good sign. This is because dreaming of broken nails can actually be a symbol of luck and progress.
Dreaming of broken nails can indicate that someone will experience positive changes in their life. Furthermore, this dream can be in the form of new opportunities, success, or significant personal growth.
6. Changes in Relationships
Furthermore, the meaning of dreaming of broken nails can also indicate changes in relationships. According to Javanese astrology, this dream can involve changes in romantic relationships, friendships, or even family relationships. In addition, this dream may indicate a difficult transition, but it can also be an opportunity to strengthen or improve existing bonds.
7. Strength and Resilience

Meaning of Dream Broken Nails Strength and Endurance (credit: unsplash)
Lastly, the meaning of dreaming about a broken nail can also symbolize the strength and resilience one possesses. It shows that even though someone is facing difficulties, they will still rise and overcome any obstacles that come their way.
As for this interpretation, dreaming about a broken nail serves as a reminder that everyone has inner strength and the ability to overcome difficult situations.
Those are the 7 explanations of the meaning of dreaming about a broken nail according to Javanese astrology. However, it is important to note that these explanations are merely beliefs and do not have a scientific basis. So, even if someone experiences a dream about a broken nail, there is no guarantee that the aforementioned things will actually happen.
Nevertheless, this is just a myth passed down from generation to generation. Therefore, the final decision to believe or not believe is entirely up to the reader.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.