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8 Causes of Gray Hair that Occur at a Young Age, Recognize the Triggers

8 Causes of Gray Hair that Occur at a Young Age, Recognize the Triggers Causes of Gray Hair (credit: - Gray hair is a term used to refer to white hair as a sign of entering old age. Usually, gray hair will increase and be owned by everyone as they age. However, it turns out that the causes of gray hair can occur due to various triggering factors and can be experienced by anyone regardless of age.

Gray hair often worries some people who are still in the young age range. This is because gray hair usually occurs at an older age as a sign of entering menopause for women. However, gray hair can occur at a young age due to certain causes.

For example, this can be triggered by medical conditions or certain habits that can cause gray hair. Usually, to deal with gray hair, it is done by dyeing the hair according to its original color. For example, using black hair dye to cover gray hair or using brown hair dye and other types of hair dye colors.

But what if gray hair occurs at a young age? Certainly, the condition is not desirable because it can disrupt appearance. That's why it is important to know the causes of gray hair that occur at a young age. The causes of gray hair that occur at a young age are summarized below. Here are the causes of gray hair that have been summarized by from various sources.

1. Genetic Factors

The causes of gray hair that occur at a young age can be triggered by genetic factors. Genetic factors have a significant influence on several specific health problems, including gray hair conditions. Quoting from, sourced from a 2013 study reported by the Indian Journal of Fermatology, Venereology and Leprology, it was revealed that genetic factors contribute to the occurrence of gray hair at a young age.

In the report, it is mentioned that some people of certain races such as Caucasians can experience gray hair starting at the age of 20. While Asians can experience it at the age of 25, and Africans and Americans start at the age of 30. However, this condition needs further examination regarding gray hair conditions at a young age.

2. Lack of Vitamin Intake

The cause of premature gray hair can be due to a lack of vitamin intake. According to, a deficiency in certain vitamins such as vitamin B6, vitamin B12, biotin, vitamin D, and vitamin E can cause premature aging to occur.

Furthermore, several studies have also shown a correlation between vitamin deficiency and the occurrence of gray hair at an early age. One of these studies conducted in 2016 in the International Journal of Trichology reported that premature gray hair can be experienced due to low serum ferritin levels.

3. Experiencing Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress is a condition that occurs in the body due to a low level of antioxidants, which can trigger various health problems. Oxidative stress can cause the body to be easily exposed to free radicals, leading to certain health disorders. In this case, oxidative stress is also associated with the cause of premature gray hair.

According to, oxidative stress can trigger problems with skin pigmentation, such as vitiligo. Vitiligo is a health problem that occurs when the skin color changes, resulting in white patches. Symptoms of vitiligo can also be indicated by changes in hair color, such as gray hair. This also applies to eyebrows, eyelashes, or beards.

4. Smoking Habit

Premature graying can also be caused by smoking habits. As it is known, the substances in cigarettes can have negative effects on health. This also includes the possibility of causing premature graying at a young age. According to a study from the Dermatology Online Journal in 2013, individuals who smoke are more likely to experience graying before the age of 30 compared to those who do not smoke.

5. Certain Medical Conditions

Premature graying at a young age can also be caused by certain medical conditions. Some medical conditions are known to increase the risk of having gray hair at a young age. According to a study in 2018, there is a link between hair disorders and thyroid dysfunction.

In addition, premature graying is also associated with several medical conditions such as autoimmune diseases, thyroid diseases, vitiligo, vitamin B12 deficiency, or alopecia areata. However, a consultation with a doctor is necessary to determine the exact cause.

6. Hair Care Product Effects

Premature graying of hair can be caused by the effects of hair care products containing chemicals. As known, there are various hair care products that offer their own functions and benefits to maintain the beauty and health of hair. Unfortunately, the improper use of hair care products can cause certain problems, including premature graying of hair.

According to, for example, hair dyes contain chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide, which can cause hair to turn white or gray. Especially if these substances are frequently used excessively, they can actually pose a high risk of triggering various hair problems.

7. Autoimmune Diseases

Premature graying can be caused by autoimmune diseases. Still related to the causes of graying due to certain medical conditions, autoimmune diseases also contribute to similar cases. Quoting from, autoimmune diseases affect the change in hair color to white or gray due to a weakened immune system.

Where this weakened immune system can affect the hair follicles, triggering certain problems such as hair loss. This is also what causes premature graying to occur at a young age.

8. Hormonal Changes

Quoting from, premature graying that occurs at a young age can be triggered by hormonal changes in a person. In this case, hormones usually affect the occurrence of gray hair. The impact is that due to these hormonal changes, hair health will be disrupted and experience several problems including changes in texture, density, and color. However, this condition is also accompanied by other causes of graying that have the potential to trigger gray hair.

9. How to Prevent Gray Hair at a Young Age

After understanding some of the causes of gray hair that occur at a young age, the following tips on how to prevent gray hair can also be an initial reference for prevention. The ways to prevent gray hair at a young age are as follows:

- Limiting or avoiding smoking habits.

- Consuming healthy foods, including vegetables and fruits.

- Proper hair care according to hair condition.

- Avoiding stress to prevent gray hair.

- Meeting the hair's vitamin and nutrient needs for hair health.

Those are the 8 causes of gray hair that occur at a young age. Consultation with a doctor can be considered to address gray hair and receive appropriate treatment for the gray hair.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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