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8 Most Popular Pet Turtle Species, Easy to Care For

8 Most Popular Pet Turtle Species, Easy to Care For Types of turtles (credit: freepik) - Turtles are one of the types of reptiles that many people love. This four-legged animal is known for its unique shape with a characteristic shell that covers its body. In addition to being kept as pets, turtles with various patterns on their shells can also be beautiful decorative animals. Despite their fierce appearance, turtles are suitable to be owned. It's no wonder that many people keep turtles as playmates at home.

It is important to know that this slow-moving animal has existed for millions of years and is classified as an ancient species. Turtles are also known to be docile and relatively easy to care for. The most important thing is to provide them with a minimal amount of water, turtle food such as vegetables and fruits, and turtles can also live for a long time. So, before you decide to keep turtles at home, it's a good idea to know the types of turtles first so you don't buy them randomly. Instead of being curious, let's directly read the following review.


1. Sulcata Tortoise

The first type of tortoise that you can keep as a pet is the Sulcata Tortoise. The characteristic of this type of tortoise is that it has a striking combination of yellow and brown colors on its body. In fact, taking care of Sulcata Tortoise is very easy. Most importantly, you should not provide them with food that contains a lot of water, as they are very sensitive to it. It is better to give them foods such as carrots, cactus, papaya, water spinach, and bananas. It is known that these tortoises can live up to 150 years and reach a weight of up to 105 kilograms.


2. Leopard Tortoise

Next, the type of tortoise that you can keep as a pet is the Leopard Tortoise. This tortoise has a shell that resembles a leopard's spots. This type of tortoise is known to prefer warm environments with exposure to sunlight rather than being in cold places. Because if the environment is humid, it makes the Leopard Tortoise susceptible to diseases. Therefore, you really need to know how to take care of them before deciding to buy one.


3. Cherry Head Turtle

Cherry head turtle is one of the tame turtle species that you can keep. Besides, this type of turtle is very unique in terms of its body shape and color. This type of turtle can also survive up to 50 years. You can feed them with vegetables and leaves. In addition, they can also consume insects and earthworms as additional food.


4. Slider Turtle

This type of turtle is certainly not unfamiliar in Indonesia. The famous slider turtle with its green color is very popular and sought after by people. Besides, it also has striking red ears that are its own attraction. This turtle, which is also known as the Brazilian turtle, is quite popular because its care is not too difficult.


5. Aladabra Tortoise

Next, you can keep a type of tortoise called the Aladabra Tortoise. This type of tortoise has a distinctive characteristic, which is its dark color, inconspicuous pattern, and a neck that can extend. This tortoise has a natural habitat in shrubs, grasslands, and mangrove woodlands. The Aladabra Tortoise has a quite large size, reaching 1.2 meters in length and weighing 25 kg.


6. Radiata Tortoise

The type of tortoise that you can keep is the Radiata Tortoise. Many people say that this tortoise is an exotic type that you must have. The uniqueness of this tortoise is its shell pattern with a combination of black and brown colors that contrast. This tortoise particularly enjoys eating fruits and vegetables.


7. Indian Star Tortoise

As the name suggests, the Indian star tortoise from India is no less popular compared to other turtle species. In addition, this tortoise has a unique characteristic on its shell that forms a star pattern. You can feed this type of tortoise with vegetables and fruits. The Indian star tortoise is not too big in size, so many people like this type of tortoise. Moreover, its care is also very easy, making it perfect for beginners.


8. Elongated Tortoise

Lastly, the type of turtle that you can keep as a pet is the elongated tortoise. The uniqueness of this tortoise is that most female tortoises have a larger body than male tortoises, with a body length of up to 30 cm. To care for this tortoise, you can place it in an environment exposed to sunlight as this tortoise species can live in tropical environments. As for food, the elongated tortoise consumes various vegetables and leaves.

Those are some types of turtles that you can keep as pets. Which type of turtle would you like to keep?



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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