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8 Recommended Story Books for Babies, Suitable for Bedtime Reading

8 Recommended Story Books for Babies, Suitable for Bedtime Reading

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8 Recommended Story Books for Babies, Suitable for Bedtime Reading

Reading stories or fairy tales to babies before bedtime is believed to train their intelligence in the future. Many parents have done it, but there are also many who are still confused about choosing the title of the book to read. In fact, there are many interesting choices of recommended story books for babies. Instead of being confused about which book to choose, just take a look at the brief reviews of several recommendations below.


The book 'Bella and the Red Balloon' tells the story of a little girl named Bella's adventure. It is told that Bella keeps searching for her beloved red balloon that is lost. The balloon is actually found being kept by a bear family. This book not only tells the adventure of finding and retrieving her beloved balloon, but also tells the story of how young Bella must control her emotions. 


As the title suggests, Bedtime Baby is recommended as a book for babies that is suitable to be read before bedtime. What makes Bedtime Baby interesting is that it is not just an ordinary storybook. This English-language book also includes special pages with flip-flap and touch and feel concepts. Therefore, babies can also enrich their tactile experiences. Interesting, isn't it?

8 Recommended Story Books for Babies, Suitable for Bedtime Reading

Which child doesn't like unicorns? All children surely love them. Therefore, the next recommended storybook for babies is titled Magical Unicorns. Just like Bedtime Baby, this book also has pages with touch and feel concepts. Various textures and colors can be found on the unicorn's tail in the picture. Therefore, this book is also useful for training the sensory system of children.


Tummy Baby book is also suitable to be read to babies under 3 years old. This short storybook has a very attractive packaging with a three-dimensional concept and full color on each page. This baby book also provides various sensory experiences for children, ranging from various textures to peek-a-boo holes. A very exploratory book for babies.


The Walt Disney 5-Minute Stories Classic Disney will be an exciting book to read to babies under 3 years old. As the title suggests, this book contains various famous Disney stories that are long but presented briefly, so they can be told in just 5 minutes. So there's no need for a long time and it's suitable to be a bedtime story.


If you want Islamic fairy tales or stories, you can read stories of the Prophets to your baby. Currently, there are many books about the stories of the Prophets and Messengers that are presented briefly and attractively with full-color illustrations. Not only interesting, but the book Kisah 25 Nabi dan Rasul (Stories of 25 Prophets and Messengers) for children can also be a valuable lesson for your child.

8 Recommended Story Books for Babies, Suitable for Bedtime Reading

In Indonesia, there are many interesting fairy tales or legends to be read to little ones. Moreover, these fairy tales also have important moral values that should be instilled from an early age. Starting from Timun Emas (Golden Cucumber), Si Kancil (The Mouse Deer), Malin Kundang, and many more. You can find these stories in the book Kumpulan Dongeng Klasik Nusantara (Collection of Classic Folklore of the Archipelago).