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8 Types of Aquatic Plants for Pond Decoration that are Easy to Maintain

8 Types of Aquatic Plants for Pond Decoration that are Easy to Maintain Types of aquatic plants for pond decoration (credit: pixabay) - Have you known about aquatic plants? Aquatic plants are plants that live and adapt well in aquatic environments. There are many types of aquatic plants to beautify your home and make it look more beautiful. That's why aquatic plants are widely sought after as decorations and also make the house pond look more lively.

The variety of aquatic plants is certainly one alternative to pamper the eyes. You don't need fertilizer or soil, these plants only need sufficient water and nutrients to grow like other plants. It's not wrong if you are interested in collecting various types of plants. To increase your knowledge, here are some types of aquatic plants that are considered easy to care for. What are they? Instead of being curious, let's take a look at the following reviews. 


1. Teratai

The first type of aquatic plant that is often sought after is the lotus. The lotus itself is a very popular type of aquatic plant among the community. The characteristic of this plant is that it has beautiful colorful flowers with leaves that float on the surface of the water. The lotus flower has a size ranging from 45-90 cm. The lotus itself has many types that can be distinguished by the color of its flowers.


2. Water Hyacinth

Who doesn't know water hyacinth? This one aquatic plant is already well known and often found in rivers, swamps, and lakes. The plant, which was first discovered in the Amazon River, Brazil, reproduces quickly, so it is often considered a weed plant.

The distinctive feature of the water hyacinth aquatic plant is that it has purple leaves and only blooms for one day. In addition, it has fine hairy leaves and is water-resistant. This plant can also be used to decorate ponds because it is very easy to maintain.


3. Water Jasmine

Water jasmine is one of the most beautiful types of aquatic plants that you must have. Just like flowers that grow on land, water jasmine has beautiful white flowers. The jasmine flowers bloom alternately in the morning, and new shoots will appear on the faded flowers. You often find this type of plant in swamp areas or rivers.


4. Water Lily

Next, another equally beautiful aquatic plant is the water lily. In fact, for pond enthusiasts, this plant is always in high demand. The characteristic of this aquatic plant is its exotic and charming flowers on the water.

Although it is considered similar to water lilies, they have differences that can be seen from their leaves. For those of you who are just starting to collect aquatic plants, this plant will be suitable for you to have. Because water lilies are a type of aquatic plant that is not difficult to care for and tends not to die easily.


5. Kala Lily

As the name suggests, this Kala Lily plant closely resembles a lily plant. However, this plant has white trumpet-shaped flowers and bright yellow stamens. Another advantage of this Kala Lily plant is its cool and gentle floral aroma, which is why it is favored by many people, especially plant collectors. The characteristic of this plant is that it tends to follow the direction of sunlight in its growth, so it's no wonder that this flower can grow very tall.


6. Water Hyacinth

Who here knows about the water hyacinth plant? This plant is a type of water plant that is very easy to find in ponds. Generally, this floating plant is usually used as a protective plant in aquariums. Not only is it found in ponds, but water hyacinth plants are also easily found in rice fields that have a sufficient amount of water. These water hyacinth plants have spread in tropical and subtropical regions.


7. Water Bamboo

So far, you must be familiar with bamboo plants that are commonly used as building materials. Apparently, there is a type of bamboo that is often used as a decoration for houses because it grows in water. The characteristic of water bamboo plants is that they have a small size, only about 100 cm. Many people believe that this plant brings good luck. This plant is also idolized by most people in East Asian countries such as China, Korea, and Japan.


8. Water Hyacinth

Water hyacinth, also known as water fern, is also a popular ornamental plant. Not only in ponds, but you often find this water plant in calm-flowing ponds, rice fields, lakes, and rivers. This plant is often sought after as an ornamental plant because it is easy to grow and develop. Moreover, this type of plant is also easy to care for, so you don't have to worry about it.

Those are some types of water plants that can be recommended to beautify your pond. Hope it's useful.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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