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88 Words for Angry Girlfriend, Suitable for Flirting and Apologies

88 Words for Angry Girlfriend, Suitable for Flirting and Apologies Illustration (Credit: Freepik) - Anger is a normal thing in a relationship. However, you should not underestimate the events that can ignite your partner's anger. Immediately express words for your angry lover so that the problem does not escalate further.

You also need to remember that extinguishing the fire is better than keeping it silent or pouring gasoline on it. If an argument has just occurred, you need to immediately realize your mistake and calm your partner with words for your angry lover.

To prevent prolonged hostility with your partner, it is important for you to pay attention to the words for your angry lover as a reference for apology. Quoting from several sources, here are examples of apologies that you can learn.


1. Words for an Angry Girlfriend

If an argument occurs and it causes your partner's heart to heat up, try expressing words for an angry girlfriend as an apology like the following. By hearing your confession of guilt and apology, she will soften up and be good again.

1. "If every moment we go through is a raindrop, I will be drenched every time I remember our love and I can't get through this storm without you."

2. "It took me a long time to realize that I was wrong. Darling, I apologize for hurting you!"

3. "You're right about me letting my pride get in the way. I apologize for the way I treated you. You don't deserve it."

4. "I am constantly ashamed of what I have done. I hope you will give me a chance to change."

5. "I promise that this mistake has taught me how to be a better person. Please give me a chance to show it to you."

6. "Without you, I feel lonely, don't hide your hatred, my love. Tell me everything you feel. I will try to change my behavior."

7. "I promise you that from now on our relationship will be free from tears, lies, and insults. I love you, let's stay together."

8. "I'm sorry for disappointing and making you sad. I didn't mean to make you angry, my dear."

9. "I still can't understand the meaning of your anger, forgive me. I love you."

10. "Darling, I have betrayed your trust, I have no right to ask you about something, but I want to say that my love for you will live forever. I beg you, forgive me."

11. "How can I say the words 'I'm sorry' when I know those words are not enough? And how can I ask you to forgive me when I know I can't forgive myself?"

12. "I said 'I love you' and I meant it. But I hurt you, now 'I apologize' and I mean it too."

13. "Apologies may not mean anything compared to what I have done, but still, I know that you have a forgiving and understanding heart, and you will not let hatred destroy our love."

14. "Apologies are like beautiful perfume; they can turn the most pleasant moments into friendly gifts."

15. "I'm sorry if I haven't been the best and only made you angry. I apologize once again, my love. I will try harder to be better for you."

16. "I still don't understand how I could hurt you, wholeheartedly I beg you to forgive me, you mean everything to me."

17. "I know this apology is not enough to make up for my mistakes. But one thing you need to know, what I did to you was sincere. Forgive me."

18. "I will try to make you happy. I'm sorry if there's something wrong when I try to make you happy. Forgive me, my love."

19. "I apologize to you. I don't want to fight just because of this issue and you need to know that I really love you."

20. "I neglected your happiness in an effort to make myself happy, only to realize that my happiness lies with you. Sorry, forgive me, my love."


2. Words for an Angry Girlfriend as a Sweet Talk

Apologizing should be serious and sincere, but not always in a rigid way. You can try apologizing by quoting the following words for an angry girlfriend as a way to make her reconcile.

21. "I apologize for everything. I'm sorry for making you cry. I'm sorry for disappointing and saddening you. Forgive me. I love you."

22. "No matter how angry you are at my mistakes, one thing you need to know is that my heart still belongs to you. Forgive me, dear."

23. "If I knew what I was doing was wrong, I wouldn't have done it. Please forgive me, my love."

24. "Darling, I apologize for my selfish behavior. You have sacrificed a lot for me. I am grateful that God has brought me to you."

25. "I'm sorry if I made you angry. I'm the one who can't understand your desires. But I'm learning to always understand you."

20. "Look at the stars tonight, they will whisper: "I apologize for what I have done". I love you."

21. "With a bruised heart and deflated ego, with a sad soul and a bowed head. I apologize to you unconditionally."

22. "Our love is strong and limitless, don't let small complaints destroy this beautiful understanding and tenderness. I love you and I apologize."

23. "Our relationship homepage cannot be displayed due to a server error. Can we click the refresh button and start again? I apologize."

24. "I believe in destiny and I believe in love, that's why I know you will accept my apology.

25. "No matter what happens, you will always be number one for me. Can you forgive me for what I have done?"

26. "Darling, all I want is to be with you for the rest of my life. Forgive me, I love you.

27. "Look at the sun, do you see how it shines? It sends you my apology."

28. "Mistakes are always forgiven if someone has the courage to accept them."

29. "Forgiving doesn't always change the past, but it enlarges the future."

30. "Apologizing doesn't always mean you're wrong and the other person is right. That just means that you value your relationship more than your ego."

31. "I would rather share my whole life with you, than face a lifetime alone without you because you're mad at me. Forgive me, please."

32. "Forgive me, my love. I know you're sulking because of me, but trust me, I really love you and there's no one else but you."

33. "Darling, even when you're angry, you're still beautiful! I love you, forgive me!"

34. "I know that my actions have shaken your faith in me, but I promise to show you how I've changed if you will give me the opportunity. I know I can win back your trust in time because I am a new person."

(I know that my actions have shaken your faith in me, but I promise to show you how I've changed if you will give me the opportunity. I know I can win back your trust in time because I am a new person.)

35. "My heart beats only for you, please be compassionate and forgive me."

36. "Darling, don't sulk for too long, or else the sun will turn cloudy because it's afraid you'll get even angrier. Forgive me, my love. Love you."

37. "Sorry, forgive me! I promise I will never let my ego dominate our relationship. I love you so much."

38. "Forgive me for often speaking wrongly, saying words that hurt you. It's all because I love you so much. Forgive me again."

39. "Not admitting mistakes is a bigger mistake."

40. I'm not perfect, I make mistakes, I hurt you. But when I apologize, I mean it.

41. You haven't spoken to me for a week, and it's the greatest pain I've ever experienced. I apologize for everything.

42. Honey, forgive me! I was looking for happiness around, but I realized too late that my happiness is you!

43. When you cry, a part of my soul dies, I never want to cause your tears to flow, forgive me, my love, I understand my mistakes.

44. When I lost you, I realized that only with you, I feel alive. Sorry for the pain and resentment, I love you.

45. Give me a chance to show you that I can be something valuable to you, allow me to show you.

46. If I make you feel bad mood - I'm sorry, I'm just learning how to be a good girlfriend but I will do my best to be worthy of you.

47. The whole world turns black and white when you're not by my side. I'm ready to give everything just to hear you laugh again. I'm sorry, let's make up.

48. Darling, my love becomes the key to your heart, let's keep these sweet memories and forget the bad ones.

49. I come to you sincerely to find love in my heart again.


3. Words for an Angry Girlfriend in English

If you want to apologize in a different way, please read the following words for an angry girlfriend as a reference. In a different way, maybe your partner can melt and be good again.

50. "No one is entitled to mar your beautiful soul with their disgraceful actions. I am praying that you will forgive me for mine."

(Tak seorang pun berhak mengotori jiwa indahmu dengan perbuatan tercela mereka. Saya berdoa bahwa Anda akan memaafkan saya untuk saya.)

51. "The pang of sorrow and the emptiness I feel without you, overwhelm me. Please accept my deepest apology for hurting you."

(Kepedihan kesedihan dan kehampaan yang kurasakan tanpamu, menguasaiku. Terimalah permintaan maafku yang terdalam karena telah menyakitimu.)

52. "The memory of seeing your heart break a little more with each repulsive word that came from my mouth drowns me in shame and sorrow."

(Kenangan melihat hatimu hancur sedikit lebih banyak dengan setiap kata menjijikkan yang keluar dari mulutku menenggelamkanku dalam rasa malu dan sedih.)

53. "The ugliness of words uttered, the disgrace of prideful behavior, and the treachery of allowing you to be the brunt of my anger, has sickened my very soul. Sorrow fills each moment that we are apart."

(Kata-kata jelek yang diucapkan, aib perilaku sombong, dan pengkhianatan membiarkan Anda menjadi beban kemarahan saya, telah membuat jiwa saya muak. Sadness fills every moment we part.)

54. "My very heart is bowing in shame for what I said to you.I'm sorry for hurting you!"

(My heart is ashamed of what I said to you.I apologize for hurting you!)

55. "Your precious heart has been broken by the arrows of anger I hurled into it.I pray that I will be allowed to make amends and heal it, for you are a precious treasure."

(Your precious heart has been broken by the arrows of anger I threw at it.I pray that I will be allowed to redeem myself and heal it, for you are a precious treasure.)

56. "Our love has been more beautiful than all the flowers in a lush garden.May this small bouquet symbolize how precious your love is to me.Please allow me to go back to the beginning and show you how I've changed."

(Our love has been more beautiful than all the flowers in a lush garden.May this small bouquet symbolize how precious your love is to me.Please allow me to go back to the beginning and show you how I've changed.)

57. "For what it's worth to you, you need to know that I will love you to the end whether or not you are able to find love in your heart for me again."

(For what it's worth to you, you need to know that I will love you to the end whether or not you are able to find love in your heart for me again.)

58. "Life without your smile is somber and gray.I pray that my apology can fix that broken smile.I'm truly sorry!"

(Life without your smile is somber and gray.I pray that my apology can fix that broken smile.I'm truly sorry!)

59. "My lips quiver with the recollection of what they said.My eyes moisten at the memory of seeing you hurt. Accept my deepest apologies for hurting you.)

73. "The memory of seeing your heart break a little more with each repulsive word that came from my mouth drowns me in shame and sorrow."

(The memory of seeing your heart break a little more with each repulsive word that came from my mouth drowns me in shame and sorrow.)

74. "The ugliness of words uttered, the disgrace of prideful behavior, and the treachery of allowing you to be the brunt of my anger, has sickened my very soul. Sorrow fills each moment that we are apart."

(The ugliness of words uttered, the disgrace of prideful behavior, and the treachery of allowing you to be the brunt of my anger, has sickened my very soul. Sorrow fills each moment that we are apart.)

75. "My very heart is bowing in shame for what I said to you. I'm sorry for hurting you!"

(My very heart is bowing in shame for what I said to you. I'm sorry for hurting you!)

76. "Your precious heart has been broken by the arrows of anger I hurled into it. I pray that I will be allowed to make amends and heal it, for you are a precious treasure."

(Your precious heart has been broken by the arrows of anger I hurled into it. I pray that I will be allowed to make amends and heal it, for you are a precious treasure.)

77. "Our love has been more beautiful than all the flowers in a lush garden. May this small bouquet symbolize how precious your love is to me.Please allow me to go back to the beginning and show you how I've changed."

(Our love is more beautiful than all the flowers in the lush garden. May this small bouquet symbolize how precious your love is to me. Please allow me to go back to the beginning and show you how I have changed.)

78. "For what it's worth to you, you need to know that I will love you to the end whether or not you are able to find love in your heart for me again."

(For what it's worth to you, you need to know that I will love you to the end whether or not you are able to find love in your heart for me again.)

79. "Life without your smile is somber and gray. I pray that my apology can fix that broken smile. I'm truly sorry!"

(Life without your smile is somber and gray. I pray that my apology can fix that broken smile.) I am truly sorry!)

80. "My lips quiver with the recollection of what they said. My eyes moisten at the memory of seeing you hurt. My heart breaks at the thought of losing you. I am filled with regret for what I've done."

(Bibirku bergetar mengingat apa yang mereka katakan. Mataku basah saat mengingat melihatmu terluka. Hatiku hancur memikirkan kehilanganmu. Saya dipenuhi dengan penyesalan atas apa yang telah saya lakukan.)

81. "My shameful actions spoke loudly, but I hope that you can still hear my words. I love you deeply, and will do everything in my power to show you how much.I'm sorry!"

(Embarrassing as it is for me to speak out loud, I hope you can still hear my words.I love you deeply, and will do everything in my power to show you how much. Please forgive me!)

82. "The realization of what I have done cuts deeply into my soul and stabs my heart.I cannot justify my actions, but I regret them every moment and beg you to give me another chance."

(The realization of what I have done cuts deeply into my soul and stabs my heart.I cannot justify my actions, but I regret them every moment and beg you to give me another chance.)

83. "I see the sunlight in your hair from a distance, and there's a flicker of joy as I remember our sunny days together.I am willing to wait for you. You mean everything to me, and I am so sorry for what I did."

(I see the sunlight in your hair from a distance, and there's a flicker of joy as I remember our sunny days together. I am willing to wait for you. You mean everything to me, and I am so sorry for what I did.)

84. "My hand misses the feel of holding yours.My eyes have nothing beautiful to look at without you.My ears miss being filled with the sound of your sweet voice.My heart only beats because it hopes for your forgiveness."

(My hand misses the feel of holding yours. My eyes have nothing beautiful to look at without you.) My ears long to be filled with your sweet voice.My heart beats only in the hope of your forgiveness.)

85. "I am so cold without your love; so alone.I have caused deep pain in both our lives.The faint flicker of hope that you can forgive me is all that keeps me alive."

(I am so cold without your love; so alone.I have caused deep pain in both our lives.A glimmer of hope that you can forgive me is all that keeps me alive.)

86. "The smell of your skin and the beauty of your form fill me with memories of our love.I am nothing without you. Please search your heart for a way to forgive me."

(The aroma of your skin and the beauty of your form fill me with memories of our love.I am nothing without you.Please search your heart for a way to forgive me.)

87. "I don't believe God intends for our paths to divide.He put us on this journey together.Take my hand, and let's walk side by side again.I am so sorry for making you question your destination."

(I don't believe God intends for our paths to divide.He put us on this journey together.) Hold my hand, and let's walk side by side again. I deeply regret making you question your purpose.)

88. "The value of your love is worth more to me than anything else. Please allow me to show you."

(The value of your love is worth more to me than anything else. Please allow me to show you.)

KLovers, those are the words for angry lovers for you to consider and use as an apology when realizing you have made a mistake.



I hope this small bouquet symbolizes how precious your love is to me. Please allow me to go back to the beginning and show you how I have changed.)

57. "For what it's worth to you, you need to know that I will love you to the end whether or not you are able to find love in your heart for me again."

(For what it's worth to you, you need to know that I will love you to the end whether or not you are able to find love in your heart for me again.)

58. "Life without your smile is somber and gray. I pray that my apology can fix that broken smile. I'm truly sorry!"

(Life without your smile is somber and gray. I pray that my apology can fix that broken smile. I'm truly sorry!)

59. "My lips quiver with the recollection of what they said. My eyes moisten at the memory of seeing you hurt. My heart breaks at the thought of losing you.I am filled with regret for what I've done."

(My lips tremble remembering what they said.My eyes are wet remembering seeing you hurt.My heart is shattered thinking of losing you.I am filled with regret for what I have done.)

60. "My shameful actions spoke loudly, but I hope that you can still hear my words.I love you deeply, and will do everything in my power to show you how much.I'm sorry!"

(My shameful actions spoke loudly, but I hope that you can still hear my words.) I love you deeply, and will do everything in my power to show you how much.Forgive me!)

61. "The realization of what I have done cuts deeply into my soul and stabs my heart.I cannot justify my actions, but I regret them every moment and beg you to give me another chance."

(The realization of what I have done cuts deeply into my soul and stabs my heart.I cannot justify my actions, but I regret them every moment and beg you to give me another chance.)

62. "I see the sunlight in your hair from a distance, and there's a flicker of joy as I remember our sunny days together.I am willing to wait for you.You mean everything to me, and I am so sorry for what I did."

(I see the sunlight in your hair from a distance, and there's a flicker of joy as I remember our sunny days together.I am willing to wait for you.) You mean everything to me, and I deeply regret what I did.)

63. "My hand misses the feel of holding yours. My eyes have nothing beautiful to look at without you. My ears miss being filled with the sound of your sweet voice. My heart only beats because it hopes for your forgiveness."

(My hand misses the feel of holding yours. My eyes have nothing beautiful to look at without you. My ears miss being filled with the sound of your sweet voice. My heart only beats because it hopes for your forgiveness.)

64. "I am so cold without your love; so alone. I have caused deep pain in both our lives. The faint flicker of hope that you can forgive me is all that keeps me alive."

(I am so cold without your love; so alone. I have caused deep pain in both our lives. The faint flicker of hope that you can forgive me is all that keeps me alive.)

65. "The smell of your skin and the beauty of your form fill me with memories of our love. I am nothing without you. Please search your heart for a way to forgive me."

(The smell of your skin and the beauty of your form fill me with memories of our love. I am nothing without you.) Please search your heart for a way to forgive me.)

66. "I don't believe God intends for our paths to divide. He put us on this journey together. Take my hand, and let's walk side by side again. I am so sorry for making you question your destination."

(I don't believe God intends for our paths to divide. He put us on this journey together. Take my hand, and let's walk side by side again. I am so sorry for making you question your destination.)

67. "The value of your love is worth more to me than anything else. Please allow me to show you."

(Nilai cintamu lebih berharga bagiku dari apapun.Tolong izinkan saya untuk menunjukkannya kepada Anda.)

68. "I know that my actions have shaken your faith in me, but I promise to show you how I’ve changed if you will give me the opportunity.I know I can win back your trust in time because I am a new person."

(I know that my actions have shaken your faith in me, but I promise to show you how I've changed if you will give me the opportunity.I know I can win back your trust in time because I am a new person.)

69. "Each day without you, I sink a little deeper into a pit of despair.The pain of losing you overpowers me.I need the strength that your forgiveness offers."

(Each day without you, I sink a little deeper into a pit of despair.The pain of losing you overpowers me.) I need the strength offered by your forgiveness.)

70. "The pain of letting you down is more than I can bear. Please find it in your heart to forgive me."

(The pain of disappointing you is more than I can bear. Please find it in your heart to forgive me.)
If you want to apologize in a different way, please consider the following words for an angry girlfriend as a reference. In a different way, maybe your partner can soften and be good again.

71. "No one is entitled to mar your beautiful soul with their disgraceful actions. I am praying that you will forgive me for mine."

(No one is entitled to mar your beautiful soul with their disgraceful actions. I am praying that you will forgive me for mine.)

72. "The pang of sorrow and the emptiness I feel without you, overwhelm me. Please accept my deepest apology for hurting you."

(The pang of sorrow and the emptiness I feel without you, overwhelm me.)


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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