Kapanlagi.com - Benefits of charity in the month of Ramadan are very special for those who practice it. Charity is one of the recommended sunnah practices for every Muslim to do. It brings many benefits for oneself and even for those around them.
Charity is defined as giving, whether it is material or non-material, to others sincerely and without coercion. The purpose of charity is to help those in need and who are lacking.
As social beings, humans are encouraged to help and assist each other, especially during the month of Ramadan when not everyone can fully enjoy the moments of Ramadan.
In Islam, helping those in need can be in the form of charity. This charity is separate from the obligatory zakat that Muslims who are able must fulfill. There is no specific time or amount limit for giving charity.
Therefore, anyone can give charity anytime and in any form. Especially during Ramadan, it is highly recommended to compete in doing good deeds in order to attain the blessings of this holy month. The benefits of giving charity in Ramadan are diverse and numerous. It has even been mentioned in the Hadiths narrated by the companions of Prophet Muhammad SAW and the scholars.
So what are the benefits of giving charity during Ramadan?
Knowing the benefits of giving charity during Ramadan is mandatory so that you can make the most of your time during this sacred month. In addition, giving charity during Ramadan can also provide a peaceful and blessed life. Here are 9 benefits of giving charity during Ramadan that you must know in order to live a blessed life.
1. Rewards Multiplied

Benefits of giving alms during the month of Ramadan (credit: freepik.com)
The most important benefit of giving alms during the month of Ramadan is the multiplied rewards. As you know, Ramadan is a blessed month where all good deeds can be multiplied.
One of them is the sunnah practice of giving alms, which can be multiplied when done during Ramadan. This is stated in the Quran as follows:
Allah says: "The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing." (Quran 2:261)
2. Sins are erased

Benefits of charity during the month of Ramadan (credit: freepik.com)
Donating is part of the sunnah practice, where all sins can be erased when performed. Especially when done in the blessed and forgiving month of Ramadan. It is also important to remember to perform other good deeds so that sins can be erased by Allah SWT.
"Charity can erase sins just as water extinguishes fire." (HR. At-Tirmidzi)
3. Multiple Rewards

Benefits of charity during the month of Ramadan (credit: freepik.com)
By donating wealth or energy, it will never diminish. Because it will receive multiple rewards in both the afterlife and the worldly life. So you don't need to worry about donating to others, whether in the form of material or non-material.
The Prophet said in a hadith narrated by Baihaqi, "Bring down your sustenance (from Allah) by giving charity."
4. Increasing Age

The benefits of giving alms during the month of Ramadan (credit: freepik.com)
The benefit of giving alms during the holy month of Ramadan that must be known in order to live a blessed life is that it can increase age. In the sense that life will become longer with a peaceful and calm life.
"Indeed, the alms of a Muslim can increase his age, prevent a bad death (su'ul khotimah), Allah will remove from him the traits of arrogance, poverty, and self-pride." (HR. Thabrani)
5. Finding Inner Peace

Benefits of charity during the month of Ramadan (credit: freepik.com)
Another benefit of giving alms is finding inner peace. When giving alms to others, the heart becomes peaceful because seeing the burden of others being slightly relieved by the alms you do.
Thus, it is able to provide inner peace within oneself. Inner peace can also be obtained by performing prayers and reading the Quran.
6. Savings in the Hereafter

Benefits of charity during the month of Ramadan (credit: freepik.com)
As it is known that life is not only in this world but there is an afterlife waiting. Therefore, preparing savings for the hereafter can be done immediately by performing good deeds such as charity.
"A person who gives charity with his right hand, then he conceals his good deed until his left hand does not know what his right hand has given in charity." (HR. Bukhari)
7. As Continuous Charity

Benefits of giving alms during the month of Ramadan (credit: freepik.com)
The benefits of charity during the month of Ramadan can also become continuous charity. In this case, continuous charity is by teaching knowledge to others. Because by teaching knowledge, it will never be interrupted even if the executor has passed away.
"When the son of Adam dies, all his deeds are cut off, except for three things: ongoing charity, a righteous child who prays for forgiveness for him (his mother and father), and beneficial knowledge that is followed after him."
8. Protected from Diseases
The power of giving alms is so great when done by Muslims, especially during Ramadan. One of the benefits is that it can cure diseases and disasters. However, it does not mean that only giving alms can heal diseases, but other good deeds are also needed to truly avoid disease disasters.
"Protect your wealth with zakat, heal the sick (among you) by giving alms, and prepare prayers to face the coming disaster." (HR. Ath-Thabrani).
9. Protected from the Torment of the Grave

Benefits of charity during the month of Ramadan (credit: freepik.com)
Giving alms can also protect you from the torment of the grave. This is stated in the following hadith:
"Indeed, giving alms can truly extinguish the heat of the grave for its inhabitants, and the believers will be sheltered under the shade of their alms." (HR. At-Thabrani)
So those are the 9 benefits of giving alms during the month of Ramadan that must be known in order to live a blessed life. Continue to do good deeds during the month of Ramadan to become a fortunate nation.
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