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9 Body Conditions Due to Excess Protein, Recognize the Symptoms as Early as Possible

9 Body Conditions Due to Excess Protein, Recognize the Symptoms as Early as Possible Excess protein (credit: - What happens if the body has excess protein? That question may have crossed your mind regarding excess of important nutrients that are part of minerals. However, it should be noted that when the body has excess protein, there are certain conditions or effects that can be felt, for example, triggering weight gain.

Meeting nutritional and vitamin needs is indeed important. One of them is protein, which plays a crucial role in improving the function of organs and body tissues. When the body lacks protein, it can certainly cause health problems such as hair problems, liver or bone disorders.

Similarly, with protein deficiency, there are several conditions caused by excess protein that can be felt by the sufferer. However, it should be noted that each person needs a certain amount of protein adjusted based on age or activity. For example, based on the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in 2019, it is reported from, the recommended daily protein intake for adults ranges from 50 to 70 grams per day.

Meanwhile, for pregnant women of all ages, it is 70 to 85 grams per day. However, some people may not realize that they are experiencing an excess of protein which can ultimately impact their health. The effects of excess protein can be felt over a period of time and should be recognized as early as possible.

As for the conditions of excessive protein in the body, you can find out more through the reviews below. The following are the conditions of excessive protein in the body that have been summarized by from various sources.

1. Weight Gain

The first condition of the body due to excess protein is weight gain. As we know, controlling body weight is important to prevent various health problems, including obesity. However, there are several factors that can cause weight gain, such as lack of physical activity or inappropriate food intake.

However, it should be noted that excess protein also contributes to weight gain. According to, excess protein can trigger weight gain because the accumulated protein will be stored as fat, especially if you consume too much protein and calories.

2. Triggering Constipation

The condition of the body due to excess protein can also trigger constipation. Constipation is a condition that occurs when the digestive system has problems, characterized by difficulty in bowel movements. Although the causes of constipation can occur due to various factors, excess protein may be one of the causes.

Because a study reported a link between constipation and excess protein. Especially when you do not consume enough carbohydrates that contain a lot of fiber. To prevent it, you can consume foods with high fiber content.

3. Experiencing Diarrhea

Excess protein can also cause the body to experience diarrhea. As it is known, protein can be found in some commonly consumed foods. For example, dairy products or other processed foods.

Diarrhea can occur when you may have an intolerance to lactose or certain foods with high protein content. As a result, diarrhea can be a consequence of excess protein. Consultation and examination can be considered to overcome these health problems.

4. Dehydration

Excess protein can also cause dehydration in the body. Dehydration can leave you without enough fluids. As a result, several effects can occur, such as chapped lips or dry skin. Dehydration can be triggered by various factors, including excess protein.

According to, there are two studies with different opinions regarding excess protein and dehydration issues, ranging from being affected to not being affected. Nevertheless, it is also important for you to ensure an adequate intake of drinking water when consuming protein.

5. Calcium Loss

Calcium plays an important role in maintaining the health of organs in the body, including bones and teeth. However, you can also experience calcium loss if you consume excess protein. When this condition occurs, the body can feel its effects, especially on the bones. The bones become more vulnerable to damage due to calcium loss. For example, health problems related to this issue include the risk of brittle bones or osteoporosis.

6. Unpleasant Bad Breath

Excessive protein can also cause bad breath. Bad breath often lowers self-confidence when interacting with others. This happens because excessive protein and low carbohydrate intake can trigger the body to experience ketosis. Ketosis causes bad breath.

7. Kidney Problems

Excessive protein is also associated with the emergence of kidney problems. According to, this condition occurs because when the body has an excess of protein, it also has an accumulation of nitrogen found in amino acids. The excess nitrogen causes the kidneys to work hard to remove it. As a result, the risk of kidney problems may arise. Therefore, balancing the amount of protein intake correctly needs to be done to prevent health problems in the kidneys.

8. Beware of Cancer Risks

Cancer is a chronic disease that causes a lot of concern. However, it turns out that the impact of excessive protein can make someone more susceptible to the risk of cancer. As it is known, protein can be found in red meat. According to, excessive consumption of red meat is associated with the risk of cancer such as colorectal or prostate cancer. Regardless of whether this impact is true or not, consuming red meat in appropriate portions can be done to prevent certain health problems.

9. Heart Problems

The risk of heart disease can also be a consequence of excessive protein. For example, high protein sources can be found in foods such as red meat and processed fatty dairy products. If the consumption of these foods is excessive, it can indirectly trigger problems in the heart and an increase in cholesterol. This impact is known through several studies that show a connection between the consumption of red meat and dairy products with heart disease.

10. Symptoms of Excess Protein

There are several symptoms of excess protein that can be felt by the body. Among the symptoms of excess protein are as follows, which you can read through several reviews below.

- Feeling tired without apparent cause.

- Feeling uncomfortable in the stomach causing digestive disorders.

- Dehydration.

- Feeling nauseous.

- Uncontrolled mood changes such as easily getting angry.

- Headache.

- Experiencing diarrhea.

Those are the 9 body conditions caused by excess protein along with their symptoms. Consultation and examination can be done if experiencing health problems due to excess protein.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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