Tabligh is a Way to Convey Islamic Teachings, Understand Its Purpose and Principles
To better understand what tabligh is, here is an explanation that tabligh is a way of conveying or inviting goodness in Islam. - There are various types of blood cancer that are often worried about by many people. One of them is white blood cancer or known as leukemia. Unlike cancer in general, this disease mostly does not cause tumor lumps but attacks abnormal blood cells that can develop. The cause of white blood cancer can occur due to several factors, both genetic and lifestyle.
Blood cancer is a type of cancer that attacks blood cells that occur when the number of cells develops abnormally. In this case, white blood cancer or leukemia can occur when the cells in the bone marrow cannot develop properly. As a result, it can cause white blood cells to occur abnormally and cause cancer problems in the body.
Not only attacking the bone marrow cells, when these white blood cells develop abnormally, they can also attack other organs in the body. As a result, the body will be vulnerable to infections and can disrupt other body cells from functioning normally.
The cause of white blood cancer (leukemia) can occur due to several factors, both genetic factors, unhealthy lifestyle, or even exposure to free radicals. The cause of white blood cancer is important to be aware of, and you can find out more in the following review. Because this disease cannot be underestimated, because leukemia is a serious illness that requires proper medical treatment.
Genetic factors (credit:
The first cause of white blood cancer (leukemia) can occur due to genetic factors. As is known, many health disorders are caused by genetic factors, including blood cancer. In this case, white blood cancer or leukemia is more likely to occur if there is a family history of the disease.
Both parents, siblings, or blood relatives can be at risk of experiencing similar things. Meanwhile, according to, the risk of white blood cancer is more likely to occur between two to four times.
One of the causes of blood cancer is exposure to radiation (credit:
The cause of white blood cancer or leukemia can also occur due to exposure to radiation. This radiation exposure can be experienced as a result of certain medical treatments. Quoting from, a study revealed that radiation exposure can risk causing someone to experience cancer even in small amounts.
In addition, other studies have also found that the risk of leukemia is higher in people living in locations affected by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Further examination is needed if experiencing symptoms of blood cancer.
Causes of Blood Cancer (credit:
The cause of white blood cancer or leukemia can occur due to the effects of hazardous chemicals. As is known, several chemicals can cause various health disorders in the body due to their content. One of them can cause blood cancer, especially hazardous chemicals such as benzene or formaldehyde.
Quoting from, air can be the easiest medium for exposure to these chemicals. One of them is when they inhale air exposed to hazardous chemicals that are at risk of causing blood cancer.
The cause of blood cancer (leukemia) can also be experienced due to inflammation in the body. It is not just ordinary inflammation, but the body has chronic inflammation that causes disruptions in several organs. As reported by, chronic inflammation can damage DNA and trigger cancer.
Further examination is needed to determine the inflammation that occurs in the organs, including its location and cause. By doing so, it will be known whether the inflammation can cause white blood cell cancer or other types of cancer.
Smoking (credit:
The cause of blood cancer (leukemia) can be experienced by some people due to smoking activities. Cigarettes contain various compounds that can have a negative impact on health, including triggering the occurrence of cancer.
According to, a 2009 study showed that the risk of white blood cell cancer is more prone to occur due to exposure to substances from cigarettes. One of them is the carcinogenic substance in cigarettes that triggers health problems, including in the bloodstream.
The cause of white blood cell cancer (leukemia) can occur because the body experiences Fanconi anemia. This type of anemia is not just ordinary anemia but anemia that attacks the bone marrow and affects blood cells.
When experiencing Fanconi anemia, the bone marrow can produce damaged blood cells that can trigger the occurrence of cancer. Some symptoms of Fanconi anemia can be felt such as fatigue, low blood count, or decreased appetite.
Obesity (credit:
The cause of white blood cell cancer (leukemia) can also be experienced due to obesity. Obesity or excess body weight can cause various health problems such as cardiovascular, respiratory, including triggering blood cancer. Further examination is needed to address health problems that arise from obesity.
Cause of Blood Cancer (credit:
The cause of white blood cell cancer (leukemia) can be experienced by some people due to the effects of chemotherapy. As understood, chemotherapy is a series of healing processes used for certain diseases. However, chemotherapy often has an impact on the body's health, including triggering disorders in blood cells.
Quoting from, sourced from the Indonesian Journal of Cancer, it is stated that the bone marrow is a vulnerable part of the body that can experience side effects of chemotherapy. This condition can cause abnormal blood cell occurrences.
Giving breast milk to newborn babies is important for every breastfeeding mother. Breast milk can provide many benefits to the baby, including keeping the baby's body healthy. In this case, when the breast milk given is low, the baby is more susceptible to certain health disorders such as white blood cell cancer.
Quoting from, sourced from research, it is explained that there is a relationship between the duration of breastfeeding and the occurrence of leukemia. Where children who receive breast milk for less than 6 months are more susceptible to the risk of leukemia.
So those are the 9 causes of white blood cell cancer (leukemia) that need to be aware of. Consultation with a healthcare professional is necessary to prevent blood cancer as early as possible.
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