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Prayer for Heavy Rain and Strong Winds to Avoid Dangerous Situations, Complete with Its Meaning

Prayer for Heavy Rain and Strong Winds to Avoid Dangerous Situations, Complete with Its Meaning Illustration (credit: Freepik) - Prayers are indeed one of the requests made by humans to obtain something in life and the afterlife. There are many types of prayers for life, such as for protection, asking for sustenance, and seeking forgiveness. Although rain is one of the blessings bestowed by Allah SWT, there are several prayers to recite during heavy rain and strong winds to seek protection.

Especially at this time, the rainy season is currently affecting various regions in Indonesia. Many things happen when heavy rain falls accompanied by strong winds. And to protect oneself from potential dangers that may occur, there are many ways that can be done. One of them is by performing prayers.

Even in Islam itself, there are prayers for rain and protecting oneself from potential dangers. And you can recite these prayers to protect yourself during heavy rain and strong winds. Because Allah SWT always protects His servants who always seek protection with sincere hearts and because of Allah ta'ala.

This is the prayer for heavy rain and strong winds, along with its explanation that you KLovers can understand and also do. Reported from various sources, let's check it out KLovers.



1. Taking Off Clothes

Even when the rain starts pouring heavily, there is a tradition given by the Prophet Muhammad to uncover or take off clothes first. And this sunnah is narrated by Imam Muslim and Imam Abu Dawud. In the narration, it is said that,

"He said: When the Prophet saw the rain, he opened his clothes. (Another narration from Imam) Abu Dawud, (Anas) said: The Prophet uncovered his clothes until he was soaked by the rain."

"We asked: O Messenger of Allah, why do you do this? The Prophet answered: Because rain is a mercy from Allah." narrated by Imam Abu Bakr, Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 2002, p. 170).

If there is heavy rain that does not endanger the body, it is good for you to uncover your clothes. Based on this evidence, the opinion of the Shafi'i scholars (Shafi'i school) is that,

"indeed, it is recommended at the beginning of the rain to uncover (clothes) other than the 'awrah until it is touched by the rain." (Imam Yahya bin Sharaf al-Nawawi, Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 2017, vol. 3, p. 173).



2. Prayer When the Clouds Turn Dark

Before heavy rain falls, the sky will give signs in the form of darkening clouds. Even the heavier the rain that will occur, the darker the clouds that will cover the clear sky.

And when this happens, it is recommended for you to recite a prayer. When the clouds start to turn black, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) would leave all activities and work and immediately recite the following prayer:

"O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the evil of these clouds."

And it is narrated by Sayyidah Aisha (RA) who said that when the Prophet (SAW) saw black clouds in the sky, he would immediately leave his work, even if he was praying, and then make a prayer (HR. Imam Abu Dawud, Imam Ahmad, and Imam al-Baihaqi).



3. Encountering Strong Winds

In addition to seeing dark clouds gathering, there is also a prayer when a believer encounters strong winds. Strong winds are one of the things that need to be avoided because they are one of the natural disasters that can endanger humans. The stronger the wind, the more disastrous it will be.

Although wind is a gift from Allah SWT that we should be grateful for, it can also become a punishment for mankind. Therefore, you can seek protection and goodness from the strong wind by praying to Allah SWT.

From Sayyidina Abu Hurairah ra., he said: "I heard the Prophet SAW say: 'Wind is a part of Allah's gift, it can bring blessings and also punishment. If you see it, do not curse it, ask Allah for its goodness and seek refuge in Allah from its evil.'"



4. Prayer for Rain and Thunder

Rain not only comes with wind, but it also comes with thunder which is also dangerous for the body. In fact, there are some good prayers that you can do to deal with this. Narrated in the hadith of Imam Malik, Prophet Muhammad PBUH recited a prayer when rain is initiated or accompanied by thunder as follows:

"Glorified is Allah, with His praise the thunder and the angels also glorify Him out of fear of Him."

Just like the wind, thunder is also a mercy from Allah SWT and also the greatness of Allah SWT. However, thunder also becomes a punishment for humans on this earth. And for that, you can pray to Allah SWT to seek protection and goodness from the thunder that comes with rain.



5. Rain is a Blessing

From all the above, it is evident that rain is indeed a blessing and mercy from Allah SWT. And this is something we should be grateful for, even in some narrations, Allah SWT answers prayers when it rains. In a hadith narrated by Prophet Muhammad SAW, it is mentioned that there are three times when prayers are answered.

"Seek the answered prayer in three situations, namely when two armies meet, before the prayer is performed, and when it rains," from Ibnu Qudamah in Al Mughni.

Furthermore, another hadith mentions that prayers are accepted when it rains. The hadith states: "Two prayers that will not be rejected are the prayer during the call to prayer and the prayer when it rains," hadith from Sahl bin Sad.

Even in a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah, it is mentioned that the doors of the sky are opened when it rains. "Indeed, the doors of the sky are opened during the battle in the cause of Allah, when it rains, and during obligatory prayers, so increase supplications during those times,".

So it is not surprising that rain becomes a blessing, because it brings water for human life. Water is one of the essential things for human life in this world, and rain provides that essential element. Thus, making rain a blessing for humanity and something worth being grateful for.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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