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9 Portraits of Alan Cahya Adila, Special Needs Child Breaks Muri Record Drumming for 37 Hours Nonstop

9 Portraits of Alan Cahya Adila, Special Needs Child Breaks Muri Record Drumming for 37 Hours Nonstop


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9 Portraits of Alan Cahya Adila, Special Needs Child Breaks Muri Record Drumming for 37 Hours Nonstop

Alan Cahya Adila Putra achieved this accomplishment as an individual with special needs. On Sunday, May 19, 2024, the child of Adi Nugroho Sulisyawan and Laila Agustina managed to break the Museum of World Records-Indonesia (MURI) record for the Most Songs Played Nonstop on Drums by an Autistic Person.

What does Alan Cahya Adila Putra's portrait look like when breaking the record? Check it out here!



Alan surpassed the previous record by playing 37 songs. The previous record was 31 songs, six more songs. 


The achievement of a man born in Batam on October 7, 2002 certainly makes his parents proud. The achievement is inseparable from the guidance of Imaculata Umiyati, as the Head of Imaculata Autism Boarding School who has discovered Alan's talent in music. 


"Praise the Lord Jesus who has brought us together with Mother Ima, Mr. Candra the Drum Coach at Mother Ima's school, I didn't know since I was a child that my son has a talent for playing drums, with God's permission and I never dreamed that Alan would be in this position," said Laila, Alan's mother.

9 Portraits of Alan Cahya Adila, Special Needs Child Breaks Muri Record Drumming for 37 Hours Nonstop

Meanwhile, Deputy Director of MURI, Osmar Semesta Susilo is amazed by what Alan has done. Even though they don't mind if Alan takes a short break when he is tired from performing nonstop. 


"I have prepared words for a speech, but because of what Alan did, I am speechless. MURI actually gave Alan time to rest, but Alan proved that he is capable of going Nonstop without a break," said Osmar.

9 Portraits of Alan Cahya Adila, Special Needs Child Breaks Muri Record Drumming for 37 Hours Nonstop

Several important people also attended this event, such as Assistant Deputy for Special Condition Child Protection of the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection of the Republic of Indonesia, Ratna Oeni Chlifah, Imaculata Autism Boarding School Leader, Dr. Imaculata Umiyati.


Then there were also Artist Cornelia Agatha, Deputy Director of MURI, Osmar Semesta Susilo, Director of Polisi Selebriti, Zandre Badak and Audien from Wali Muris, as well as students from Imaculata Autism Boarding School.

9 Portraits of Alan Cahya Adila, Special Needs Child Breaks Muri Record Drumming for 37 Hours Nonstop

In the event, an award was also given by the Ministry of PPPA RI to Cornelia Agatha as the Ambassador of Indonesian Autism Children.