Kapanlagi.com - Friends are one of the valuable figures in someone's life. Friends are always there and loyal by our side to support whatever steps we take. However, friends are still ordinary humans who are not free from mistakes and flaws. So, there may be some behaviors from friends that disappoint us. Expressing disappointment to a friend, one of them can be through disappointed words for a friend.
Showing disappointment to a friend is not entirely a bad thing. On the contrary, from these disappointed words, our friends can learn lessons and become better individuals. With that, it is very possible for the friendship that has been established to improve again. However, maintaining or ending a friendship after being disappointed is certainly a personal choice.
What is certain is that writing disappointed words to a friend can make the feeling more relieved. Summarized from various sources, here are some meaningful disappointed words for a friend.
1. Meaningful Disappointed Words for Friends

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Disappointment is a deep feeling. Therefore, disappointed words are always written in a beautiful and meaningful language. Reading these disappointed words can not only make us feel relieved, but also open our eyes to understand the disappointment we are feeling. Here are meaningful disappointed words for friends.
1. "Some people are not loyal to you, they are loyal to their needs that depend on you. When their needs change, so does their loyalty."
2. "When your friend forgets your favors, that's when we know who is a good friend to be with."
3. "I don't need friends who change when I change and nod when I nod." I can do better."
4. "A good friend will never forget your kindness, but a true friend will never remember your wrongdoings."
5. "Don't expect people to cross the ocean for you if you won't even jump over a puddle for them."
6. "It's better to have an enemy who slaps you in the face than a friend who stabs you in the back."
7. "We meet people who forget about us."
8. "Maybe you haven't changed, it's just that your mask has finally fallen off."
9. "Fake friends are like scattered leaves in autumn."
10. "I may look calm. But in my mind, I've killed you three times."
11. "A deceitful friend is more feared than a wild animal."
12. "Stay honest, stay loyal, or stay away from me."
13. "The intention to inspire and show off is sometimes just a thin line."
14. "Only fools forget their old friends because of new ones."
2. Touching Disappointed Words for Friends

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Disappointment can bring sadness and even hatred in the heart. Therefore, words of disappointment for a friend should also be able to represent the deepest feelings in the heart. Only with that, these words can slowly make the feeling of disappointment disappear, so the heart feels more relieved. Here are some meaningful words of disappointment for a friend.
1. "One day you will go away, and I really hope you stay there."
2. "I'd rather be foolish than forget my best friend."
3. "All problems in this world will disappear if we talk to each other, not talk about each other."
4. "A good friend is hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget."
5. "Busyness is the distance that separates, but true friendship always finds a way to communicate."
6. "I decided to try to reach out to you as much as you tried to reach out to me. That's why we never talk again."
7. "Friendship is fragile like glass, once broken it can be repaired but not with cracks and fragments."
8. "Sorry if you feel worried and jealous. It must be hard to constantly compare yourself to me."
9. "You sound more pleasant when you keep your mouth shut."
10. "Thank you for the spare time you gave to look at my life."
11. "I didn't lose a friend. I just realized I never had one."
12. "It's easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend."
3. Sarcastic Disappointed Words for Friends

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Disappointment words are not only used to express deep sadness. More than that, this sentence can be a sarcastic message to a friend. Because, often in the form of sarcasm, a message will be more effective and easily accepted. Here are some disappointed words for friends in the form of sarcasm.
1. "There are seven billion people in this world. Why do you let one of them ruin your life?"
2. "I miss you. No, I take it back. I miss the old you, someone who always cares about me."
3. "Friends come and go. But I didn't expect you too."
4. "Turns out, when you treat others the same way they treat you, it will offend them."
5. "Just because I'm with you all the time, doesn't mean you can waste me."
6. "All coins have two sides, just like most people who have two faces."
7. "Better alone than with hypocritical friends."
8. "The world is not narrow. It's just that you don't play far enough."
9. "Oh, my mistake. Sorry for bothering you. I forgot that I only exist when you need something from me."
10. "I return your knife. I took it from my back. I'm sure you'll need it again soon."
11. "Take the example of a parking attendant, even though he has many cars, he's not arrogant. Because he knows they're just entrusted."
12. "Just keep talking about me behind my back, and see how God always blesses me in front of you."
13. "I'm curious how you comb your hair so that your horns are not visible."
14. "Jealousy is a disease. Hopefully you get well soon!"
15. "I'm not insulting you, I'm just describing you."
4. Disappointed Words for Friends from Famous Figures

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Famous people's words are often meaningful and contain wise messages. No wonder, famous people's words are often used as quotes. Not to mention the words of famous people about feeling disappointed with friends. Here are some disappointed words for friends from famous figures.
1. "In the end, what we remember is not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." (Martin Luther King Jr)
2. "The word 'friend' is a label that anyone can try. And you determine who is most worthy of using it." (Carlos Wallace)
3. "There is no use for a helper who always insults or a friend who always thinks badly." (Ali bin Abi Thalib)
4. "Wanting to be a friend is a quick job, but friendship is the ripening of a slow fruit." (Aristotle)
5. "A mirror is my best friend because it never laughs when I cry." (Charlie Chaplin)
6. "A good friend will help you find important things that you have lost. Your smile, your hope, and your courage." (Doe Zantamata)
7. "Pay attention to how someone talks about others in front of you. That's how they talk about you in front of others." (Chernoff)
8. "Friends look for you when others criticize you, friends embrace you when others hit you." (Fiersa Besari)
9. "Friendship is like a fragile glass. You can fix it when it breaks, but the cracks will always be there." (Waqar Ahmed)
5. Disappointed Words for Friends who Lie

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Being deceived by someone close to you certainly makes the heart disappointed. Especially if you have trusted them but they often lie, it will definitely trigger heartache. That's why there are several references to disappointed words for friends who like to lie like the reviews below.
1. "I just want to be disappointed and then leave so you don't have to bother lying anymore."
2. "And it's not easy to rebuild trust that has sunk because of being disappointed."
3. "Some old wounds don't fully heal. They can bleed again just because of casual words." (George R.R.Martin)
4. "Hopefully this is your last lie to me, I may forgive but I will not forget, let alone erase the disappointment."
5. "If we really are friends, you should know the things that make me unhappy, don't be like this!"
6. "I don't blame you for disappointing me, I blame myself for trusting you."
7. "No one believes a liar. Even if they tell the truth." (Sara Shepard)
8. "Lies that are told too often will eventually feel like the truth."
9. "Darling, your words are like refillable perfume, they smell so good but they're fake."
10. "People with empty minds talk the most."
11. "Never argue with someone who believes in their own lies."
12. "Humans are taught every day to give and receive." But unfortunately, humans always forget to learn to appreciate."
13. "It is easier to deceive someone than to convince them that they have been deceived." (Mark Twain)
14. "Have more than you show, speak less than you know."
6. Disappointed Words for Betraying Friends

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A number of disappointed words for traitor friends can help you vent all the emotions because of friends. It could be that he turns out to be two-faced, pretending to be good in front of you but saying otherwise behind your back. Just take a look at the references about disappointed words for traitor friends.
1. "The wise saying goes, it's better to have many enemies who are real, than to have one friend who we have trusted all this time turns out to be an enemy in disguise."
2. "Fake friends and 'shadows' only appear when the sun shines."
3. "If you only come to hurt, it's better if we don't be friends at all."
4. "Those who often steal someone else's partner secretly should receive a severe punishment. Charged with forcefully removing someone's soulmate."
5. "Your life is like a banana tree, has a heart but no soul."
6. "Before becoming a traitor, they were once called friends."
7. "We should not trust each other. That is the only way to protect ourselves from betrayal." (Tennessee Williams)
8. "Not trusting each other is the best way to avoid betrayal."
9. "Don't hope too much, you are only used as an escape when they are lonely."
10. "There is no use for a helper who always insults or a friend who always assumes the worst." (Ali bin Abi Thalib)
11. "Most people nowadays can only comment on someone's life but cannot comment on their own life."
12. "For those who think they are always right. You are not cool, you just look full of empty words that you cannot prove their truth."
13. "You can insult me if you want, but think about yourself. Are you better than me?"
14. "When I see you, I wonder, 'Which face will you see when you look in the mirror?'." (C. Joybell C.)
15. "Don't just come when you need, don't just smile when you need to. And don't wear a mask. This is someone's heart, not a toy."
16. "Life is not about who is the best. But who can do good and not pretend to be good."
17. "If I had never known you, maybe today I would never know what it feels like to be betrayed by a friend."
7. Disappointed Words for Friends who Forget Themselves

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As for disappointed words for friends, the following describes how they forget about you. When they find someone new, it turns out your friends forget and leave behind all the sad and difficult memories together. Let's take a look at the reviews of disappointed words for friends who forget themselves.
1. "It is very easy to find friends who can laugh together, but it turns out to be very difficult to find friends who can be a companion to share when we are sad and grieving."
2. "It's amazing how quickly someone can become a stranger."
3. "You will definitely hate me if I treat you the way you treat me."
4. "It's not hatred that makes me stay away from you, but disappointment."
5. "I will stay here to be sad for a while. So, you don't need to worry about me. Go and have fun."
6. "Because friends grow together, not disappear when one falls."
7. "It's funny when you know someone for so long and they change right in front of you." - Karina Barton
8. "Many of them befriend others only for their own benefit and to take advantage of each other."
9. "Come when you need, leave when you're happy. Life is not that cruel, my friend."
10. "Don't be too kind to people, because nowadays people don't know how to say thank you."
11. "Just because you are in a different place now and have found new friends, doesn't mean you can forget your old friends."
12. "I came when they needed encouragement. And they left when I needed encouragement. Life is not as funny as that."
13. "When your friends have forgotten your services. That's when we know who is a good friend for you."
14. "We meet people who forget about us."
15. "A good friend will never forget your kindness, but a best friend will never remember your mistakes."
Those are among the 96 meaningful and touching words of disappointment for a friend. So, is there anything that suits your current condition?
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.