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Achieving Golfer Laura Seca Transforms into an Influencer and Encourages Young People to Care for the Environment

Achieving Golfer Laura Seca Transforms into an Influencer and Encourages Young People to Care for the Environment Photo Credit: Personal Documentation - Initially known as a successful junior golfer, Laura Seca Widyamotjo slowly transformed into an influencer who often has a positive influence on the public. Considering that her social media account is now verified, Laura feels a responsibility to be a good example.

Achievements on the green field do not make the California-born girl, born on May 12, 2004, arrogant. Laura believes that young people should be the main actors who have an impact and bring about change, especially regarding the environment. Not just theory, Laura even directly shows various real actions through the Junior Golfers For A Cause Movement.

"This movement collects donations to be donated to organizations involved in conservation or environmental education. The unique way is by juggling golf balls for every thousand rupiahs received. This activity has been carried out from March 25 to April 30, 2021," said Laura.

1. Total Funds Collected

Until now, the collected donations have reached Rp 6.5 million. This means that Laura and her friends have bounced the golf ball 6,500 times. The donations will be handed over to Teens Go Green Indonesia, a youth community that conducts environmental education activities for teenagers.

"I chose this organization because they have a program to educate teenagers about the dangers of plastic waste in our waters. I want to continue this movement for a year and donate to several other environmentally based projects," explained Laura in a virtual interview with Showbiz, on Saturday (10/4/2021).

2. Laura's Hope

Laura hopes that this action will inspire other influencers to take real action. Small steps like this are believed to have a big impact on art, the environment, and other fields.

"Hopefully, teenagers or the community will support this movement. Equally important, hopefully the Covid-19 pandemic will end soon so that this movement can do more," concluded Laura.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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