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Realizing the Late Mother's Wishes, Roro Fitria Gives Aid to Orphans on the Occasion of Isra Mi'raj

Realizing the Late Mother's Wishes, Roro Fitria Gives Aid to Orphans on the Occasion of Isra Mi'raj Roro Fitria © Akrom Sukarya - Roro Fitria recently visited the Manba'ul Huda Islamic boarding school in West Jakarta to share blessings. Not only that, Roro, who is known to be in the process of taaruf with a man, also wants to get married afterwards.

Her intention coincided with Isra Mi'raj, on Thursday (11/3). Roro admitted that she deliberately chose that day so that all prayers and desires would be blessed and granted by the Creator.

1. Missing Mother Sharing

"Today Nyai held the Missing Mother Sharing event, which is one of the programs to express gratitude for the abundance of blessings. As much as Nyai can, it is dedicated specifically for the reward of the late mother, and today coincides with Isra Mi'raj, Nyai is very happy to be able to give a donation of a cow," said Roro Fitria.

2. Roro Fitria's Hope

"Yes, hopefully Allah answers all of Nyai's prayers and opens the door of blessings for Nyai and Nyai's extended family," she continued.

Roro Fitria also mentioned that the event she held is also in order to commemorate her beloved late mother who has passed away. The plan is to regularly conduct this sharing activity if there are no obstacles.

3. Extraordinary Figure

"Yes, that's right, she was an extraordinary figure for Nyai, that's why Nyai held the Missing Mother Sharing charity event in accordance with the single Missing Mother, so everything is dedicated as a form of love and longing from Nyai to her. Insha Allah, it will be done regularly," she concluded.

The Covid-19 pandemic should not be a barrier for anyone to share, including Roro Fitria. Nevertheless, always remember #IngatPesanIbu (Remember Mother's Message). Wash hands regularly, always wear a mask, and maintain social distance.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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