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Revealing the Taaruf Process with Prospective Husband, Roro Fitria: Video Call Ngaji Together

Revealing the Taaruf Process with Prospective Husband, Roro Fitria: Video Call Ngaji Together Roro Fitria © Akrom Sukarya - Roro Fitria is currently undergoing the taaruf process with a member of the Indonesian National Armed Forces. It seems that she is very serious about this relationship and definitely wants to get married after going through the taaruf process.

When met in West Jakarta recently, Roro explained how her taaruf process was going. Rarely meeting, Roro said that she and her prospective husband regularly communicate and have video calls after Maghrib for ngaji (Quran recitation) together.

1. Ngaji Together

"We always video call almost every day after maghrib, to study together. The communication relationship is much more beneficial," said Roro Fitria.

Not only that, if they meet, either she or her prospective husband never go alone. There is always an assistant and aide accompanying them so that their meeting does not ruin the blessings of taaruf.

2. Accompanied by Someone

"Never. Because in the taaruf process, it's not just allowed to be alone, so we have to be in a group, it's necessary to respect each other. Someone accompanies, yes," she said.

In addition, Roro also mentioned that her relationship with the man also received a good response from the family. Both of them have also received blessings if they will continue the relationship to the marriage stage.

3. Highly Respectful

"Respecting nyai, because everything in the basic of religion emphasizes on nyai who has migrated. So, from the groom's family side, they see nyai now. Blessing, God willing," he concluded.

The Covid-19 pandemic should not be a barrier for anyone to get married, including Roro Fitria. However, always remember #IngatPesanIbu (Remember Mother's Message). Wash your hands regularly, always wear a mask, and keep your distance.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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